use strict;
=head1 NAME
Slackware::Slackget::Media - A class to represent a Media from the medias.xml file.
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.9.9
our $VERSION = '0.9.9';
This class is used by slack-get to represent a media store in the medias.xml file. In this class (and in the related MediaList), the word "media" is used to describe an update source, a media entity of the medias.xml file.
use Slackware::Slackget::Media;
my $Media = Slackware::Slackget::Media->new('slackware');
my $xml = XML::Simple::XMLin($medias_file,,KeyAttr => {'media' => 'id'});
$media->set_value('description','The official Slackware web site');
This class' usage is mostly the same that the Slackware::Slackget::Package one. There is one big difference with the package class : you must use the accessors for setting the fast and slow medias list.
=head2 new
The constructor require the following argument :
- an id (stricly needed)
Additionnaly you can pass the followings :
description => a string which describe the mirror
web-link => a web site URL for the mirror.
update-repository => A hash reference build on the model of the medias.xml file. For example for the faster mirror (the one you want you use for this Media object) :
my $media = Slackware::Slackget::Media->new('slackware','update-repository' => {faster =>});
Some examples:
# the simpliest and recommended way
my $media = Slackware::Slackget::Media->new('slackware');
# The harder and realy not recommended unless you know what you are doing.
my $media = Slackware::Slackget::Media->new('slackware',
'description'=>'The official Slackware web site',
'web-link' => '',
'update-repository' => {faster => ''}
'files' => {
'filelist' => 'FILELIST.TXT',
'checksums' => 'CHECKSUMS.md5',
'packages' => 'PACKAGES.TXT.gz'
sub new
my ($class,$id,%args) = @_ ;
return undef unless(defined($id));
my $self={};
$self->{ID} = $id ;
$self->{DATA} = {%args};
$self->{DATA}->{hosts}->{old} = [] ;
$self->set_value('host',$args{'update-repository'}->{'faster'}) if(defined($args{'update-repository'}->{'faster'}));
return $self;
=head2 set_value
Set the value of a named key to the value passed in argument.
Return the value you just tried to set (usefull for integrity checks).
sub set_value {
my ($self,$key,$value) = @_ ;
# print "Setting $key=$value for $self\n";
$self->{DATA}->{$key} = $value ;
return $self->{DATA}->{$key};
=head2 setValue (deprecated)
Same as set_value(), provided for backward compatibility.
sub setValue {
return set_value(@_);
=head2 getValue (deprecated)
Same as get_value(), provided for backward compatibility.
sub getValue {
return get_value(@_);
=head2 get_value
Return the value of a key :
$string = $media->get_value($key);
sub get_value {
my ($self,$key) = @_ ;
return $self->{DATA}->{$key};
=head2 fill_object_from_xml
Fill the data section of the Slackware::Slackget::Media object with information from a medias.xml section.
sub fill_object_from_xml {
my ($self,$xml) = @_ ;
# require Data::Dumper ;
# print Data::Dumper::Dumper($xml);
defined($xml->{'description'}) ? $self->set_value('description',$xml->{'description'}) : $self->set_value('description','no description for this media.') ;
defined($xml->{'web-link'}) ? $self->set_value('web-link',$xml->{'web-link'}) : $self->set_value('web-link','no website for this media.');
defined($xml->{'download-signature'}) ? $self->set_value('download-signature',$xml->{'download-signature'}) : $self->set_value('download-signature',0);
warn "[Slackware::Slackget::Media] the faster host of the update-repository section will not be accepted as a valid URL by Slackware::Slackget::Connection class !\n";
return undef unless(defined($xml->{'update-repository'}->{faster}));
if(defined($xml->{'update-repository'}->{fast}) && defined($xml->{'update-repository'}->{fast}->{li}) && ref($xml->{'update-repository'}->{fast}->{li}) eq 'ARRAY')
$self->{DATA}->{hosts}->{fast} = [] ;
if(defined($xml->{'update-repository'}->{slow}) && defined($xml->{'update-repository'}->{slow}->{li}) && ref($xml->{'update-repository'}->{slow}->{li}) eq 'ARRAY')
$self->{DATA}->{hosts}->{slow} = [] ;
warn "[Slackware::Slackget::Media] no update-repository found for the update source '$self->{ID}'\n";
return undef;
return 1;
=head2 _fill_fast_host_section [PRIVATE]
fill the DATA section of the object (sub-section fast host), with a part of the XML tree of a medias.xml file.
