#!/usr/bin/perl -w
### 00________object.t
### Basic tests of Trinket::Object
### $Id: 00________object.t,v 1.2 2001/02/19 20:03:26 deus_x Exp $
### TODO:
### -- Add tests for data types
no warnings qw( uninitialized );
use strict;
use Test;
plan tests => 21;
unless(grep /blib/, @INC)
chdir 't' if -d 't';
unshift @INC, '../lib' if -d '../lib';
unshift @INC, './lib' if -d './lib';
use Carp qw( croak cluck );
my ($obj);
### Creation
ok $obj = new Trinket::Object();
### Initialization
ok $obj = new Trinket::Object
id => '1',
### Setting a non-existent property
eval ' $obj->set_foo("test"); ';
ok $@ =~ /No such property 'foo' to set/;
### Getting a non-existent property
eval ' $obj->get_foo("test"); ';
ok $@ =~ /No such property 'foo' to get/;
### Adding a property
ok $obj->add_property
( foo => 'char', 0, 'The foo property' );
### Setting a new property
ok $obj->set_foo("test");
### Getting a new property
ok $obj->get_foo() eq 'test';
### Creating a subclass
ok $obj = new TestObject();
### Testing inherited class metadata
ok defined $TestObject::PROPERTIES{id};
### Testing an accessor override, and imported constants.
ok $obj->get_baz() eq META_PROP_INDEXED;
### Create a new object and check the dirty fields
$obj = new TestObject();
my ($dirty, $wrong, $name, $vals);
### Assert that the only dirty field on object creation should be 'class'
$dirty = $obj->_find_dirty();
$wrong = 0;
while (($name, $vals) = each %{$dirty})
{ $wrong++ if ($name ne 'class'); }
ok $wrong == 0;
### Also, assert that the dirty field old value should be null and
### that the new is 'TestObject'.
ok ($dirty->{class}->[0] eq '') &&
($dirty->{class}->[1] eq 'TestObject');
### Clean all dirty flags. Any remaining dirty properties are wrong.
$dirty = $obj->_find_dirty();
$wrong = 0;
while (($name, $vals) = each %{$dirty})
{ $wrong++; }
ok $wrong == 0;
### Add two properties: one indexed, one not.
$obj->add_property( foo => 'char', 1, 'The foo property' );
$obj->add_property( xzzxy => 'char', 0, 'The xzzxy property' );
### Neither new property should be dirty
$dirty = $obj->_find_dirty();
ok (!defined $dirty->{foo}) && (!defined $dirty->{xzzxy});
### Property 'xzzxy' should be *not* a dirty index after setting.
$obj->set_xzzxy("Nothing happens.");
$dirty = $obj->_find_dirty_indices();
ok !defined $dirty->{xzzxy};
### However, the property *should* be dirty in general.
$dirty = $obj->_find_dirty();
ok defined $dirty->{xzzxy};
### Property 'foo' should be a dirty index after setting.
$dirty = $obj->_find_dirty_indices();
ok defined $dirty->{foo};
### 'foo' should also be dirty in general.
$dirty = $obj->_find_dirty();
ok defined $dirty->{foo};
### Clear the dirty flags, set the 'foo' property again, check whether
### the previous value was saved when the property is set as dirty.
$obj->set_foo("A m00se once bit my sister.");
$dirty = $obj->_find_dirty();
ok ($dirty->{foo}->[DIRTY_OLD_VALUE] eq 'borkborkbork') &&
($dirty->{foo}->[DIRTY_NEW_VALUE] eq 'A m00se once bit my sister.');
eval ' $obj->set_foo("test"); ';
ok $@ =~ /No such property 'foo' to set/;
eval ' $obj->set_xzzxy("test"); ';
ok $@ =~ /No such property 'xzzxy' to set/;
# {{{ TestObject class
package TestObject;
our $VERSION = "0.0";
our @ISA = qw( Trinket::Object );
our $DESCRIPTION = 'Test object class';
### name => [ type, indexed, desc ]
mung => [ 'char', 1, 'Mung' ],
bar => [ 'char', 1, 'Bar' ],
baz => [ 'char', 1, 'Baz' ],
sub get_baz
my $self = shift;
# }}}