# Testing this Pod specification...
my $perldoc_data = <<'END_PERLDOC';
=config head1 :numbered
=config head2 :numbered
=config head3 :!numbered
=head1 The Problem
=head1 The Solution
=head2 Analysis
=head3 Overview
=head3 Details
=head2 Design
=head1 The Implementation
# Expect it to parse to this ADT...
my $expected_structure = eval <<'END_EXPECTED';
$VAR1 = bless( {
'warnings' => [],
'errors' => [],
'tree' => bless( {
'typename' => '(document)',
'content' => [
bless( {
'typename' => 'pod',
'content' => [
bless( {
'typename' => 'config',
'number' => '1',
'content' => [
'style' => 'directive',
'target' => 'head1'
}, 'Perl6::Perldoc::Directive::config' ),
bless( {
'typename' => 'config',
'number' => '2',
'content' => [
'style' => 'directive',
'target' => 'head2'
}, 'Perl6::Perldoc::Directive::config' ),
bless( {
'typename' => 'config',
'target' => 'head3',
'content' => [
'style' => 'directive'
}, 'Perl6::Perldoc::Directive::config' ),
bless( {
'typename' => 'head1',
'number' => '1',
'content' => [
'The Problem
'style' => 'abbreviated'
}, 'Perl6::Perldoc::Block::head1' ),
bless( {
'typename' => 'head1',
'number' => '2',
'content' => [
'The Solution
'style' => 'abbreviated'
}, 'Perl6::Perldoc::Block::head1' ),
bless( {
'typename' => 'head2',
'number' => '2.1',
'content' => [
'style' => 'abbreviated'
}, 'Perl6::Perldoc::Block::head2' ),
bless( {
'typename' => 'head3',
'content' => [
'style' => 'abbreviated'
}, 'Perl6::Perldoc::Block::head3' ),
bless( {
'typename' => 'head3',
'content' => [
'style' => 'abbreviated'
}, 'Perl6::Perldoc::Block::head3' ),
bless( {
'typename' => 'head2',
'number' => '2.2',
'content' => [
'style' => 'abbreviated'
}, 'Perl6::Perldoc::Block::head2' ),
bless( {
'typename' => 'head1',
'number' => '3',
'content' => [
'The Implementation
'style' => 'abbreviated'
}, 'Perl6::Perldoc::Block::head1' )
'style' => 'implicit'
}, 'Perl6::Perldoc::Block::pod' )
}, 'Perl6::Perldoc::Document' )
}, 'Perl6::Perldoc::Parser::ReturnVal' );
# Remove filenames from error messages (since two sources differ)...
for my $msg ( @{ $expected_structure->{warnings} },
@{ $expected_structure->{errors} }
) {
$msg =~ s{at \S+ line}{at line};
use Test::More 'no_plan';
# Open input filehandle on Pod daa and parse it...
open my $fh, '<', \$perldoc_data
or die "Could not open file on test data";
my $representation = Perl6::Perldoc::Parser->parse($fh ,{all_pod=>1});
# Walk resulting representation and expectation tree in parallel, comparing...
' ', # Indent
'return value', # Description
{%{$representation}}, # What we got
{%{$expected_structure}} # What we expected
use Scalar::Util qw< reftype blessed >;
# Only consider valid accessor methods...
my %is_valid_scalar_method;
my %is_valid_list_method;
@is_valid_scalar_method{ qw< typename style number target > } = ();
@is_valid_list_method{ qw< content rows cells > } = ();
# Walk two trees, comparing nodes as we go...
sub compare {
my ($indent, $desc, $rep, $expected) = @_;
# Verify data at current node is of correct class...
my ($rep_class, $expected_class)
= map {ref($_) || q{STRING}} $rep, $expected;
is $rep_class, $expected_class => "$indent$desc is $expected_class";
# Recurse down trees according to type of node expected...
$indent .= q{ };
my $expected_type = reftype($expected) || q{STRING};
# If current node an object -> match keys as method calls...
if (blessed $expected) {
for my $attr ( keys %{ $expected } ) {
# Expected subnode must be retrieved via known accessor...
my $is_scalar = exists $is_valid_scalar_method{$attr};
my $is_list = exists $is_valid_list_method{$attr};
if (!$is_scalar && !$is_list) {
fail "Internal error: unknown method $attr() "
. "expected for $rep_class node";
# Known accessor must be available...
elsif (! $rep->can($attr) ) {
fail "Can't call $attr() on $rep_class node";
# If accessor returns a list, recursively compare the lists...
elsif ($is_list) {
compare($indent,$attr, [$rep->$attr], $expected->{$attr});
# If accessor returns a scalar, string-compare the values...
else {
compare($indent,$attr, scalar($rep->$attr), $expected->{$attr});
# If current node a hash -> match keys as hash entries...
elsif ($expected_type eq 'HASH') {
for my $attr ( keys %{ $expected } ) {
compare($indent, $attr, $rep->{$attr}, $expected->{$attr});
# If current node an array -> match each element in sequence...
elsif ($expected_type eq 'ARRAY') {
for my $idx ( 0..$#{$expected} ) {
compare($indent,"[$idx]", $rep->[$idx], $expected->[$idx]);
# Otherwise current node is raw text -> simple string comparison...
else {
is $rep, $expected => "$indent$desc content was correct";