=begin private
Keep private so it's not displayed, but will still be indexed by the CPAN
=head1 Name
sqitchcommands - List of common sqitch commands
=end private
=head1 Usage
sqitch [--etc-path | --help | --man | --version]
sqitch <command> [--chdir <path>] [--no-pager] [--quiet] [--verbose]
[<command-options>] [<args>]
=head1 Common Commands
The most commonly used sqitch commands are:
add Add a new change to the plan
bundle Bundle a Sqitch project for distribution
checkout Revert, checkout another VCS branch, and re-deploy changes
config Get and set local, user, or system options
deploy Deploy changes to a database
engine Manage database engine configuration
help Display help information about Sqitch commands
init Initialize a project
log Show change logs for a database
plan Show the contents of a plan
rebase Revert and redeploy database changes
revert Revert changes from a database
rework Duplicate a change in the plan and revise its scripts
show Show information about changes and tags, or change script contents
status Show the current deployment status of a database
tag Add or list tags in the plan
target Manage target database configuration
upgrade Upgrade the registry to the current version
verify Verify changes to a database
See C<< sqitch help <command> >> or C<< sqitch help <concept> >> to read about
a specific command or concept. See C<< sqitch help --guide >> for a list of
conceptual guides.