### Trinket::Object
### Base class for indexed persistent objects.
### $Id: Object.pm,v 1.3 2001/02/19 20:01:53 deus_x Exp $
### TODO:
### -- Implement support for data types (char is only type for now)
### -- Use classes/modules to define datatypes
### -- Fix use of data type modules in the case of per-object
### properties. (Broken right now)
### -- Definable data types with different accessors,
### index key generators
### -- More detailed introspection on properties
### -- Use hashes in BEGIN block property definitions versus arrays?
### -- Use both for "backward" compatibility?
### -- Instead of per-instance accessor generation, generate them
### per-class in import()
### -- Hooks in _get and _set to cooperate with any on-demand property
### handling a Directory may implement
### -- Property visibility, read only flag.
### -- Data access levels, cooperate with ACLs
### -- Have get_* and set_* methods, implement index_* methods?
### -- Should something happen in DESTROY() ? (per warning)
use strict;
use Carp qw( croak cluck );
no warnings qw( uninitialized );
# {{{ Begin POD
=head1 NAME
Trinket::Object - Base class for persistent objects managed by
package TestObject;
our $VERSION = "0.0";
our @ISA = qw( Trinket::Object );
our $DESCRIPTION = 'Test object class';
### name => [ type, indexed, desc ]
mung => [ 'char', 1, 'Mung' ],
bar => [ 'char', 1, 'Bar' ],
baz => [ 'char', 0, 'Baz' ],
use Trinket::Object;
$obj = new TestObject({ mung => 'mung_value' });
$obj->add_property( name => 'char', 0, 'The xzzxy property' );
$val = $obj->get_name();
$val = $obj->get('name');
@vals = $obj->get('id','name');
$obj->add_property(foo=>'char',0,'Foo property');
Trinket::Object is the base class for all classes whose instances are
intended to be managed by Trinket::Directory.
This base class serves several purposes: A mechanism is specified by
which object data properties are described; accessor (get_*) and
mutator (set_*) methods are automatically generated; changes in
properties are tracked to facilitate object storage and indexing
The intent is to both serve as a convenient base class, as well as
provide means of interrogation to Trinket::Directory so that the
object can be managed transparently without any knowledge about the
directory in the object itself. This should allow the object to be
managed by any directory.
# }}}
$VERSION = "0.0";
@ISA = qw( Exporter );
$DESCRIPTION = 'Base object class';
### name => [ type, indexed, desc ]
id => [ 'char', 1, 'Object ID' ],
# name => [ 'char', 1, 'Name' ],
class => [ 'char', 1, 'Class' ],
# modified => [ 'char', 1, 'Last modified' ],
# created => [ 'char', 1, 'Created' ],
# author => [ 'char', 1, 'Author' ],
directory => [ 'ref', 0, 'Directory' ],
# }}}
=head1 EXPORTS
=over 4
=item * META_TYPES - List of datatypes supported by object properties
=item * META_PROP_TYPE - Property metadata spec index to the data type
of the property. See: add_property()
=item * META_PROP_INDEXED - Property metadata spec index to a 0/1 flag
indicating whether the property should be indexed. See: add_property()
=item * META_PROP_DESC - Property metadata spec index to the text
description of the property. See: add_property()
=item * DIRTY_OLD_VALUE - See:
# }}}
use constant META_PROP_TYPE => 0;
use constant META_PROP_TYPE_KEY => 'type';
use constant META_PROP_INDEXED => 1;
use constant META_PROP_INDEXED_KEY => 'indexed';
use constant META_PROP_DESC => 2;
use constant META_PROP_DESC_KEY => 'desc';
use constant META_PROP_MAP =>
use constant META_PROP_INSTALLED => 3;
use constant DIRTY_OLD_VALUE => 0;
use constant DIRTY_NEW_VALUE => 1;
use constant OBJ_META_PROPS => 0;
use constant OBJ_PROPS => 1;
use constant PROP_VALUE => 0;
use constant PROP_DIRTY => 1;
use constant PROP_CLEAN_VALUE => 2;
# }}}
use Trinket::DataType::default;
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
# }}}
# {{{ new(): Object constructor
=item $obj = new Trinket::Object({prop1=>'val1'});
Object constructor, accepts a hashref of named properties with which to
initialize the object. In initialization, the object's set methods
are called for each of initializing properties passed. '
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $self = [];
$self->[OBJ_META_PROPS] = {};
$self->[OBJ_PROPS] = {};
bless($self, $class);
return $self;
# }}}
# {{{ init(): Object initializer
=item $obj->init({prop=>$value, prop2=>$value2, ...});
=item $obj->init(prop=>$value, prop2=>$value2, ...);
Object initializer, called by new() with the initializing parameters
sent to it. In the base class, this initializer iterates through each
of the properties supplied and calls the appropriate mutator to set
the value.
