$Games::Tournament::Card::VERSION = '0.21';
# Last Edit: 2011 2月 27, 21時34分46秒
# $Id: $
use strict;
use Carp;
use List::Util qw/min reduce sum first/;
use List::MoreUtils qw/any all/;
use Scalar::Util qw/looks_like_number/;
use constant ROLES => @Games::Tournament::Swiss::Config::roles?
=head1 NAME
Games::Tournament::Card - A record of the results of a match
$game = Games::Tournament:Card->new(round => 1, contestants => {Black => $knicks, White => $deepblue}, result => { Black => 'Win', White => 'Loss' });
In a tournament, matches take place in rounds between contestants, who are maybe floated, and who have roles, and there is a result for these matches, which can be written on a card.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new
$game = Games::Tournament:Card->new(
round => 1,
contestants => {Black => $knicks, White => $deepblue},
result => { Black => 'Win', White => 'Loss' },
floats => { Black => 'Up', White => 'Down' }, or
floats => { Black => 'Not', White => 'Not' }
$bye = Games::Tournament:Card->new(
round => 1,
contestants => {Bye => $player},
result => "Bye"
floats => 'Down' );
'contestants' is a hash ref of player objects, keyed on Black and White, or Home and Away, or some other role distinction that needs to be balanced over the tournament. The players are probably instances of the Games::Tournament::Contestant::Swiss class. 'result' is a hash reference, keyed on the same keys as contestants, containing the results of the match. 'floats' is a hash of which role was floated up and which down. The default is neither contestant was floated, and 'Down' for a Bye. A4. What are the fields in Forfeits and byes? Forfeit and Tardy have no special form, other than { White => 'Forfeit', Black => 'Tardy' }. Bye is { Bye => $player }. TODO Perhaps the fields should be Winner and Loser, and Down and Up?
sub new {
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
return bless \%args, $self;
=head2 canonize
Fleshes out a partial statement of the result. From an abbreviated match result (eg, { Black => 'Win' }), works out a canonical representation (eg, { Black => 'Win', White => 'Loss' }). A bye result is represented as { Bye => 'Bye' }.
sub canonize {
my $self = shift;
my $round = $self->round;
my $contestants = $self->contestants;
my $result = $self->result;
my %result;
my %roles = map { $contestants->{$_}->{id} => $_ } keys %$contestants;
"Incomplete match of @{[values( %roles )]} players @{[map {$_->id} values %$contestants]} in round $round.\n"
unless keys %roles == 2
or grep m/bye/i, values %roles;
ROLE: foreach my $contestant ( values %$contestants ) {
my $role = $roles{ $contestant->{id} };
if ( $role eq 'Bye' ) {
$result{$role} = $result->{$role} = 'Bye';
elsif ( exists $result->{$role} ) {
if ( $result->{$role} =~ m/^(?:Win|Loss|Draw|Forfeit)$/i ) {
$result{$role} = $result->{$role};
else {
"$result->{$role} result for player $contestant->{id} in round $round";
next ROLE;
elsif ( values %$contestants != 1 ) {
my @opponents =
grep { $contestant->id ne $_->id } values %$contestants;
my $opponent = $opponents[0];
my $other = $roles{ $opponent->id };
if ( exists $result->{$other} ) {
$result{$role} = 'Loss'
if $result->{$other} =~ m/^Win$/i;
$result{$role} = 'Win'
if $result->{$other} =~ m/^Loss$/i;
$result{$role} = 'Draw'
if $result->{$other} =~ m/^Draw$/i;
else {
"$result->{$role}, $result->{$other} result for player $contestant->{id} and opponent $opponent->{id} in round $round";
else {
die "Not a Bye, but no result or no partner";
$self->result( \%result );
=head2 myResult
Returns the result for $player from $game, eg 'Win', 'Loss' or 'Draw'.
TODO Should return 0,0.5,1 in numerical context.
sub myResult {
my $self = shift;
my $contestant = shift;
my $contestants = $self->contestants;
my $result = $self->result;
my %result;
my %roles = map { $contestants->{$_}->id => $_ } keys %$contestants;
my $role = $roles{ $contestant->id };
return $result->{$role};
=head2 myPlayers
Returns an array of the players from $game, eg ($alekhine, $yourNewNicks) in ROLES order.
sub myPlayers {
my $self = shift;
my $contestants = $self->contestants;
my @players;
for my $role ( ROLES ) {
push @players, $contestants->{$role} if exists $contestants->{$role};
push @players, $contestants->{Bye} if exists $contestants->{Bye};
return @players;
=head2 hasPlayer
A predicate to perform a test to see if a player is a contestant in $game. Because different objects may refer to the same player when copied by value, use id to decide.
sub hasPlayer {
my $self = shift;
my $player = shift;
my @contestants = $self->myPlayers;
any { $player->id eq $_->id } @contestants;
=head2 myOpponent
Returns the opponent of $player from $game. If $player has a Bye, return a Games::Tournament::Contestant::Swiss object with name 'Bye', and id 'Bye'.
