# This file is auto-generated by the Perl DateTime Suite time locale
# generator (0.00001). This code generator comes with the
# DateTime::Locale distribution in the tools/ directory, and is called
# tools/locale/update-locales.pl.
# This file as generated from the CLDR XML locale data. See the
# LICENSE.cldr file included in this distribution for license details.
# Do not edit this file directly.
use utf8;
$VAR1 = {
'_format_for_HHmm' => 'HH:mm',
'_format_for_HHmmss' => 'HH:mm:ss',
'_format_for_Hm' => 'H:mm',
'_format_for_M' => 'L',
'_format_for_MEd' => 'E, M-d',
'_format_for_MMM' => 'LLL',
'_format_for_MMMEd' => 'E MMM d',
'_format_for_MMMMEd' => 'E MMMM d',
'_format_for_MMMMd' => 'd MMMM',
'_format_for_MMMd' => 'MMM d',
'_format_for_MMdd' => 'dd/MM',
'_format_for_Md' => 'd/M',
'_format_for_d' => 'd',
'_format_for_mmss' => 'mm:ss',
'_format_for_ms' => 'mm:ss',
'_format_for_y' => 'yyyy',
'_format_for_yM' => 'yyyy-M',
'_format_for_yMEd' => 'EEE, yyyy-M-d',
'_format_for_yMMM' => 'yyyy MMM',
'_format_for_yMMMEd' => 'EEE, yyyy MMM d',
'_format_for_yMMMM' => 'yyyy MMMM',
'_format_for_yQ' => 'yyyy Q',
'_format_for_yQQQ' => 'yyyy QQQ',
'_format_for_yyMM' => 'MM/yy',
'_format_for_yyMMM' => 'MMM yy',
'_format_for_yyQ' => 'Q yy',
'_format_for_yyyyMM' => 'MM/yyyy',
'_format_for_yyyyMMMM' => 'MMMM yyyy',
'am_pm_abbreviated' => [
'cldr_version' => '1.6.1',
'date_format_full' => 'EEEE d MMMM yyyy',
'date_format_long' => 'd MMMM yyyy',
'date_format_medium' => 'd MMM yyyy',
'date_format_short' => 'dd/MM/yyyy',
'datetime_format' => '{1} {0}',
'day_format_abbreviated' => [
'day_format_narrow' => 'alias:day_stand_alone_narrow',
'day_format_wide' => [
"D\x{e9} Luain",
"D\x{e9} M\x{e1}irt",
"D\x{e9} C\x{e9}adaoin",
"D\x{e9} hAoine",
"D\x{e9} Sathairn",
"D\x{e9} Domhnaigh"
'day_stand_alone_abbreviated' => 'alias:day_format_abbreviated',
'day_stand_alone_narrow' => [
'day_stand_alone_wide' => 'alias:day_format_wide',
'en_language' => 'Irish',
'era_abbreviated' => [
'era_narrow' => 'alias:era_abbreviated',
'era_wide' => [
"Roimh Chr\x{ed}ost",
'Anno Domini'
'first_day_of_week' => 1,
'id' => 'ga',
'month_format_abbreviated' => [
'month_format_narrow' => 'alias:month_stand_alone_narrow',
'month_format_wide' => [
"Me\x{e1}n F\x{f3}mhair",
"Deireadh F\x{f3}mhair",
'month_stand_alone_abbreviated' => 'alias:month_format_abbreviated',
'month_stand_alone_narrow' => [
'month_stand_alone_wide' => 'alias:month_format_wide',
'native_language' => 'Gaeilge',
'quarter_format_abbreviated' => [
'quarter_format_narrow' => [
'quarter_format_wide' => [
"1\x{fa} r\x{e1}ithe",
"2\x{fa} r\x{e1}ithe",
"3\x{fa} r\x{e1}ithe",
"4\x{fa} r\x{e1}ithe"
'quarter_stand_alone_abbreviated' => 'alias:quarter_format_abbreviated',
'quarter_stand_alone_narrow' => [
'quarter_stand_alone_wide' => 'alias:quarter_format_wide',
'time_format_full' => 'HH:mm:ss v',
'time_format_long' => 'HH:mm:ss z',
'time_format_medium' => 'HH:mm:ss',
'time_format_short' => 'HH:mm'