This method never needs to be called directly, but it can
be overridden in subclasses.
sub init {
no strict 'refs';
my ($self) = shift;
my %props;
if (ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') {
### If a hashref is passed, convert to a straight hash.
my $ref = shift;
%props = %$ref;
} else {
### Otherwise, assume that this is a list to be used as hash.
%props = @_;
my $mutator;
foreach (keys %props) {
$mutator = "set_$_";
$self->$mutator($props{$_}) if (defined $props{$_});
$self->set_class( ref($self) );
# }}}
# {{{ AUTOLOAD: Generate get_/set_ mutators to object properties.
The C<AUTOLOAD> method of this class automatically generates mutator and
accessor methods on demand if they do not already exist. These
methods each take the form of get_foo() and set_foo($value) where foo
is the name of an object property. If a method matching this pattern
already exists, C<AUTOLOAD> will not be called, and will not overwrite
no strict 'refs';
my $self = shift;
### Was it a get_... method?
if ($AUTOLOAD =~ /.*::get_([\w_]+)/) {
my $attr_name = $1;
### Attempt to retrieve the metadata for this property
my $prop_meta = $self->_get_prop_meta($attr_name);
croak ("No such property '$attr_name' to get for $self")
if (!defined $prop_meta);
my ($prop_type, $prop_type_params) =
split(/:/, $prop_meta->[META_PROP_TYPE]);
my $pkg = "Trinket::DataType::$prop_type";
eval "require $pkg";
$pkg = 'Trinket::DataType::default' if ($@);
($pkg)->install_methods($self, $attr_name);
return ($pkg)->get($self, $attr_name, @_);
### Was it a set_... method?
if ($AUTOLOAD =~ /.*::set_([\w_]+)/) {
my $attr_name = $1;
### Attempt to retrieve the metadata for this property
my $prop_meta = $self->_get_prop_meta($attr_name);
croak ("No such property '$attr_name' to set for $self")
if (!defined $prop_meta);
my ($prop_type, $prop_type_params) =
split(/:/, $prop_meta->[META_PROP_TYPE]);
my $pkg = "Trinket::DataType::$prop_type";
eval "require $pkg";
$pkg = 'Trinket::DataType::default' if ($@);
($pkg)->install_methods($self, $attr_name);
return ($pkg)->set($self, $attr_name, @_);
croak("no such method: $AUTOLOAD");
# }}}
# {{{ import()
=item import
The C<import> method of this base class facilitates the inheritance of
class metadata. When a subclass is created, the list of properties
and other class definition data will be merged into the subclass' own
metadata. '
sub import {
no strict; ### Wooo, scary scary.
my ($self) = shift;
my $pkg = (caller())[0];
### Alias the metadata for the class subclassing Toybox::Component
*PKG_PROPS = *{"$pkg\::PROPERTIES"};
### Prepare some scratch variables for the inheritance
my %props = ();
### Iterate through each of the class' superclasses
foreach my $anc_pkg (_derive_ancestry($pkg)) {
### Skip metadata inheritance if this is not a subclass
next if (! UNIVERSAL::isa($anc_pkg, __PACKAGE__));
### Alias the superclass' metadata
*ANC_PROPS = *{"$anc_pkg\::PROPERTIES"};
### Inherit the metadata from this superclass
$props{$_} = $ANC_PROPS{$_} foreach (keys %ANC_PROPS);
### Finalize the inheritance. For the hash metadata, inherit those
### values which are not already present in the class.
foreach(keys %props)
{ $PKG_PROPS{$_} = $props{$_} if (! defined $PKG_PROPS{$_}); }
# foreach my $name (keys %PKG_PROPS) {
# next;
# }
# warn("IMPORT INSTALLING $name");
# my $prop_meta = $PKG_PROPS{$name};
# if (!defined $prop_name) {
# die ("WHAT? $prop_name $pkg");
# }
# my ($prop_type, $prop_type_params) =
# split(/:/, $prop_meta->[META_PROP_TYPE]);
# my $data_pkg = "Trinket::DataType::$prop_type";
# eval "require $data_pkg";
# $data_pkg = 'Trinket::DataType::default' if ($@);
# ($data_pkg)->install_methods($pkg, $name);
# }
### Finally, call on Exporter's original import
__PACKAGE__->export_to_level(1, \@_);
# }}}
# {{{ set(): Object property mutator
=item $obj->set(name=>'value');
In addition to auto-generated property mutators, set() is a generic
mutator which can be used to set properties by name, and to set more
than one in a single method call.
