# $Id: /mirror/gungho/lib/Gungho/Component/Core.pm 31304 2007-11-29T11:56:44.884140Z lestrrat $
# Copyright (c) 2007 Daisuke Maki <daisuke@endeworks.jp>
# All rights reserved.
use strict;
use Carp ();
use UNIVERSAL::require;
use HTTP::Status qw(status_message);
sub setup
my $c = shift;
$c->notify_hub( Event::Notify->new );
sub setup_log
my $c = shift;
my $log_config = { %{$c->config->{log} || { logs => [] }} };
my $module = delete $log_config->{module} || 'Simple';
my $pkg = $c->load_gungho_module($module, 'Log');
my $log = $pkg->new(config => $log_config->{config} || $log_config);
sub setup_provider
my $c = shift;
my $config = $c->config->{provider};
my $ref = ref $config;
if (! $config || ! defined $ref) {
Carp::croak("Gungho requires a provider");
if ($ref eq 'CODE') {
# Smells like an inlined provider
my $code = $config;
$config = {
module => "Inline",
config => {
callback => $code
} elsif ( $ref ne 'HASH') {
Carp::croak("Gungho requires a provider");
my $pkg = $c->load_gungho_module($config->{module}, 'Provider');
$pkg->isa('Gungho::Provider') or die "$pkg is not a Gungho::Provider subclass";
my $obj = $pkg->new(config => $config->{config} || {} );
$obj->setup( $c );
$c->provider( $obj );
sub setup_engine
my $c = shift;
my $config = $c->config->{engine} || {
module => 'POE',
if (! $config || ref $config ne 'HASH') {
Carp::croak("Gungho requires a engine");
my $pkg = $c->load_gungho_module($config->{module}, 'Engine');
$pkg->isa('Gungho::Engine') or die "$pkg is not a Gungho::Engine subclass";
my $obj = $pkg->new( config => $config->{config} || {} );
$obj->setup( $c );
$c->engine( $obj );
sub setup_handler
my $c = shift;
my $config = $c->config->{handler} || {
module => 'Null',
config => {}
my $ref = ref $config;
if (! $config || ! defined $ref) {
Carp::croak("Gungho requires a handler");
if ($ref eq 'CODE') {
# Smells like an inlined handler
my $code = $config;
$config = {
module => "Inline",
config => {
callback => $code
} elsif ( $ref ne 'HASH') {
Carp::croak("Gungho requires a handler");
my $pkg = $c->load_gungho_module($config->{module}, 'Handler');
$pkg->isa('Gungho::Handler') or die "$pkg is not a Gungho::Handler subclass";
my $obj = $pkg->new( config => $config->{config} || {});
$obj->setup( $c );
$c->handler( $obj );
sub setup_plugins
my $c = shift;
my $plugins = $c->config->{plugins} || [];
foreach my $plugin (@$plugins) {
my $pkg = $c->load_gungho_module($plugin->{module}, 'Plugin');
my $obj = $pkg->new( config => $plugin->{config} || {});
sub has_feature
my ($c, $name) = @_;
return exists $c->features()->{$name};
sub load_gungho_module
my ($c, $pkg, $prefix) = @_;
return Gungho::Util::load_module(
$prefix ? "Gungho::${prefix}" : "Gunho"
Class::Inspector->loaded($pkg) or $pkg->require or die;
return $pkg;
sub dispatch_requests
my $c = shift;
if ($c->is_running) {
$c->provider->dispatch($c, @_);
sub prepare_request
my $c = shift;
my $req = shift;
$c->notify('dispatch.prepare_request', $req);
return $req;
sub prepare_response
my ($c, $res) = @_;
my $old = $res;
$res = Gungho::Response->new(
$res->request( $old->request );
return $res;
sub send_request
my $c = shift;
my $request = shift;
$request = $c->prepare_request($request);
return $c->engine->send_request($c, $request);
sub pushback_request
my ($c, $request) = @_;
$c->provider->pushback_request( $c, $request );
sub request_is_allowed { 1 }
sub handle_response
my $c = shift;
my ($req, $res) = @_;
my $e;
eval {
$c->maybe::next::method($req, $res);
if ($e = Gungho::Exception->caught('Gungho::Exception::HandleResponse::Handled')) {
} elsif ($e = Gungho::Exception->caught()) {
die $e;
$c->handler->handle_response($c, $req, $res);
sub handle_dns_response
my ($c, $request, $answer, $dns_response) = @_;
my $host = $request->uri->host;
my $addr = $answer->address;
$request->header(Host => $host);
$request->notes(original_host => $host);
$request->notes(resolved_ip => $addr);
eval {
if (my $e = $@) {
if ($e->isa('Gungho::Exception::RequestThrottled')) {
# This request was throttled. Attempt to do it later
$c->provider->pushback_request($c, $request);
} else {
die $e;
return 1;
