# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl SharePoint-SOAPHandler.t'
# change 'tests => 1' to 'tests => last_test_to_print';
use Test::More tests=>45; #require and import instead of use, since what is imported changes as
#we decide whether we want to do live tests or not
#use Test::More tests => 1;
BEGIN { use_ok('SharePoint::SOAPHandler') };
# Insert your test code below, the Test::More module is use()ed here so read
# its man page ( perldoc Test::More ) for help writing this test script.
BEGIN { use_ok('CopyTree::VendorProof') };
BEGIN { use_ok('Term::ReadKey') };
my %config;
#default configuration
$config{sharepointdomain} ||='www.yoursharepointsite.org:443';
$config{domuser} ||='DOMAIN_CAPS\username';
$config{no_proxies} ||='y';
open my $config_fh, "<", "test.config" or die "Could not open test configuration!";
while(<$config_fh>) {
my ($key, $value) = split /\s+/, $_, 2;
$config{$key} = $value;
close $config_fh;
skip 'skipping online tests', 42 if (!$config{'live_tests'});
#if(!$config{live_tests}) {
# # import Test::More tests => 1;
# # ok(1);
# done_testing();
# exit;
#import Test::More 'no_plan';
my $cpobj = CopyTree::VendorProof->new;
isa_ok ($cpobj, "CopyTree::VendorProof", 'cpobj is a correct obj');
my $soaphandler_inst=SharePoint::SOAPHandler->new;
isa_ok ($soaphandler_inst, "SharePoint::SOAPHandler", 'connector_inst is a correct SharePoint::SOAPHandler obj');
# warn "\n";
# warn "========================================================================\n";
# warn "| We need to connect to your sharepoint site |\n";
# warn "| Would you rather enter the filename of a cred_file 'f' or |\n";
# warn "| Would you prefer to enter your creds here 'h' |\n";
# warn "| |\n";
# warn "=======================================================================|\n";
# chomp(my $file_cred =<STDIN>);
my ($u, $p, $creds_dom, $authroot, $no_https_proxy);
# if ($file_cred eq 'f'){
# my @creds;
# warn("in a plain text file, please enter, line by line, your:\n");
# warn ("DOMAIN_CAPS\\username\n");
# warn ("password\n");
# warn ("www.yoursharepointsite.org:443\n");
# warn ("'y' for deleting your \$ENV{'https_proxy'}");
# warn ("please enter the full path of this plain text file\n");
# chomp(my $fn = <STDIN>);
# open my $FH, "<", $fn or Carp::croak ("cannot open cred file $!");
# while (<$FH>){
# chomp;
# push @creds, $_;
# }
# ($u, $p, $creds_dom, $authroot, $no_https_proxy)=@creds[0..4];
# }
# else{
print STDERR "\n";
print STDERR "========================================================================\n";
print STDERR "| We need to connect to your sharepoint site |\n";
print STDERR "| Please enter your sharepoint username: |\n";
print STDERR "| Note: it must be in this format: DOMAIN_ALLCAPS\\username |\n";
print STDERR "| |\n";
print STDERR "=======================================================================|\n";
print STDERR "DOMAIN\\username [".$config{domuser}."]: ";
chomp($u = <STDIN>);
$config{domuser}=$u if $u;
print STDERR "\n";
print STDERR "========================================================================\n";
print STDERR "| Now please enter your password for sharepoint: |\n";
print STDERR "=======================================================================|\n";
print STDERR "password (will not echo on screen): ";
chomp ($p=<STDIN>);
print STDERR "\n";
print STDERR "========================================================================\n";
