# $Id: /mirror/gungho/lib/Gungho/Component/RobotRules/Storage/Cache.pm 31308 2007-11-29T13:15:39.399180Z lestrrat $
# Copyright (c) 2007 Daisuke Maki <daisuke@endeworks.jp>
# All rights reserved.
use strict;
__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors($_) for qw(expiration);
sub setup
my $self = shift;
my $c = shift;
my %config = %{ $self->{config} };
my $module = delete $config{module} || 'Cache::Memcached';
my $expiration = delete $config{expiration} || 86400 * 7;
Class::Inspector->loaded($module) or $module->require or die;
$self->storage( $module->new(%config) );
$self->expiration( $expiration );
sub get_rule
my $self = shift;
my $c = shift;
my $request = shift;
my $uri = $request->original_uri;
my @args;
my $storage = $self->storage;
if ($storage->isa('Cache::Memcached::Managed')) {
@args = (id => $uri->host_port, key => 'robot_rules.rule');
} else {
@args = ($uri->host_port);
my $rule = $self->storage->get( @args ) || '';
$c->log->debug("Fetch robot rules for $uri ($rule)");
return $rule || ();
sub put_rule
my $self = shift;
my $c = shift;
my $request = shift;
my $rule = shift;
my $uri = $request->original_uri;
$c->log->debug("Saving robot rules for $uri");
# Cache:::Memcached::Managed is a bad boy and breaks API compatibility
# with the rest of the Cache::* modules
my @args;
my $storage = $self->storage;
if ($storage->isa('Cache::Memcached::Managed')) {
@args = (id => $uri->host_port, key => 'robot_rules.rule', value => $rule, expiration => $self->expiration);
} else {
@args = ($uri->host_port, $rule, $self->expiration);
$self->storage->set( @args );
sub get_pending_robots_txt
my ($self, $c, $request) = @_;
my $uri = $request->original_uri;
my $host_port = $uri->host_port;
my @args;
my $storage = $self->storage;
my $is_managed = $storage->isa('Cache::Memcached::Managed');
if ($is_managed) {
@args = (id => $host_port, key => 'robot_rules.pending_robots_txt');
} else {
@args = ($host_port);
$storage->can('delete') ?
$storage->delete(@args) :
return delete $c->pending_robots_txt->{ $host_port };
sub push_pending_robots_txt
my ($self, $c, $request) = @_;
my $uri = $request->original_uri;
my $host_port = $uri->host_port;
my @args;
my $storage = $self->storage;
my $is_managed = $storage->isa('Cache::Memcached::Managed');
if ($is_managed) {
@args = (id => $host_port, key => 'robot_rules.pending_robots_txt');
} else {
@args = ($host_port);
# If it already exists in the cache, just return
if (my $pending = $storage->get(@args)) {
$c->log->debug("storage->get(@args) returned $pending");
return 0;
$c->pending_robots_txt->{ $host_port } ||= {};
my $h = $c->pending_robots_txt->{ $host_port };
# pending requests are still stored in-memory
$c->log->debug("Pushing request $uri to pending list (robot rules)...");
my $pending_robots_txt_timeout = 180;
if ($is_managed) {
push @args, (value => 1, expires => $pending_robots_txt_timeout);
} else {
push @args, 1, $pending_robots_txt_timeout;
$self->storage->set( @args );
$h->{ $request->id } = $request ;
return 1;
=head1 NAME
Gungho::Component::RobotRules::Storage::Cache - Cache Storage For RobotRules
module: 'Cache::Memcached'
expiration: 86400
=head1 METHODS
=head2 setup
=head2 get_rule
=head2 put_rule
=head2 get_pending_robots_txt
=head2 push_pending_robots_txt