use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Test::More skip_all => "Needs hardcoded schema details.";
use MotorTRAK::MBFL2::TestUtils qw/get_schema get_mlogger /;
# CHI logging.
# use Log::Any::Adapter;
# Log::Any::Adapter->set('Log4perl');
# This should be run after 10-connect.t. It checks whether the key
# set there can be detected in this script.
my $logger = get_mlogger;
use_ok('CHI') || print "Bail out!\n";
my ( $chi, $schema );
ok( $schema = get_schema, "Got a schema" );
ok( $schema->resultset('Mbfl2Session')->search( {} )->count > 0, "Found some sessions" );
$chi = CHI->new(
driver => 'DBIC',
table => 'Mbfl2Session',
schema => $schema,
expires_on_backend => 1,
expires_in => 30
"Got a CHI object."
my $key = "testing_chi_dbic";
my $val = 1234;
is( $chi->get($key), $val, "Retrieved key $key. It has value $val" );
sleep 30;
ok( !$chi->get($key), "$key has expired" );
diag("Testing CHI::Driver::DBIC $CHI::Driver::DBIC::VERSION, Perl $], $^X");