print STDERR "| enter your sp_creds_domain as such: |\n";
print STDERR "| (no 'http://' and no trailing '/' ) |\n";
print STDERR "| www.sharepointsite.org:443 |\n";
print STDERR "| |\n";
print STDERR "=======================================================================|\n";
print STDERR "sp_creds_domain [".$config{sharepointdomain}."]: ";
chomp ($creds_dom=<STDIN>);
$creds_dom =~ s/\/$//;#clears trailing slashes
$config{sharepointdomain}=$creds_dom if $creds_dom;
print STDERR "\n";
print STDERR "========================================================================\n";
print STDERR "| enter your sp_authorizedroot as such: |\n";
print STDERR "| Use plain spaces (don't escape with %20) and |\n";
print STDERR "| Please, NO trailing slashes. |\n";
print STDERR "=======================================================================|\n";
print STDERR "sp_authorizedroot [".$config{authroot}."]: ";
chomp ($authroot=<STDIN>);
$authroot =~ s/\/$//;#clears trailing slashes
$config{authroot}=$authroot if $authroot;
print STDERR "\n";
print STDERR "========================================================================\n";
print STDERR "| do you normally use a proxy server, but want to AVOID |\n";
print STDERR "| using it for your https sharepoint connection? (y/n) |\n";
print STDERR "| [that is, enter 'y' to avoid proxy, or 'n' to use it] |\n";
print STDERR "| your config could be: |\n";
print STDERR "| you don't know what a proxy is --> type 'n' |\n";
print STDERR "| your sharepoint is outside your proxy --> type 'n' |\n";
print STDERR "| your sharepoint is inside your proxy --> type 'y' |\n";
print STDERR "| |\n";
print STDERR "=======================================================================|\n";
print STDERR "no_https_proxy [".$config{no_proxies}. "]: ";
chomp ($no_https_proxy=<STDIN>);
$config{no_proxies}=$no_https_proxy if $no_https_proxy;
# } #end else
if ($config{no_proxies} eq 'y'){
delete $ENV{'https_proxy'};
delete $ENV{'http_proxy'};
print STDERR "\n";
#save config
open $config_fh, ">", "test.config";
for my $key (keys %config) {
# print "$key ".$config{$key} ."\n";
print $config_fh "$key ".$config{$key} ."\n";
print "*******************************\n";
isnt ($config{domuser}, '', 'has a sp username');
isnt ($p, '', 'has a sp password');
isnt ($config{sharepointdomain}, '', 'has a sp_creds_domain');
isnt ($config{authroot}, '', 'has a sp_authrized_root');
$soaphandler_inst->sp_creds_domain ($config{sharepointdomain});
$soaphandler_inst ->sp_creds_user($config{domuser});
$soaphandler_inst ->sp_creds_password($p);
$soaphandler_inst ->sp_authorizedroot($config{authroot});
my $content = "somecontent\n";
# use Data::Dumper;
# open my $FH, ">", "diag_withmod";
#print $FH Dumper( $soaphandler_inst->sp_connect_lwp);
$soaphandler_inst -> cust_mkdir ('Shared Documents/script_qc')or clunk();
my $path='Shared Documents/script_qc/somepath';
$soaphandler_inst -> write_from_memory(\$content, $path);
my $readmemscalarref=$soaphandler_inst -> read_into_memory($path);
is ($$readmemscalarref, "somecontent\n","test read content to be same as written");
my $newpath='Shared Documents/script_qc/somepath2';
$soaphandler_inst -> copy_local_files( $path, $newpath);
#new content should overwrite
my $newcontent="newcontent\n";
$soaphandler_inst -> write_from_memory(\$newcontent, $newpath);
$readmemscalarref=$soaphandler_inst -> read_into_memory($newpath);
is ($$readmemscalarref, "newcontent\n","test read, new content overwrite old content");
