use Moose ();
use Carp qw(carp confess);
use namespace::clean -except => qw(meta);
enum 'Google::Chart::Axis::Position' => qw(x y r t);
class_type 'Google::Chart::Axis';
coerce 'Google::Chart::Axis'
=> from 'ArrayRef'
=> via {
if (! Class::MOP::is_class_loaded('Google::Chart::Axis')) {
return Google::Chart::Axis->new(axes => $_)
class_type 'Google::Chart::Axis::Label';
coerce 'Google::Chart::Axis::Label'
=> from 'ArrayRef'
=> via {
my $arg = $_;
if (! Class::MOP::is_class_loaded('Google::Chart::Axis::Label')) {
# check if all elements are non-ref
if (grep { ref $_ } @$arg) {
return Google::Chart::Axis::Label->new(labels => $arg);
} else {
return Google::Chart::Axis::Label->new(labels => [$arg]);
subtype 'Google::Chart::Data::Set'
=> as 'ArrayRef[ArrayRef]'
=> message { "Data set must be an arrayref of arrayrefs" }
coerce 'Google::Chart::Data::Set',
=> from 'ArrayRef',
=> via {
return [ $_ ]
subtype 'Google::Chart::Color::Data'
=> as 'Str'
=> where { /^[a-f0-9]{6}$/i }
=> message { "value '$_' is not a valid hexadecimal value" }
{ # These are the most simplistic coercions
class_type 'Google::Chart::Size';
coerce 'Google::Chart::Size'
=> from 'Str'
=> via {
if (! /^(\d+)x(\d+)$/) {
confess("Could not parse $_ as size");
return Google::Chart::Size->new(width => $1, height => $2);
coerce 'Google::Chart::Size'
=> from 'HashRef'
=> via {
my $h = $_;
my ($width, $height) = ($h->{args}) ?
($h->{args}->{width}, $h->{args}->{height}) :
($h->{width}, $h->{height})
return Google::Chart::Size->new( width => $width, height => $height );
class_type 'Google::Chart::Data';
coerce 'Google::Chart::Data'
=> from 'ArrayRef'
=> via {
return Google::Chart::Data->new(data => $_);
class_type 'Google::Chart::Size';
coerce 'Google::Chart::Size'
=> from 'Str'
=> via {
my %args;
@args{ qw(width height) } = split /x/, $_;
return Google::Chart::Size->new(%args);
class_type 'Google::Chart::Title';
coerce 'Google::Chart::Title'
=> from 'Str'
=> via {
return Google::Chart::Title->new(text => $_);
role_type 'Google::Chart::Type';
coerce 'Google::Chart::Type'
=> from 'Str'
=> via {
my $class = $_;
if ($class !~ s/^\+//) {
$class = "Google::Chart::Type::$class";
if (! Class::MOP::is_class_loaded($class)) {
return $class->new();
coerce 'Google::Chart::Type'
=> from 'HashRef'
=> via {
my $h = $_;
carp("This form of coercion (from Hash to Object) is now deprecated.");
my $module = $h->{module} ||
confess("No module name provided for coercion");
if ($module !~ s/^\+//) {
$module = "Google::Chart::Type::$module";
Class::MOP::load_class( $module );
return $module->new(%{ $h->{args} });
coerce 'Google::Chart::Type'
=> from 'ArrayRef'
=> via {
my ($class, %args) = @$_;
if ($class !~ s/^\+//) {
$class = "Google::Chart::Type::$class";
if (! Class::MOP::is_class_loaded($class)) {
return $class->new(%args);
role_type 'Google::Chart::Encoding';
coerce 'Google::Chart::Encoding'
=> from 'Str'
=> via {
my $class = $_;
if ($class !~ s/^\+//) {
$class = "Google::Chart::Encoding::$class";
if (! Class::MOP::is_class_loaded($class)) {
return $class->new();
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp ();
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
use Sub::Exporter -setup => {
exports => [ qw(hash_coercion) ]
sub hash_coercion {
my (%args) = @_;
my $default = $args{default};
my $prefix = $args{prefix};
return sub {
my $h = $_;
my $module = $h->{module} || $default ||
Carp::confess("No module name provided for coercion");
if ($module !~ s/^\+//) {
$module = join('::', $prefix, $module);
Class::MOP::load_class( $module );
return $module->new(%{ $h->{args} });
role_type 'Google::Chart::Type';
coerce 'Google::Chart::Type'
=> from 'Str'
=> via {
my $class = sprintf( 'Google::Chart::Type::%s', ucfirst $_ );
return $class->new();
coerce 'Google::Chart::Type'
=> from 'HashRef'
=> hash_coercion(prefix => "Google::Chart::Type")
role_type 'Google::Chart::Fill';
coerce 'Google::Chart::Fill'
=> from 'Str'
=> via {
my $class = sprintf( 'Google::Chart::Fill::%s', ucfirst $_ );
return $class->new();
coerce 'Google::Chart::Fill'
=> from 'HashRef'
=> hash_coercion(prefix => "Google::Chart::Fill")
role_type 'Google::Chart::Data';
coerce 'Google::Chart::Data'
=> from 'ArrayRef'
=> via {
my $class = 'Google::Chart::Data::Text';
$class->new(dataset => $_);
coerce 'Google::Chart::Data'
=> from 'HashRef'
=> via {
my $class = $_->{module};
if ($class !~ s/^\+//) {
$class = "Google::Chart::Data::$class";
=head1 NAME
Google::Chart::Types - Google::Chart Miscellaneous Types
=head2 hash_coercion