use 5.014;
plan $] >= 5.018 ? (skip_all => 'An apparent bug in Perl 5.18 makes this test always fail')
: (tests => 8);
my $run_sub = sub { say "loudly ok" };
my $expected_text = "loudly ok\n";
my $expected_message = '# Loudly';
my $expected_output = qr/${expected_message}[.]+${expected_text}${expected_message}[.]+done/;
my $expected_nooutput = qr/${expected_message}[.]+done/;
# Disable colour to simplify testing output...
run_with -nocolour;
# Should run normally, will see comments fore and aft...
effects_ok { run $expected_message => $run_sub; }
stdout => $expected_output,
# Now disable descriptions...
run_with -nooutput;
effects_ok { run $expected_message => $run_sub; }
stdout => $expected_nooutput,
# Should not be -nooutput back out in this scope...
effects_ok { run $expected_message => $run_sub; }
stdout => $expected_output,
# Flag for conditional silent...
my $opt_silent = 1;
# Set silent via conditional...
run_with -nooutput if $opt_silent;
# Will only work if silent set...
effects_ok { run $expected_message => $run_sub }
stdout => $expected_nooutput,
# Should not be -nooutput back out in this scope...
effects_ok { run $expected_message => sub { say "loudly ok" } }
stdout => $expected_output,
# Fail to set silent, via conditional...
run_with -nooutput if !$opt_silent;
# Will only work if silent not set...
effects_ok { run $expected_message => sub { say "loudly ok" } }
stdout => $expected_output,
# Explicit -nooutput overrides...
effects_ok { run -nooutput, $expected_message => sub { say "loudly ok" } }
stdout => $expected_nooutput,
# But explicit -nooutput not permanent...
effects_ok { run $expected_message => sub { say "loudly ok" } }
stdout => $expected_output,