$soaphandler_inst -> copy_local_files( $path, $newpath);
$readmemscalarref=$soaphandler_inst -> read_into_memory($newpath);
is ($$readmemscalarref, "somecontent\n","copy_local_files will overwrite content (newcontent back to somecontent)");
my $newdirpath ='Shared Documents/script_qc/targetdir';
$soaphandler_inst -> cust_mkdir ($newdirpath)or clunk();
$soaphandler_inst -> write_from_memory(\$newcontent, 'Shared Document/script_qc/targetdir');
my @emptyarr = $soaphandler_inst -> fdls('',$newdirpath);
is (scalar (@emptyarr), "0","write_from_memory should fail on dir target");
@emptyarr = $soaphandler_inst -> fdls('',$newdirpath);
$soaphandler_inst -> copy_local_files( $path, $newdirpath);
is (scalar (@emptyarr), "0","copy_local_files should fail on dir target");
isa_ok (ref $cpobj ->src ($path,$soaphandler_inst), 'CopyTree::VendorProof', 'src returns self');
is (ref $cpobj ->{'source'}{$path}, 'SharePoint::SOAPHandler', 'src stores connector_inst with path as key');
my @testpath= keys %{$cpobj ->{'source'}};
is ($testpath[0], $path, 'src stores actual path key');
#dst is getter and setter, does not return self
$path ='Shared Documents/script_qc/someotherpath';
$cpobj ->dst ($path,$soaphandler_inst); #setter
is (ref $cpobj ->{'destination'}{$path}, 'SharePoint::SOAPHandler', 'dst stores path and connector_inst');
my ($returnpath, $returninst) = $cpobj ->dst ();
is ($returnpath, $path,'first part of dst() returns path');
is (ref $returninst,'SharePoint::SOAPHandler' ,'second part of dst() returns connector_inst');
my $newcpobj = CopyTree::VendorProof->new;
eval {$newcpobj ->cp;};
like ($@, qr"^dest file is not defined\.", 'no dst object/file');
$newcpobj = CopyTree::VendorProof->new;
$newcpobj -> dst ('', $soaphandler_inst);
eval {$newcpobj ->cp;};
like ($@, qr"^dest file is not defined\.", 'dst obj, no fd_ls meth, no path. no path fails first');
$newcpobj = CopyTree::VendorProof->new;
$newcpobj -> dst ('Shared Documents/script_qc/someotherpath', $soaphandler_inst);
eval {$newcpobj ->cp;};
like ($@, qr/you don't have a source/, 'copy local to local, somepath to someotherpath, no src declair');
$newcpobj ->src ('Shared Documents/script_qc/somepath', 'nobj');
eval {$newcpobj ->cp;};
like ($@, qr/Can't locate object method "is_fd"/, 'copy local to local, somepath to someotherpath, src inst no methods');
$newcpobj = CopyTree::VendorProof->new;
$newcpobj -> dst ('Shared Documents/script_qc/someotherpath', $soaphandler_inst);
$newcpobj ->src ('Shared Documents/script_qc/somepath', $soaphandler_inst);
eval {$newcpobj ->cp;};
is ($@, '', 'copy local to local, somepath to someotherpath');
is ($soaphandler_inst -> is_fd ('Shared Documents/script_qc/somepath') , 'f', 'file test f on src');
is ($soaphandler_inst -> is_fd ('Shared Documents/script_qc/someotherpath') , 'f', 'file test f on src');
#use base qw/CopyTree::VendorProof/;
my @files;
@files = $soaphandler_inst ->fdls ('f', '.');
isnt ($files[0], '', 'fdls f, . shoudld get somepath and someotherpath');
$soaphandler_inst->cust_mkdir("Shared Documents/script_qc/testdir");
my @dirs = $soaphandler_inst ->fdls ('d', 'Shared Documents/script_qc/testdir/../');
isnt ($dirs[0], '', 'fdls f, ../ use of .. and ending slash auto removed');
is ($soaphandler_inst -> is_fd ("Shared Documents/script_qc/testdir"), 'd', "is_fd returns 'd' on dir");
$newcpobj ->reset;
$newcpobj ->src ('Shared Documents/script_qc/someotherpath', $soaphandler_inst);