In normal use you don't have to use this method. In all case prefer pass all required argument to the constructor, and call the fill_object_from_xml() method.
sub _fill_fast_host_section
my ($self,$xml) = @_ ;
if(defined($xml->{li}) && ref($xml->{li}) eq 'ARRAY')
$self->{DATA}->{hosts}->{fast} = $xml->{li} ;
$self->{DATA}->{hosts}->{fast} = [] ;
=head2 _fill_slow_host_section [PRIVATE]
fill the DATA section of the object (sub-section slow host), with a part of the XML tree of a medias.xml file.
In normal use you don't have to use this method. In all case prefer pass all required argument to the constructor, and call the fill_object_from_xml() method.
sub _fill_slow_host_section
my ($self,$xml) = @_ ;
if(defined($xml->{li}) && ref($xml->{li}) eq 'ARRAY')
$self->{DATA}->{hosts}->{slow} = $xml->{li} ;
$self->{DATA}->{hosts}->{slow} = [] ;
=head2 add_slow_host( <string> )
Add an host to the slow section of the current media.
sub add_slow_host {
my ($self,$url) = @_;
$self->{DATA}->{hosts}->{slow} = [] unless(exists($self->{DATA}->{hosts}->{slow}));
push @{$self->{DATA}->{hosts}->{slow}}, $url;
=head2 add_fast_host( <string> )
Add an host to the fast section of the current media.
sub add_fast_host {
my ($self,$url) = @_;
$self->{DATA}->{hosts}->{fast} = [] unless(exists($self->{DATA}->{hosts}->{fast}));
push @{$self->{DATA}->{hosts}->{fast}}, $url;
=head2 next_host
This method have 3 functionnalities : return the next fastest host, set it as the current host, and add the old host to the old hosts list.
my $host = $media->next_host ;
return undef if no new host is found
sub next_host
my $self = shift;
push @{$self->{DATA}->{hosts}->{old}}, $self->host;
$self->{DATA}->{host} = undef ;
if(defined(my $host = shift(@{$self->{DATA}->{hosts}->{fast}})))
$self->{DATA}->{host} = $host ;
warn "[Slackware::Slackget::Media] no more host in the 'fast' category for update source '$self->{ID}'\n";
if(defined(my $host = shift(@{$self->{DATA}->{hosts}->{slow}})))
$self->{DATA}->{host} = $host ;
warn "[Slackware::Slackget::Media] no more host in the 'slow' category for update source '$self->{ID}'\n";
return undef;
return $self->host ;
=head2 print_info
This method is used to print the content of the current Media object.
$media->print_info ;
sub print_info
my $self = shift ;
print "Information for the '$self->{ID}' update source :\n";
print "\tDescription: ".$self->getValue('description')."\n";
print "\tDescription: no descrition found\n";
print "\tWeb site: ".$self->getValue('web-link')."\n";
print "\tWeb site: no link found\n";
print "\tCurrent host: ".$self->getValue('host')."\n";
print "\tCurrent host: no current host configured !\n";
=head2 to_string
return the same information that the print_info() method as a string.
my $string = $media->to_string ;
sub to_string
my $self = shift ;
my $str = "Information for the '$self->{ID}' update source :\n";
$str .= "\tDescription: ".$self->getValue('description')."\n";
$str .= "\tDescription: no descrition found\n";
$str .= "\tWeb site: ".$self->getValue('web-link')."\n";
$str .= "\tWeb site: no link found\n";
$str .= "\tCurrent host: ".$self->getValue('host')."\n";
$str .= "\tCurrent host: no current host configured !\n";
return $str ;
Some accessors for the current object.
