use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.999_001';
use Test::More qw(no_plan); ## no critic (Bangs::ProhibitNoPlan)
Readonly my $LOCALTIME_YEAR_OFFSET => 1900;
my $this_year =
my $copyrights_found = 0;
find({wanted => \&check_file, no_chdir => 1}, 'lib');
foreach ( grep { m/^readme/ixms } read_dir(q<.>) ) {
} # end foreach
ok($copyrights_found != 0, 'found a copyright statement');
sub check_file {
# $_ is the path to a filename, relative to the root of the
# distribution
# Only test plain files
return if (! -f $_);
## no critic (ProhibitComplexRegexes)
# Filter the list of filenames
return if not
(?: README.* # docs
| .*/scripts/[^/]+ # programs
| .*/script/[^/]+ # programs
| .*/bin/[^/]+ # programs
| .*\.(?:
pl # program ext
| pm # module ext
| html # doc ext
| 3pm # doc ext
| [13] # doc ext
## use critic
my $content = read_file($_);
# Note: man pages will fail to match if the correct form of the
# copyright symbol is used because the man page translators don't
# handle UTF-8.
# For some reason, Vim writes a bad utf8 version of the copyright sign
# if I attempt to modify the line. So, disable the violation. *sigh*
## no critic (ProhibitEscapedMetacharacters)
my @copyright_years = $content =~ m<
(?: copyright(?:\s\(c\))? | \(c\) )
(?: \d{4} \\? [-,]\s*)*
if (0 < grep {$_ eq $this_year} @copyright_years) {
} elsif (0 == @copyright_years) {
pass("$_, no copyright found");
} else {
fail("$_ copyrights: @copyright_years");
} # end if
return $copyrights_found += @copyright_years;
} # end check_file()