# ABSTRACT: Show TimeTracker status as a GTK3 StatusIcon in the system tray
our $VERSION = '1.000'; # VERSION
use v5.24;
use strict;
use Gtk3;
use File::Share qw(dist_file);
my %ICONS = (
lazy => dist_file( 'App-TimeTracker-Gtk3StatusIcon', 'lazy.png' ),
busy => dist_file( 'App-TimeTracker-Gtk3StatusIcon', 'busy.png' ),
my $TRACKER_HOME = App::TimeTracker::Proto->new->home;
sub init {
my ($class, $run) = @_;
my @caller = caller();
my $lock;
if ($caller[1] =~ /tracker_gtk3statusicon.pl$/) {
$lock = Lock::File->new($TRACKER_HOME.'/tracker_gtk3statusicon.lock', { blocking=>0 });
unless ($lock) {
say "tracker_gtk3statusicon.pl seems to be running already...";
exit 0;
my $menu = Gtk3::Menu->new();
my $task = get_current_task();
my $icon = Gtk3::StatusIcon->new_from_file($ICONS{$task->{status}});
my @items;
for my $line ($task->{lines}->@*) {
my $item = Gtk3::MenuItem->new($line);
$item->signal_connect( activate => sub {
Clipboard->copy($item->get_label) if $task->{status} eq 'busy';
} );
push(@items, $item);
my $quit = Gtk3::ImageMenuItem->new_from_stock('gtk-quit');
$quit->signal_connect( activate => sub { Gtk3->main_quit } );
$icon->signal_connect( 'activate' => sub { $menu->popup_at_pointer } );
my $loop = IO::Async::Loop::Glib->new();
my $file = IO::Async::File->new(
filename => $TRACKER_HOME,
on_mtime_changed => sub {
my ( $self ) = @_;
my $task = get_current_task();
for my $i (0 .. 2) {
$loop->add( $file );
Gtk3->main if $run;
sub get_current_task() {
my $task = App::TimeTracker::Data::Task->current($TRACKER_HOME);
if ($task) {
return {
status => 'busy',
lines => [
$task->id || 'no id',
$task->description || 'no description',
else {
return {
status => 'lazy',
lines => [qw(currently doing nothing)],
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
App::TimeTracker::Gtk3StatusIcon - Show TimeTracker status as a GTK3 StatusIcon in the system tray
=head1 VERSION
version 1.000
Backend for L<tracker_gtk3statusicon.pl>
=head1 AUTHOR
Thomas Klausner <domm@plix.at>
This software is copyright (c) 2024 by Thomas Klausner.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.