# $Id: /mirror/gungho/lib/Gungho/Request.pm 31624 2007-12-01T04:20:00.298198Z lestrrat $
# Copyright (c) 2007 Daisuke Maki <daisuke@endeworks.jp>
# All rights reserved.
use strict;
use Storable qw(dclone);
use UNIVERSAL::require;
use Regexp::Common qw(net);
our $DIGEST;
sub _find_digest_class
$DIGEST ||= do {
my $pkg;
foreach my $x qw(SHA1 MD5) {
my $candidate = "Digest::$x";
if ($candidate->require()) {
$pkg = $candidate;
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
$self->id; # Forcefully make the ID here.
$self->{_notes} = {};
return $self;
sub id
my $self = shift;
local $@ = undef;
$self->{_id} ||= do {
my $pkg = _find_digest_class() || die "Could not find Digest class";
my $digest = $pkg->new;
$digest->add(map { defined $_ ? $_ : '' } (time(), {}, rand(), $self->method, $self->uri, $self->protocol));
$self->headers->scan(sub {
$digest->add(join(':', $_[0], $_[1]));
die $@ if $@;
sub clone
my $self = shift;
my $clone = $self->SUPER::clone;
my $cloned_notes = dclone $self->notes;
foreach my $note (keys %$cloned_notes) {
$clone->notes( $note => $cloned_notes->{$note} );
return $clone;
sub notes
my $self = shift;
my $key = shift;
return $self->{_notes} unless $key;
my $value = $self->{_notes}{$key};
if (@_) {
$self->{_notes}{$key} = $_[0];
return $value;
sub original_uri
my $self = shift;
my $uri = $self->uri->clone;
if (my $host = $self->notes('original_host')) {
return $uri;
sub requires_name_lookup
my $self = shift;
return ! $self->notes('resolved_ip') &&
($self->uri->can('host') && $self->uri->host() !~ /^$RE{net}{IPv4}$/);
sub format
my $self = shift;
my $scheme = $self->uri->scheme;
my $pkg = "Gungho::Request::$scheme";
Class::Inspector->loaded($pkg) or $pkg->require or die;
my $protocol = $pkg->new;
=head1 NAME
Gungho::Request - A Gungho Request Object
Currently this class is exactly the same as HTTP::Request, but we're
creating this separately in anticipation for a possible change
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new()
Creates a new Gungho::Request instance
=head2 id()
Returns a Unique ID for this request
=head2 clone()
Clones the request.
=head2 notes($key[, $value])
Associate arbitrary notes to the request
=head2 original_uri
Returns a cloned copy of the request URI, with the host name swapped to
the original hostname before DNS substitution
=head2 requires_name_lookup
Returns true if the request object's uri host is not in an IP address format
=head2 format
Formats the request so that it's appropriate to send through a socket.