# BioPerl module for FAST::Bio::DB::Taxonomy::entrez
# Please direct questions and support issues to <bioperl-l@bioperl.org>
# Cared for by Jason Stajich <jason-at-bioperl.org>
# Copyright Jason Stajich
# You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
# POD documentation - main docs before the code
=head1 NAME
FAST::Bio::DB::Taxonomy::entrez - Taxonomy Entrez driver
# Do not use this object directly, rather through the FAST::Bio::DB::Taxonomy
# interface
use FAST::Bio::DB::Taxonomy;
my $db = FAST::Bio::DB::Taxonomy->new(-source => 'entrez');
my $taxonid = $db->get_taxonid('Homo sapiens');
my $node = $db->get_Taxonomy_Node(-taxonid => $taxonid);
my $gi = 71836523;
my $node = $db->get_Taxonomy_Node(-gi => $gi, -db => 'protein');
print $node->binomial, "\n";
my ($species,$genus,$family) = $node->classification;
print "family is $family\n";
# Can also go up 4 levels
my $p = $node;
for ( 1..4 ) {
$p = $db->get_Taxonomy_Node(-taxonid => $p->parent_id);
print $p->rank, " ", ($p->classification)[0], "\n";
# could then classify a set of BLAST hits based on their GI numbers
# into taxonomic categories.
It is not currently possibly to query a node for its children so we
cannot completely replace the advantage of the flatfile
FAST::Bio::DB::Taxonomy::flatfile module.
A driver for querying NCBI Entrez Taxonomy database.
=head2 Mailing Lists
User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to
the Bioperl mailing list. Your participation is much appreciated.
bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion
http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists
=head2 Support
Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:
rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and
reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly
address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem
with code and data examples if at all possible.
=head2 Reporting Bugs
Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
of the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via
the web:
=head1 AUTHOR - Jason Stajich
Email jason-at-bioperl.org
Sendu Bala: bix@sendu.me.uk
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
# Let the code begin...
use vars qw($EntrezLocation $UrlParamSeparatorValue %EntrezParams
$EntrezGet $EntrezSummary $EntrezFetch %SequenceParams
use strict;
eval {
require XML::Twig;
if( $@ ) {
use base qw(FAST::Bio::WebAgent FAST::Bio::DB::Taxonomy);
$EntrezGet = 'esearch.fcgi';
$EntrezFetch = 'efetch.fcgi';
$EntrezSummary = 'esummary.fcgi';
%EntrezParams = ( 'db' => 'taxonomy',
'report' => 'xml',
'retmode'=> 'xml',
'tool' => 'Bioperl');
%SequenceParams = ( 'db' => 'nucleotide', # or protein
'retmode' => 'xml',
'tool' => 'Bioperl');
$UrlParamSeparatorValue = '&';
=head2 new
Title : new
Usage : my $obj = FAST::Bio::DB::Taxonomy::entrez->new();
Function: Builds a new FAST::Bio::DB::Taxonomy::entrez object
Returns : an instance of FAST::Bio::DB::Taxonomy::entrez
Args : -location => URL to Entrez (if you want to override the default)
-params => Hashref of URL params if you want to override the
sub new {
my ($class, @args) = @_;
# need to initialise FAST::Bio::WebAgent...
my ($self) = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
# ... as well as our normal FAST::Bio::DB::Taxonomy selves:
return $self;
sub _initialize {
my($self) = shift;
my ($location,$params) = $self->_rearrange([qw(LOCATION PARAMS)],@_);
if( $params ) {
if( ref($params) !~ /HASH/i ) {
$self->warn("Must have provided a valid HASHref for -params");
$params = \%EntrezParams;
} else {
$params = \%EntrezParams;
$self->entrez_url($location || $EntrezLocation );
=head2 get_taxon
Title : get_taxon
Usage : my $taxon = $db->get_taxon(-taxonid => $taxonid)
Function: Get a FAST::Bio::Taxon object from the database.
Returns : FAST::Bio::Taxon object
Args : just a single value which is the database id, OR named args:
-taxonid => taxonomy id (to query by taxonid)
-name => string (to query by a taxonomy name: common name,
scientific name, etc)
To retrieve a taxonomy node for a GI number provide the -gi option
with the gi number and -db with either 'nucleotide' or 'protein' to
define the db.
