use 5.012;
use Carp qw/ croak /;
my $file_out = shift;
my $file_in = "$file_out.in";
open my $fhi, '<', $file_in
or croak("Failed to open file `$file_in` for reading: $!");
my $code = squash_strip($fhi);
close $fhi;
open my $fho, '>', $file_out
or croak("Failed to open file `$file_out` for writing: $!");
print $fho $code;
close $fho;
chmod 0755, $file_out;
sub squash_strip {
my $fh = shift;
my $stripped;
my $in_ignore_section = 0;
while (<$fhi>) {
if (/#.*:squash-remove-start:$/) {
$in_ignore_section = 1;
} elsif (/#.*:squash-remove-end:$/) {
$in_ignore_section = 0;
next if $in_ignore_section;
next if /#.*:squash-remove-line:$/;
$stripped .= $_;
return $stripped;