Note that this method accesses object property data directly, and does
not call any overridden mutators in a subclass. Because of this, this
method should only be used in overriding mutators and possibly object
directory data access backends.
sub set {
my ($self, $name, $val) = @_;
### Attempt to retrieve the metadata for this property
my $prop_meta = $self->_get_prop_meta($name);
if (!defined $prop_meta) {
die "No such property '$name' to set for $self";
} else {
my ($prop_type, $prop_type_params) =
split(/:/, $prop_meta->[META_PROP_TYPE]);
my $pkg = "Trinket::DataType::$prop_type";
eval "require $pkg";
if ($@) {
$pkg = 'Trinket::DataType::default';
return ($pkg)->set(@_);
# }}}
# {{{ get(): Object property accessor
=item $val = $obj->get('name');
In addition to auto-generated property accessors, get() is a generic
mutator which can be used to get properties by name, and to get more
than one in a single method call.
Note that this method accesses object property data directly, and does
not call any overridden accessors in a subclass. Because of this,
this method should only be used in overriding accessors and possibly
object directory data access backends.
sub get {
my ($self, $name) = @_;
### Attempt to retrieve the metadata for this property
my $prop_meta = $self->_get_prop_meta($name);
if (!defined $prop_meta) {
die "No such property '$name' to get for $self";
} else {
my ($prop_type, $prop_type_params) =
split(/:/, $prop_meta->[META_PROP_TYPE]);
my $pkg = "Trinket::DataType::$prop_type";
eval "require $pkg";
if ($@) {
$pkg = 'Trinket::DataType::default';
return ($pkg)->get(@_);
# }}}
# {{{ has_property(): Test for property availability
=item $obj->has_property('name')
Tests whether an object has a given property.
sub has_property {
my ($self, $name) = @_;
### Attempt to retrieve the metadata for this property
my $prop_meta = $self->_get_prop_meta($name);
if (!defined $prop_meta) {
return undef;
} else {
return 1;
# }}}
# {{{ type_property(): Get a property's type
=item $obj->type_property('name')
Query the data type for a given property
sub type_property {
my ($self, $name) = @_;
### Attempt to retrieve the metadata for this property
my $prop_meta = $self->_get_prop_meta($name);
if (!defined $prop_meta) {
return undef;
} else {
my ($prop_type, $prop_type_params);
if ($prop_meta->[META_PROP_TYPE] =~ /([^:]+):(.*)/) {
$prop_type = $1;
$prop_type_params = $2;
} else {
$prop_type = $prop_meta->[META_PROP_TYPE];
$prop_type_params = undef;
return $prop_type, $prop_type_params;
# }}}
# {{{ describe_property(): Get a property's type
=item $obj->describe_property('name')
Query the data type for a given property
sub describe_property {
my ($self, $name) = @_;
### Attempt to retrieve the metadata for this property
my $prop_meta = $self->_get_prop_meta($name);
if (!defined $prop_meta) {
return undef;
} else {
return $prop_meta->[META_PROP_DESC];
# }}}
# {{{ add_property(): Add a property to the object
=item $obj->add_property(name=>'type',0,'Description');
Add a property to the object. The new property will be available to
get and set methods, and will be handled by the object directory.
The metadata supplied are the property name, whether the property
should be indexed (0/1), and a description of the property.
sub add_property
my ($self, $name, $type, $indexed, $desc) = @_;
my $prop_spec = [];
$prop_spec->[META_PROP_TYPE] = $type;
$prop_spec->[META_PROP_INDEXED] = $indexed;
$prop_spec->[META_PROP_DESC] = $desc;
my ($prop_type, $prop_type_params) = split(/:/, $type);
my $pkg = "Trinket::DataType::$prop_type";
eval "require $pkg";
$pkg = 'Trinket::DataType::default' if ($@);
($pkg)->install_methods($self, $name);
return $self->_set_prop_meta($name => $prop_spec);
# }}}
# {{{ remove_property(): Delete a property from the object
=item $obj->remove_property('prop_name');
Remove a named property from the object. After deletion, it will no
longer be recognized as a property to set or get, and will not be used
by the object directory in any operations.
sub remove_property
my ($self, $name, $meta) = @_;
### Delete the property data from the object
delete $self->[OBJ_PROPS]->{$name};
my $prop_meta = $self->_get_prop_meta($name);
my ($prop_type, $prop_type_params) =
split(/:/, $prop_meta->[META_PROP_TYPE]);
my $pkg = "Trinket::DataType::$prop_type";
eval "require $pkg";
$pkg = 'Trinket::DataType::default' if ($@);
($pkg)->uninstall_methods($self, $name);
### Delete the property metadata from the object
return $self->_set_prop_meta($name => undef);
# }}}
# {{{ list_properties(): List property names in the object.
=item $obj->list_properties();
Return a list of properties in the object.