AND optionally,
-full => 1 (to force retrieval of full information - sometimes
minimal information about your taxon may have been
cached, which is normally used to save database
sub get_taxon {
my $self = shift;
if (! $XMLTWIG) {
eval { require XML::Twig };
$self->throw("Could not load XML::Twig for get_taxon(): $@") if $@;
my %p = $self->entrez_params;
# convert input request to one or more ids
my (@taxonids, $taxonid, $want_full);
if (@_ > 1) {
my %params = @_;
if ($params{'-taxonid'}) {
$taxonid = $params{'-taxonid'};
elsif ($params{'-gi'}) {
my $db = $params{'-db'};
# we're going to do all the work here and then redirect
# the call based on the TaxId
my %p = %SequenceParams;
my %items;
if( ref($params{'-gi'}) =~ /ARRAY/i ) {
$p{'id'} = join(',', @{$params{'-gi'}});
} else {
$p{'id'} = $params{'-gi'};
$p{'db'} = $db if defined $db;
my $params = join($UrlParamSeparatorValue, map { "$_=".$p{$_} } keys %p);
my $url = sprintf("%s%s?%s",$self->entrez_url,$EntrezSummary,$params);
$self->debug("url is $url\n");
my @ids;
if (exists $DATA_CACHE->{gi_to_ids}->{$url}) {
@ids = @{$DATA_CACHE->{gi_to_ids}->{$url}};
else {
my $response = $self->get($url);
if ($response->is_success) {
$response = $response->content;
else {
$self->throw("Can't query website: ".$response->status_line);
$self->debug("resp is $response\n");
my $twig = XML::Twig->new;
my $root = $twig->root;
for my $topnode ( $root->children('DocSum') ) {
for my $child ( $topnode->children('Item') ) {
if( uc($child->{att}->{'Name'}) eq 'TAXID' ) {
push @ids, $child->text;
$DATA_CACHE->{gi_to_ids}->{$url} = \@ids;
return $self->get_taxon(-taxonid => \@ids);
elsif ($params{'-name'}) {
@taxonids = $self->get_taxonid($params{'-name'});
else {
$self->warn("Need to have provided either a -taxonid or -name value to get_taxon");
if ($params{'-full'}) {
$want_full = 1;
else {
$taxonid = shift;
if (ref($taxonid) =~ /ARRAY/i ) {
@taxonids = @{$taxonid};
else {
push(@taxonids, $taxonid) if $taxonid;
# return answer(s) from the cache if possible
my @results;
my @uncached;
foreach my $taxonid (@taxonids) {
$taxonid || $self->throw("In taxonids list one was undef! '@taxonids'\n");
if (defined $DATA_CACHE->{full_info}->{$taxonid}) {
push(@results, $self->_make_taxon($DATA_CACHE->{full_info}->{$taxonid}));
elsif (! $want_full && defined $DATA_CACHE->{minimal_info}->{$taxonid}) {
push(@results, $self->_make_taxon($DATA_CACHE->{minimal_info}->{$taxonid}));
else {
push(@uncached, $taxonid);
if (@uncached > 0) {
$taxonid = join(',', @uncached);
$p{'id'} = $taxonid;
$self->debug("id is $taxonid\n");
my $params = join($UrlParamSeparatorValue, map { "$_=".$p{$_} } keys %p);
my $url = sprintf("%s%s?%s",$self->entrez_url,$EntrezFetch,$params);
$self->debug("url is $url\n");
my $response = $self->get($url);
if ($response->is_success) {
$response = $response->content;
else {
$self->throw("Can't query website: ".$response->status_line);
$self->debug("resp is $response\n");
my $twig = XML::Twig->new;
my $root = $twig->root;
for my $taxon ( $root->children('Taxon') ) {
my $taxid = $taxon->first_child_text('TaxId');
$self->throw("Got a result with no TaxId!") unless $taxid;
my $data = {};
if (exists $DATA_CACHE->{minimal_info}->{$taxid}) {
$data = $DATA_CACHE->{minimal_info}->{$taxid};
$data->{id} = $taxid;
$data->{rank} = $taxon->first_child_text('Rank');
my $other_names = $taxon->first_child('OtherNames');
my @other_names = $other_names->children_text() if $other_names;
my $sci_name = $taxon->first_child_text('ScientificName');
my $orig_sci_name = $sci_name;
$sci_name =~ s/ \(class\)$//;
push(@other_names, $orig_sci_name) if $orig_sci_name ne $sci_name;
$data->{scientific_name} = $sci_name;
$data->{common_names} = \@other_names;
$data->{division} = $taxon->first_child_text('Division');
$data->{genetic_code} = $taxon->first_child('GeneticCode')->first_child_text('GCId');
$data->{mitochondrial_genetic_code} = $taxon->first_child('MitoGeneticCode')->first_child_text('MGCId');
$data->{create_date} = $taxon->first_child_text('CreateDate');
$data->{update_date} = $taxon->first_child_text('UpdateDate');
$data->{pub_date} = $taxon->first_child_text('PubDate');
