# Simple tests of the S-Lang library interface
use strict;
my $loaded = 0;
BEGIN { use Test::More tests => 4; }
END { fail( "Able to 'use Inline SLang'" ) unless $loaded; }
## Tests
# could not work out how to use Test::More's use_ok()
# to test loading the module
use Inline 'SLang';
pass( "Able to 'use Inline SLang'" );
$loaded = 1;
# mainly here for users who 'perl -Mblib t/00init.t'
# this file
eval { print JAxH('Inline'); };
is( $@, "", "We're just another Inline hacker" );
# test the error handler
eval { Inline::SLang::sl_eval( "variable = ;" ); };
like( $@, qr/^S-Lang Error: Syntax Error: Expecting a variable name: found '=', line 1, file: \*\*\*string\*\*\*/,
"Can catch S-Lang error messages via eval" );
# and check that the interpreter is still working
is( JAxH("re-installed"), "Just Another re-installed Hacker\n",
"and the S-Lang interpreter has been re-started" );
define somefunc () {}
define JAxH(x) {
return sprintf( "Just Another %s Hacker\n", x );