sub myOpponent {
my $self = shift;
my $contestant = shift;
my $id = $contestant->id;
my $contestants = $self->contestants;
my @contestants = values %$contestants;
my %dupes;
for my $contestant ( @contestants )
die "Player $contestant isn't a contestant"
unless $contestant and
my @dupes = grep { $dupes{$_->id}++ } @contestants;
croak "Players @dupes had more than one role" if @dupes;
my $opponent = first { $id ne $_->id } @contestants;
$opponent = Games::Tournament::Contestant::Swiss->new(
name => "Bye", id => "Bye") if $self->isBye;
return $opponent;
=head2 myRole
Returns the role for $player from $game, eg 'White', 'Banker' or 'Away'.
sub myRole {
my $self = shift;
my $contestant = shift;
my $id = $contestant->id;
my $round = $self->round;
my $contestants = $self->contestants;
my @contestants = $self->myPlayers;
my $players;
$players .= " $_: " . $contestants->{$_}->id for keys %$contestants;
unless ( $self->hasPlayer($contestant) ) {
carp "Player $id not in Round $round. Contestants are $players.";
my %dupes;
for my $contestant ( @contestants )
die "Player $contestant isn't a contestant"
unless $contestant and
my @dupes = grep { $dupes{$_->id}++ } @contestants;
croak "Player $id not in Round $round match. Contestants are $players."
if @dupes;
my %roleReversal;
for my $role ( keys %$contestants )
my $id = $contestants->{$role}->id;
$roleReversal{$id} = $role;
my $role = $roleReversal{ $id };
carp "No role for player $id in round " . $self->round unless $role;
return $role;
=head2 myFloat
Returns the float for $player in $game, eg 'Up', 'Down' or 'Not'.
sub myFloat {
my $self = shift;
my $contestant = shift;
# $self->canonize;
my $float = $self->float($contestant);
return $float;
=head2 opponentRole
Games::Tournament::Card->opponentRole( $role )
Returns the role of the opponent of the player in the given role. Class method.
sub opponentRole {
my $self = shift;
my $role = shift;
my %otherRole;
@otherRole{ (ROLES) } = reverse (ROLES);
return $otherRole{ $role };
=head2 round
Returns the round in which the match is taking place.
sub round {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{round};
=head2 contestants
Gets/sets the participants as an anonymous array of player objects.
sub contestants {
my $self = shift;
my $contestants = shift;
if ( defined $contestants ) { $self->{contestants} = $contestants; }
else { return $self->{contestants}; }
=head2 result
Gets/sets the results of the match.
sub result {
my $self = shift;
my $result = shift;
if ( defined $result ) { $self->{result} = $result; }
else { return $self->{result}; }
=head2 equalScores
Tests whether the players have equal scores, returning 1 or ''. If scores were not equal, they are (should be) floating.
sub equalScores {
my $self = shift;
my $contestants = $self->contestants;
my @score = map { $contestants->{$_}->score } ROLES;
return unless looks_like_number $score[0];
return all { $score[0] == $_ } @score;
=head2 higherScoreRole
Returns the role of the player with the higher score, returning '', if scores are equal.
sub higherScoreRole {
my $self = shift;
my $contestant = $self->contestants;
my @score = map { $contestant->{$_}->score } ROLES;
return (ROLES)[0] if $score[0] > $score[1];
return (ROLES)[1] if $score[0] < $score[1];
return '';
=head2 floats
Gets/sets the floats of the match. Probably $game->float($player, 'Up') is used however, instead.
sub floats {
my $self = shift;
my $floats = shift;
if ( defined $floats ) { $self->{floats} = $floats; }
else { return $self->{floats}; }
=head2 float
Gets/sets whether the player was floated 'Up', 'Down', or 'Not' floated. $player->floats is not changed. This takes place in $tourney->collectCards. TODO what if $player is 'Bye'?
sub float {
my $self = shift;
my $player = shift;
die "Player is $player ref"
unless $player and $player->isa('Games::Tournament::Contestant::Swiss');
my $role = $self->myRole($player);
croak "Player " . $player->id . " has $role role in round $self->{round}?"
unless $role eq 'Bye'
or $role eq (ROLES)[0]
or $role eq (ROLES)[1];
my $float = shift;
if ( $role eq 'Bye' ) { return 'Down'; }
elsif ( defined $float ) { $self->{floats}->{$role} = $float; }
elsif ( $self->{floats}->{$role} ) { return $self->{floats}->{$role}; }
else { return 'Not'; }
=head2 isBye
Returns whether the card is for a bye rather than a game between two oppponents.
sub isBye {
my $self = shift;
my $contestants = $self->contestants;
my @status = keys %$contestants;
return 1 if @status == 1 and any { $_ eq 'Bye' } @status;
return 0 if @status == 2 and all { $_ eq (ROLES)[0] or $_ eq (ROLES)[1] } @status;
=head1 AUTHOR
Dr Bean, C<< <drbean, followed by the at mark (@), cpan, then a dot, and finally, org> >>
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<bug-games-tournament-match at rt.cpan.org>, or through the web interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
your bug as I make changes.
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Games::Tournament::Card
You can also look for information at:
=over 4
=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
=item * CPAN Ratings
=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker
=item * Search CPAN
Copyright 2006 Dr Bean, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
1; # End of Games::Tournament::Card
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