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Math::FixedPoint - Fixed-Point calculations for Perl


This module brings fixed point calculations to the Perl world. Typically applications that require fixed point calculations, such as currency/money handling, are developed using either floating point numbers or Math::BigFloat (to increase the precision). The problem of using floating point numbers is that sooner or later the precision affect results, for example:

perl -e 'print int(37.73*100)'


In some applications this is unacceptable. To overcome these problems people usually switch to Math::BigFloat which can shield higher precision but scarifying performance.

On the other hand Math::FixedPoint address the problem using for most of it's calculations integer math, therefore not impacting precision. As a side benefit it's 5-10 times faster than Math::BigFloat as it doesn't need to deal with the complexity of floating point numbers.


To install this module using cpanm (preferred method)

cpanm Math::FixedPoint

or using Dist::Zilla

dzil test

dzil install