#! /usr/bin/perl -wT
use strict;
use FileHandle();
use File::Spec();
use Fcntl();
my ($config_file);
Getopt::Long::GetOptions('file=s', \$config_file);
unless ($config_file) {
my ($volume, $directories, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($0);
if ($volume) {
$config_file = File::Spec->catfile($volume, $directories, 'dyndnsd.cnf');
} else {
$config_file = File::Spec->catfile($directories, 'dyndnsd.cnf');
sub new {
my ($class, $config_file) = @_;
my ($self) = {};
if ($config_file) {
if (-e $config_file) {
if (-r $config_file) {
$self->{config_file} = $config_file;
} else {
die("Insufficient privileges to read from '$config_file'\n");
} else {
die("Config file '$config_file' does not exist\n");
} else {
die("Must supply a config file parameter\n");
bless $self, $class;
return ($self);
sub options {
my ($self) = @_;
my ($options);
if (-e $self->{config_file}) {
if (-r _) {
my ($mtime) = (stat(_))[9]; # get last modified time
unless ((exists $self->{config}) && (defined $self->{config}) && (ref $self->{config}) && (ref $self->{config} eq 'HASH') &&
(exists $self->{config_mtime}) && ($self->{config_mtime}) && ($self->{config_mtime} == $mtime))
$self->{config_mtime} = $mtime;
my ($config) = new Config::General(
-ConfigFile => $self->{config_file},
-SplitPolicy => 'whitespace',
-LowerCaseNames => 1,
-AutoTrue => 1,
$options = { $config->getall() };
$self->{config} = $options;
unless ($options->{database}) {
$options->{database} = File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->tmpdir(), 'dyndnsd.db');
unless ($options->{user}) {
die("'User' option was not found in '" . $self->{config_file} . "'\n");
unless ($options->{password}) {
die("'Password' option was not found in '" . $self->{config_file} . "'\n");
unless ($options->{hosts}) {
die("'hosts' option was not found in '" . $self->{config_file} . "'\n");
if ((exists $self->{dyndns}) && ($self->{dyndns})) {
my ($dyndns) = $self->{dyndns};
$dyndns->update_allowed(1); # allow updates again after config file has been successfully altered / touched
} else {
$options = $self->{config};
} else {
die("Insufficient privileges to read from '" . $self->{config_file} . "'\n");
} else {
die("Config file '" . $self->{config_file} . "' does not exist\n");
return ($options);
sub allowed_check {
my ($self) = @_;
my ($now) = time;
if ((exists $self->{next_allowed_check}) && ($self->{next_allowed_check})) {
if ($self->{next_allowed_check} > $now) {
return 0;
if ((exists $self->{dyndns}) && ($self->{dyndns})) {
my ($dyndns) = $self->{dyndns};
unless ($dyndns->update_allowed()) {
return 0;
return 1;
sub check {
my ($self, $options) = @_;
my ($returned_ip_address);
my ($now) = time;
unless ($self->allowed_check()) {
return ($returned_ip_address);
unless ((exists $self->{next_allowed_check}) && ($self->{next_allowed_check})) {
$self->{next_allowed_check} = $now;
$self->{next_allowed_check} += (20 * 60); # run every 20 minutes
my ($old_ip_address);
my ($databaseHandle);
my ($server_options);
my ($databasePath) = $options->{database};
my ($username) = $options->{user};
my ($password) = $options->{password};
my ($hosts) = $options->{hosts};
my ($ip_address);
if (exists $options->{ipaddress}) {
$ip_address = $options->{ipaddress};
my ($params) = {};
if (exists $options->{wildcard}) {
$params->{wildcard} = $options->{wildcard};
if (exists $options->{mx}) {
$params->{mx} = $options->{mx};
if (exists $options->{backmx}) {
$params->{backmx} = $options->{backmx};
if (exists $options->{offline}) {
$params->{offline} = $options->{offline};
if (exists $options->{protocol}) {
$params->{protocol} = $options->{protocol};
if (exists $options->{server}) {
$server_options->{server} = $options->{server};
if (exists $options->{dns_server}) {
$server_options->{dns_server} = $options->{dns_server};
if (exists $options->{check_ip}) {
