# $Id: /mirror/gungho/lib/Gungho/Plugin/RequestTimer.pm 3779 2007-10-23T15:39:50.115570Z lestrrat $
# Copyright (c) 2007 Daisuke Maki <daisuke@endeworks.jp>
# All rights reserved.
use strict;
__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors($_) for qw(verbose);
warn "Gungho::Plugin::RequestTimer has been deprecated, use Gungho::Plugin::RequestLog";
eval { Time::HiRes->require };
if (! $@) {
sub setup
my ($self, $c) = @_;
exists $self->config->{verbose} ? $self->config->{verbose} : 1
'engine.send_request' => sub { $self->log_start(@_) },
'engine.handle_response' => sub { $self->log_stop(@_) },
sub log_start
my ($self, $c, $args) = @_;
my $request = $args->{request};
$request->notes('send_request_time' => time());
sub log_stop
my ($self, $c, $args) = @_;
my $request = $args->{request};
$request->notes('handle_response_time' => time());
$request->notes('total_request_time' => $request->notes('handle_response_time') - $request->notes('send_request_time') );
if ($self->verbose) {
$c->log->info("RequestTimer: logging end for request " . $request->uri . " = " . $request->notes('total_request_time') . " seconds");
=head1 NAME
Gungho::Plugin::RequestTimer - Keep Track Of Time To Finish Request
module: RequestTimer
verbose: 0 # optional
NOTICE This module has been deprecated. Please use RequestLog instead.
Gungho::Plugin::RequestTimer allows you to keep track of the time it took to
finish fetching a particular request. The time when the request started,
the time when the request was handed to handle_response(), and the total
time between the latter two points are stored under the request object's
notes() slot.
Note that these values may not correspond exactly to when the acutal HTTP
transaction started/finished, but rather, it's just a hook to show when
these particular events happened in Gungho's life cycle.
If you have Time::HiRes in your system, Time::HiRes::time() is used over
regular time() as the store time values.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 setup()
Sets up the plugin.
=head2 log_start()
Starts logging
=head2 log_stop()
Ends logging
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright (c) 2007 Daisuke Maki E<lt>daisuke@endeworks.jpE<gt>
All rights reserved.
=head1 LICENSE
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.