# since we have some information about all the ancestors of our
# requested node, we may as well cache data for the ancestors to
# reduce the number of accesses to website in future
my $lineage_ex = $taxon->first_child('LineageEx');
my ($ancestor, $lineage_data, @taxa);
foreach my $lineage_taxon ($lineage_ex->children) {
my $lineage_taxid = $lineage_taxon->first_child_text('TaxId');
if (exists $DATA_CACHE->{minimal_info}->{$lineage_taxid} || exists $DATA_CACHE->{full_info}->{$lineage_taxid}) {
$lineage_data = $DATA_CACHE->{minimal_info}->{$lineage_taxid} || $DATA_CACHE->{full_info}->{$lineage_taxid};
else {
$lineage_data = {};
$lineage_data->{id} = $lineage_taxid;
$lineage_data->{scientific_name} = $lineage_taxon->first_child_text('ScientificName');
$lineage_data->{rank} = $lineage_taxon->first_child_text('Rank');
$RELATIONS->{ancestors}->{$lineage_taxid} = $ancestor->{id} if $ancestor;
$DATA_CACHE->{minimal_info}->{$lineage_taxid} = $lineage_data;
} continue { $ancestor = $lineage_data; unshift(@taxa, $lineage_data); }
$RELATIONS->{ancestors}->{$taxid} = $ancestor->{id} if $ancestor;
# go through the lineage in reverse so we can remember the children
my $child = $data;
foreach my $lineage_data (@taxa) {
$RELATIONS->{children}->{$lineage_data->{id}}->{$child->{id}} = 1;
} continue { $child = $lineage_data; }
delete $DATA_CACHE->{minimal_info}->{$taxid};
$DATA_CACHE->{full_info}->{$taxid} = $data;
push(@results, $self->_make_taxon($data));
wantarray() ? @results : shift @results;
*get_Taxonomy_Node = \&get_taxon;
=head2 get_taxonids
Title : get_taxonids
Usage : my $taxonid = $db->get_taxonids('Homo sapiens');
Function: Searches for a taxonid (typically ncbi_taxon_id) based on a query
string. Note that multiple taxonids can match to the same supplied
Returns : array of integer ids in list context, one of these in scalar context
Args : string representing taxon's name
sub get_taxonids {
my ($self,$query) = @_;
my %p = $self->entrez_params;
# queries don't work correctly with special characters, so get rid of them.
if ($query =~ /<.+>/) {
# queries with <something> will fail, so workaround by removing, doing
# the query, getting multiple taxonids, then picking the one id that
# has a parent node with a scientific_name() or common_names()
# case-insensitive matching to the word(s) within <>
$query =~ s/ <(.+?)>//;
my $desired_parent_name = lc($1);
ID: foreach my $start_id ($self->get_taxonids($query)) {
my $node = $self->get_taxon($start_id) || next ID;
# walk up the parents until we hit a node with a named rank
while (1) {
my $parent_node = $self->ancestor($node) || next ID;
my $parent_sci_name = $parent_node->scientific_name || next ID;
my @parent_common_names = $parent_node->common_names;
unless (@parent_common_names) {
# ensure we're not using a minimal-info cached version
$parent_node = $self->get_taxon(-taxonid => $parent_node->id, -full => 1);
@parent_common_names = $parent_node->common_names;
foreach my $name ($parent_sci_name, @parent_common_names) {
if (lc($name) eq $desired_parent_name) {
return wantarray() ? ($start_id) : $start_id;
my $parent_rank = $parent_node->rank || 'no rank';
if ($parent_rank ne 'no rank') {
else {
$node = $parent_node;
$query =~ s/[\"\(\)]//g; # not an exhaustive list; these are just the ones I know cause problems
$query =~ s/\s/+/g;
my @data;
if (defined $DATA_CACHE->{name_to_id}->{$query}) {
@data = @{$DATA_CACHE->{name_to_id}->{$query}};
else {
$p{'term'} = $query;
my $params = join($UrlParamSeparatorValue, map { "$_=".$p{$_} } keys %p);
my $url = sprintf("%s%s?%s",$self->entrez_url,$EntrezGet,$params);
my $response = $self->get($url);
if ($response->is_success) {
$response = $response->content;
else {
$self->throw("Can't query website: ".$response->status_line);
$self->debug("response is $response\n");
my $twig = XML::Twig->new;
my $root = $twig->root;
my $list = $root->first_child('IdList');
@data = map { $_->text } $list->children('Id');
$DATA_CACHE->{name_to_id}->{$query} = [@data];
wantarray() ? @data : shift @data;
*get_taxonid = \&get_taxonids;
=head2 ancestor
Title : ancestor
Usage : my $ancestor_taxon = $db->ancestor($taxon)
Function: Retrieve the ancestor taxon of a supplied Taxon from the database.