$newcpobj ->dst ('Shared Documents/script_qc/testdir', $soaphandler_inst);
$newcpobj ->cp;
is ($soaphandler_inst->is_fd('Shared Documents/script_qc/testdir/someotherpath'), 'f','cp file to dir');
$newcpobj ->reset;
$newcpobj ->src ('Shared Documents/script_qc/someotherpath', $soaphandler_inst);
$newcpobj ->dst ('Shared Documents/script_qc/testdir/diffname', $soaphandler_inst);
$newcpobj ->cp;
is ($soaphandler_inst->is_fd('Shared Documents/script_qc/testdir/diffname'), 'f','cp file to different file name');
$newcpobj ->reset;
$newcpobj ->src ('Shared Documents/script_qc/testdir', $soaphandler_inst);
$newcpobj ->dst ('Shared Documents/script_qc/testdir2', $soaphandler_inst);
eval {$newcpobj ->cp;};
like ($@, qr/you cannot copy a dir \[Shared Documents\/script_qc\/testdir] into a non \/ non-existing dir \[Shared Documents\/script_qc\/testdir2]/,'cp dir to dir copy, check non existing dest dir copy shoudl fail' );
$soaphandler_inst ->cust_mkdir ('Shared Documents/script_qc/testdir2');
$newcpobj ->cp;
is ($soaphandler_inst->is_fd('Shared Documents/script_qc/testdir2/testdir'), 'd','cp dir to dir copy, check source dir inside dest');
is ($soaphandler_inst->is_fd('Shared Documents/script_qc/testdir2/testdir/diffname'), 'f','cp dir to dir copy, check source dir, file inside dest');
is ($soaphandler_inst->is_fd('Shared Documents/script_qc/testdir2/testdir/someotherpath'), 'f','cp dir to dir copy, check source dir, file inside dest');
is ($soaphandler_inst->is_fd('Shared Documents/script_qc/nonexist/bsfile'), 0,'cp dir to dir copy, check source dir, file inside dest');
$soaphandler_inst ->write_from_memory($soaphandler_inst->read_into_memory('Shared Documents/script_qc/testdir2/testdir/diffname'), 'Shared Documents/script_qc/testdir2/written');
$soaphandler_inst ->copy_local_files('Shared Documents/script_qc/testdir2/testdir/diffname', 'Shared Documents/script_qc/testdir2/written_local');
is ($soaphandler_inst->is_fd('Shared Documents/script_qc/testdir2/written'), 'f','write_from_memory, read_into_memory test');
is ($soaphandler_inst->is_fd('Shared Documents/script_qc/testdir2/written_local'), 'f','copy_local_files test');
my ($arrf, $arrd) = $soaphandler_inst ->fdls ('fdarrayrefs', '.');
is (ref $arrf, 'ARRAY', 'fdarrayrefs test');
is (ref $arrd, 'ARRAY', 'fdarrayrefs test');
eval{$soaphandler_inst -> cust_rmdir ('non-existingdir');};
like ($@,qr/wait\. you told me to delete something that's not a dir\. I'll stop for your protection/, 'removing an non existing dir dies');
$soaphandler_inst->cust_rmdir ("Shared Documents/script_qc/testdir");
$soaphandler_inst->cust_rmdir ("Shared Documents/script_qc/testdir2");
$soaphandler_inst->cust_rmfile ('Shared Documents/script_qc/somepath');
is ($soaphandler_inst -> is_fd('Shared Documents/script_qc/somepath'), 'pd', 'successful single file delete');
#kinda afraid to test these:
#eval {$soaphandler_inst->cust_rmdir ("/");};
#like ($@, qr'should not be rmdiring a root', 'do not rmdir / no matter what you say test');
#eval {$soaphandler_inst->cust_mkdir ("/");};
#like ($@, qr'should not be mkdiring a root', 'do not mkdir / no matter what you say test');
is ($soaphandler_inst -> is_fd ("Shared Documents/script_qc/testdir"), 'pd', "is_fd returns 'pd' on non-existing");
$soaphandler_inst->cust_rmdir ("Shared Documents/script_qc");
is ($soaphandler_inst -> is_fd ("Shared Documents/script_qc"), 'pd', "is_fd returns 'pd' on non-existing");