=head2 host
return the current host :
my $host = $media->host
sub host {
return $_[0]->{DATA}->{host};
=head2 description
return the description of the media.
my $descr = $media->description ;
sub description {
return $_[0]->{DATA}->{description};
=head2 url
return the URL of the website for the media.
system("$config->{common}->{'default-browser'} $media->url &");
sub url {
return $_[0]->{DATA}->{'web-link'};
=head2 shortname
Return the shortname of the media. The shortname is the name of the id attribute of the media tag in medias.xml => <media id="the_shortname">
my $id = $media->shortname ;
sub shortname {
return $_[0]->{ID};
=head2 set_fast_medias_array
...not yet implemented...
sub set_fast_medias_array {1;}
Different methods to properly output a media.
=head2 to_XML (deprecated)
Same as to_xml(), provided for backward compatibility.
sub to_XML {
return to_xml(@_);
=head2 to_xml
return the media info as an XML encoded string.
$xml = $media->to_xml();
sub to_xml
my $self = shift;
return undef unless(defined($self->{ID}));
$self->{DATA}->{hosts}->{slow} = [@{$self->{DATA}->{hosts}->{slow}},@{$self->{DATA}->{hosts}->{old}}] ;
$self->{DATA}->{hosts}->{old} = undef;
my $xml = "\t<media id=\"$self->{ID}\">\n";
$xml .= "\t\t<web-link>".$self->url."</web-link>\n";
$xml .= "\t\t<description>".$self->description."</description>\n";
$xml .= "\t\t<update-repository>\n";
$xml .= "\t\t\t<faster>".$self->host."</faster>\n";
if(defined($self->{DATA}->{hosts}->{fast}) && defined($self->{DATA}->{hosts}->{fast}->[0]))
$xml .= "\t\t\t\t<fast>\n";
foreach my $serv (@{$self->{DATA}->{hosts}->{fast}})
$xml .= "\t\t\t\t\t<li>$serv</li>\n";
$xml .= "\t\t\t\t</fast>\n";
if(defined($self->{DATA}->{hosts}->{slow}) && defined($self->{DATA}->{hosts}->{slow}->[0]))
$xml .= "\t\t\t\t<slow>\n";
foreach my $serv (@{$self->{DATA}->{hosts}->{slow}})
$xml .= "\t\t\t\t\t<li>$serv</li>\n";
$xml .= "\t\t\t\t</slow>\n";
$xml .= "\t\t</update-repository>\n";
# foreach my $key (keys(%{$self->{DATA}})){
# if($key eq 'update-repository')
# {
# foreach my $key2 (keys(%{$self->{DATA}->{'update-repository'}}))
# {
# if($key2 eq 'fast' or $key2 eq 'slow' && ref($self->{DATA}->{'update-repository'}->{$key2}) eq 'HASH' && defined($self->{DATA}->{'update-repository'}->{$key2}->{li}) && ref($self->{DATA}->{'update-repository'}->{$key2}->{li}) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
# $xml .= "\t\t<$key2>\n";
# foreach (@{$self->{DATA}->{'update-repository'}->{$key2}->{li}}){
# $xml .= "\t\t\t<li>$_</li>\n";
# }
# $xml .= "\t\t</$key2>\n";
# }
# }
# }
# else
# {
# $xml .= "\t\t<$key>$self->{DATA}->{$key}</$key>\n";
# }
# }
$xml .= "\t</media>\n";
return $xml;
=head2 to_HTML (deprecated)
Same as to_html(), provided for backward compatibility.
sub to_HTML {
return to_html(@_);
=head2 to_html
return the media info as an HTML encoded string.
$xml = $media->to_html();
sub to_html
my $self = shift;
return undef unless(defined($self->{ID}));
my $host = $self->host ;
$host = "<font color='red'>not reachable</font>" unless($host);
return "<li>current host for <a href='".$self->url."' target='_blank' title='".$self->description."'>$self->{ID}</a> is $host</li><br/>\n";
=head1 AUTHOR
DUPUIS Arnaud, C<< <> >>
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<>, or through the web interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
your bug as I make changes.
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Slackware::Slackget::Media
You can also look for information at:
=over 4
=item * Infinity Perl website
=item * slack-get specific website
=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker
=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
=item * CPAN Ratings
=item * Search CPAN
Thanks to Bertrand Dupuis (yes my brother) for his contribution to the documentation.
Copyright 2005 DUPUIS Arnaud, All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
1; # End of Slackware::Slackget::Media