Note that unless the ancestor has previously been directly
requested with get_taxon(), the returned Taxon object will only have
a minimal amount of information.
Returns : FAST::Bio::Taxon
Args : FAST::Bio::Taxon (that was retrieved from this database)
sub ancestor {
my ($self, $taxon) = @_;
$self->throw("Must supply a FAST::Bio::Taxon") unless ref($taxon) && $taxon->isa('FAST::Bio::Taxon');
$self->throw("The supplied Taxon must belong to this database") unless $taxon->db_handle && $taxon->db_handle eq $self;
my $id = $taxon->id || $self->throw("The supplied Taxon is missing its id!");
my $ancestor_id = $RELATIONS->{ancestors}->{$id} || return;
return $self->_make_taxon($DATA_CACHE->{full_info}->{$ancestor_id} || $DATA_CACHE->{minimal_info}->{$ancestor_id});
=head2 each_Descendent
Title : each_Descendent
Usage : my @taxa = $db->each_Descendent($taxon);
Function: Get all the descendents of the supplied Taxon (but not their
descendents, ie. not a recursive fetchall).
Note that this implementation is unable to return a taxon that
hasn't previously been directly fetched with get_taxon(), or wasn't
an ancestor of such a fetch.
Returns : Array of FAST::Bio::Taxon objects
Args : FAST::Bio::Taxon (that was retrieved from this database)
sub each_Descendent {
my ($self, $taxon) = @_;
$self->throw("Must supply a FAST::Bio::Taxon") unless ref($taxon) && $taxon->isa('FAST::Bio::Taxon');
$self->throw("The supplied Taxon must belong to this database") unless $taxon->db_handle && $taxon->db_handle eq $self;
my $id = $taxon->id || $self->throw("The supplied Taxon is missing its id!");
my @children_ids = keys %{$RELATIONS->{children}->{$id} || {}};
my @children;
foreach my $child_id (@children_ids) {
push(@children, $self->_make_taxon($DATA_CACHE->{full_info}->{$child_id} || $DATA_CACHE->{minimal_info}->{$child_id}));
return @children;
=head2 Some Get/Setter methods
=head2 entrez_url
Title : entrez_url
Usage : $obj->entrez_url($newval)
Function: Get/set entrez URL
Returns : value of entrez url (a scalar)
Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)
sub entrez_url{
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'_entrez_url'} = shift if @_;
return $self->{'_entrez_url'};
=head2 entrez_params
Title : entrez_params
Usage : $obj->entrez_params($newval)
Function: Get/set entrez params
Returns : value of entrez_params (a hashref)
Args : on set, new value Hashref
sub entrez_params{
my $self = shift;
my $f;
if( @_ ) {
$f = $self->{'_entrez_params'} = shift;
} else {
$f = $self->{'_entrez_params'};
return %$f;
=head2 FAST::Bio::DB::WebBase methods
=head2 proxy_string
Title : proxy_string
Usage : my $proxy_string = $self->proxy_string($protocol)
Function: Get the proxy string (plus user/pass )
Returns : string
Args : protocol ('http' or 'ftp'), default 'http'
=head2 proxy
Title : proxy
Usage : $httpproxy = $db->proxy('http') or
$db->proxy(['http','ftp'], 'http://myproxy' )
Function: Get/Set a proxy for use of proxy
Returns : a string indicating the proxy
Args : $protocol : an array ref of the protocol(s) to set/get
$proxyurl : url of the proxy to use for the specified protocol
$username : username (if proxy requires authentication)
$password : password (if proxy requires authentication)
=head2 authentication
Title : authentication
Usage : $db->authentication($user,$pass)
Function: Get/Set authentication credentials
Returns : Array of user/pass
Args : Array or user/pass
# make a Taxon object from data hash ref
sub _make_taxon {
my ($self, $data) = @_;
my $taxon = FAST::Bio::Taxon->new();
my $taxid;
while (my ($method, $value) = each %{$data}) {
if ($method eq 'id') {
$method = 'ncbi_taxid'; # since this is a real ncbi taxid, explicitly set it as one
$taxid = $value;
$taxon->$method(ref($value) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$value} : $value);
# we can't use -dbh or the db_handle() method ourselves or we'll go
# infinite on the merge attempt
$taxon->{'db_handle'} = $self;
return $taxon;