# Utility method to create an error HTTP response.
# Stolen from PoCo::Client::HTTP::Request
sub _http_error
my ($self, $code, $message, $request) = @_;
my $nl = "\n";
my $r = Gungho::Response->new($code);
my $http_msg = status_message($code);
my $m = (
. "<HEAD><TITLE>Error: $http_msg</TITLE></HEAD>$nl"
. "<BODY>$nl"
. "<H1>Error: $http_msg</H1>$nl"
. "$message$nl"
. "</BODY>$nl"
. "</HTML>$nl"
return $r;
sub register_event
my $c = shift;
*register_hook = \&register_event;
sub unregister_event
my $c = shift;
sub notify
my ($c, $event, @args) = @_;
$c->notify_hub->notify($event, $c, @args);
*run_hook = \&notify;
sub shutdown
my ($c, $reason) = @_;
$reason ||= 'unknown reason';
$c->log->notice("Gungho received a shutdown request!: '$reason'");
# Tell everybody to shutdown
=head1 NAME
Gungho::Component::Core - Gungho Core Methods
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new($config)
This method has been deprecated. Use run() instead.
=head2 run
Starts the Gungho process. It requires either the name of a config filename
or a hashref.
=head2 has_feature($name)
Returns true if Gungho supports some feature $name
=head2 setup()
Sets up the Gungho environment, including calling the various setup_*
methods to configure the provider, engine, handler, etc.
=head2 setup_components()
=head2 setup_engine()
=head2 setup_handler()
=head2 setup_log()
=head2 setup_provider()
=head2 setup_plugins()
Sets up the various components.
=head2 register_hook($hook_name => $coderef[, $hook_name => $coderef])
Is deprecated. Use register_event instead.
=head2 register_event($event, $observer)
Registers an observer that gets notified when $event happens. The $observer
argument can be either an object implementing notify(), or a subroutine
=head2 unregister_event($event, $observer)
Unregisters an observer from the specified event
=head2 run_hook($hook_name, @args)
Is deprecated. Use notify() instead.
=head2 notify($event, @args)
Notifies observers of an event.
=head2 has_requests
Delegates to provider's has_requests
=head2 get_requests
Delegates to provider's get_requests
=head2 handle_response
Delegates to handler's handle_response
=head2 handle_dns_response
Delegates to engine's send_request upon successful DNS response
=head2 dispatch_requests
Calls provider->dispatch
=head2 prepare_request($req)
Given a request, preps it before sending it to the engine
=head2 prepare_response($req)
Given a response, preps it before sending it to handle_response()
=head2 send_request
Delegates to engine's send_request
=head2 pushback_request
Push back a request
=head2 load_config($config)
Loads the config from $config via Config::Any.
=head2 load_gungho_module($name, $prefix)
Loads a Gungho component. Compliments the module name with 'Gungho::$prefix::',
unless the name is prefixed with a '+'. In that case, no transformation is
performed, and the module name is used as-is.
=head2 request_is_allowed($req)
Returns true if the given request is allowed to be fetched (this has nothing
to do with authentication and such, and is purely internal)
=head2 shutdown($reason)
Shuts down Gungho. Call this if you want to tell the entire system to stop.
This method in turn calls stop methods on the Engine, Provider, and Handler