use strict;
use Cwd qw( abs_path );
plan skip_all =>
'Must set DATETIME_LOCALE_TEST_DEPS to true in order to run these tests'
use Test::DependentModules qw( test_all_dependents );
## no critic (Variables::RequireLocalizedPunctuationVars)
$ENV{PERL_TEST_DM_LOG_DIR} = abs_path('.');
## use critic
filter => sub {
# Fails tests for reasons unrelated to DateTime-Locale
return 0 if $_[0] eq 'CatalystX-I18N';
# Seems to hang when running under this harness for some reason
return 0 if $_[0] eq 'HTML-FormFu';
# Fails tests for reasons unrelated to DateTime-Locale
return 0 if $_[0] =~ /Jifty/;
# Is having issues with installing its Pg schema
return 0 if $_[0] =~ /Silki/;
# hangs installing prereqs (probably SOAP::Lite for both)
return 0 if $_[0] =~ /Plagger/;
return 0 if $_[0] =~ /WSRF-Lite/;
return 1;