$server_options->{check_ip} = $options->{check_ip};
unless ((exists $self->{dyndns}) && ($self->{dyndns})) {
$self->{dyndns} = Net::DNS::DynDNS->new($username, $password, $server_options);
my ($dyndns) = $self->{dyndns};
my ($current_ip_address) = $dyndns->default_ip_address();
$self->{current_ip_address} = $current_ip_address;
if (-e $databasePath) {
unless (-f $databasePath) {
die("'$databasePath' is not a normal file\n");
$databaseHandle = new FileHandle("+< $databasePath");
unless ($databaseHandle) {
die("Failed to open '$databasePath' for reading and writing:$!\n");
unless (-f $databaseHandle) {
die("'$databasePath' is not a normal file\n");
unless (flock($databaseHandle, Fcntl::LOCK_SH())) {
die("Failed to lock '$databasePath':$!\n");
unless ($databaseHandle->seek(0,0)) {
die("Failed to seek to the start of '$databasePath':$!\n");
unless (defined $databaseHandle->read($old_ip_address, 20)) {
die("Failed to read from '$databasePath':$!\n");
} else {
# default umask for file
$databaseHandle = new FileHandle($databasePath, Fcntl::O_CREAT() |
Fcntl::O_WRONLY() |
Fcntl::O_TRUNC() |
unless ($databaseHandle) {
die("Failed to create '$databasePath':$!\n");
my ($updated) = 0;
if (($old_ip_address) && ($old_ip_address eq $current_ip_address)) {
utime($now, $now, $databasePath);
} else {
# host -> current ip address mapping is out of date
if ($dyndns->update_allowed()) {
if (flock($databaseHandle, Fcntl::LOCK_EX() | Fcntl::LOCK_NB())) {
if ($ip_address) {
$current_ip_address = $dyndns->update($hosts, $ip_address, $params);
} else {
$current_ip_address = $dyndns->update($hosts);
$self->{current_ip_address} = $current_ip_address;
$returned_ip_address = $current_ip_address;
$updated = 1;
unless ($databaseHandle->truncate(0)) {
die("Failed to truncate '$databasePath':$!\n");
unless ($databaseHandle->seek(0,0)) {
die("Failed to seek to the start of '$databasePath':$!\n");
unless ($databaseHandle->print("$current_ip_address\n")) {
die("Failed to seek to the start of '$databasePath':$!\n");
} else {
die("Failed to exclusively lock '$databasePath':$!\n");
unless ($databaseHandle->close()) {
die("Failed to close '$databasePath':$!\n");
return ($returned_ip_address);
sub openlog {
my ($self, $options) = @_;
if ((exists $options->{syslog}) && ($options->{syslog})) {
eval { require Sys::Syslog; };
if ($@) {
delete $options->{syslog};
} else {
my ($facility) = 'user';
if ((exists $options->{syslogfacility}) && ($options->{syslogfacility})) {
$facility = $options->{syslogfacility};
my ($sock) = 'unix';
if ((exists $options->{syslogsock}) && ($options->{syslogsock})) {
$sock = $options->{syslogsock};
Sys::Syslog::openlog('dyndnsd', 'pid,cons', $facility);
sub log {
my ($self, $message, $level, $options) = @_;
if ((exists $options->{syslog}) && ($options->{syslog})) {
Sys::Syslog::syslog($level, $message);
} else {
print STDERR "$message\n";
sub closelog {
my ($self, $options) = @_;
if ((exists $options->{syslog}) && ($options->{syslog})) {
eval {
my ($previousError);
if ($config_file) {
my ($agent) = new Net::DNS::DynDNS::Agent($config_file);
my ($continue) = 1;
my ($options) = $agent->options();
local $SIG{INT} = sub { $continue = 0; };
while ($continue) {
eval {
my ($new) = $agent->options();
$options = $new;
my ($updated_ip_address) = $agent->check($options);
if ($updated_ip_address) { # if dyndns.org was updated
$agent->log("Got a new ip address of '$updated_ip_address'", 'notice', $options);
if ($@) {
if (($previousError) && ($previousError eq $@)) {
$agent->log($@, 'info', $options);
} else {
$agent->log($@, 'err', $options);
$agent = undef;
$agent = new Net::DNS::DynDNS::Agent($config_file);
$previousError = $@;
} else {
$previousError = undef;
unless (($agent->allowed_check()) || (not $continue)) {
sleep 1;
unless ($continue) {
$agent->log('Caught an interrupt', 'info', $options);
if ($@) {
print STDERR $@;
exit 1;