sub list_properties
my ($self) = @_;
my @props = ();
no strict 'refs';
my $pkg = ref($self);
foreach (keys %{"$pkg\::PROPERTIES"})
{ push @props, $_; }
foreach (keys %{$self->[OBJ_META_PROPS]})
{ push @props, $_; }
return @props;
# }}}
# {{{ list_indices(): List property names in the object.
=item $obj->list_indices();
Return a list of indexed properties in the object.
sub list_indices
my ($self) = @_;
my @indices = ();
my $props = $self->[OBJ_PROPS];
my ($name, $prop, $prop_meta);
while (($name, $prop) = each %{$props})
$prop_meta = $self->_get_prop_meta($name);
push @indices if ($prop_meta->[META_PROP_INDEXED]);
return @indices;
# }}}
# {{{ _find_dirty(): Find dirty indexed properties, return old/new values
sub _find_dirty
my $self = shift;
my (%dirty_props, $name, $prop, $prop_meta);
my $props = $self->[OBJ_PROPS];
while (($name, $prop) = each %{$props})
$prop_meta = $self->_get_prop_meta($name);
if ($prop->[PROP_DIRTY])
$dirty_props{$name} = [ $prop->[PROP_CLEAN_VALUE],
$prop->[PROP_VALUE] ];
return \%dirty_props;
# }}}
# {{{ _find_dirty_indices(): Find dirty indexed properties, return old/new values
sub _find_dirty_indices {
my $self = shift;
my (%dirty_props, $name, $prop, $prop_meta);
my $props = $self->[OBJ_PROPS];
while (($name, $prop) = each %{$props}) {
$prop_meta = $self->_get_prop_meta($name);
if ($prop_meta->[META_PROP_INDEXED]) {
if ($prop->[PROP_DIRTY]) {
$dirty_props{$name} = [ $prop->[PROP_CLEAN_VALUE],
$prop->[PROP_VALUE] ];
return \%dirty_props;
# }}}
# {{{ _clean_all(): Mark all dirty properties as clean.
sub _clean_all
my $self = shift;
my (%dirty_props);
my $props = $self->[OBJ_PROPS];
while (my($name, $prop) = each %{$props})
{ $prop->[PROP_DIRTY] = 0; }
return \%dirty_props;
# }}}
# {{{ _dirty_all(): Mark all dirty properties as clean.
sub _dirty_all {
my $self = shift;
my (%dirty_props);
my $props = $self->[OBJ_PROPS];
while (my($name, $prop) = each %{$props}) {
$prop->[PROP_DIRTY] = 1;
return \%dirty_props;
# }}}
# {{{ _set_prop_meta(): Set the metadata for a named property
sub _set_prop_meta
my ($self, $name, $meta) = @_;
if (defined $meta)
{ return $self->[OBJ_META_PROPS]->{$name} = $meta; }
delete $self->[OBJ_META_PROPS]->{$name};
return undef;
# }}}
# {{{ _get_prop_meta(): Get the metadata for a named property
sub _get_prop_meta {
no strict 'refs';
my ($self, $name) = @_;
### Attempt to retrieve the metadata for this property
my $pkg = ref($self);
my $prop_meta;
$prop_meta = $self->[OBJ_META_PROPS]->{$name} ||
### Convert hash-style definition into array-style
### TODO: Need to cache this!
if (ref($prop_meta) eq "HASH") {
my $new_prop_meta = [];
my $prop_map = META_PROP_MAP;
foreach my $map_name ( keys %{$prop_map} ) {
$new_prop_meta->[$prop_map->{$map_name}] = $prop_meta->{$map_name};
$prop_meta = $new_prop_meta;
if (defined $self->[OBJ_META_PROPS]->{$name}) {
$self->[OBJ_META_PROPS]->{$name} = $prop_meta;
} elsif (defined ${"$pkg\::PROPERTIES"}{$name}) {
${"$pkg\::PROPERTIES"}{$name} = $prop_meta;
return $prop_meta;
# }}}
# {{{ _derive_ancestry(): Derive the class ancestry for an object or class
sub _derive_ancestry
my $obj = shift;
my $anc = shift || {};
my $class = (ref($obj)) ? ref($obj) : $obj;
my @isa = eval('@'.$class.'::ISA');
### Iterate through each class in the ancestry and mark it,
### then derive ancestry for each class in the ancestry
foreach (@isa)
{ _derive_ancestry($_, $anc); }
### Return the list of ancestors for this class.
return keys %$anc;
# }}}
## no-op to pacify warnings
# }}}
# {{{ End POD
=head1 AUTHOR
Maintained by Leslie Michael Orchard <F<deus_x@pobox.com>>
Copyright (c) 2000, Leslie Michael Orchard. All Rights Reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
# }}}