#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# To test against a live Vertica database, you must set the SQITCH_TEST_VSQL_URI
# environment variable. this is a stanard URI::db URI, and should look something
# like this:
# Note that it must include the `?Driver=$driver` bit so that DBD::ODBC loads
# the proper driver.
use strict;
use 5.010;
use Test::More 0.94;
use Locale::TextDomain qw(App-Sqitch);
use Capture::Tiny 0.12 qw(:all);
use lib 't/lib';
my $CLASS;
$CLASS = 'App::Sqitch::Engine::vertica';
require_ok $CLASS or die;
is_deeply [$CLASS->config_vars], [
target => 'any',
registry => 'any',
client => 'any',
], 'config_vars should return three vars';
my $uri = URI::db->new('db:vertica:');
my $config = TestConfig->new('core.engine' => 'vertica');
my $sqitch = App::Sqitch->new(config => $config);
my $target = App::Sqitch::Target->new(
sqitch => $sqitch,
uri => $uri,
isa_ok my $vta = $CLASS->new(
sqitch => $sqitch,
target => $target,
), $CLASS;
is $vta->key, 'vertica', 'Key should be "vertica"';
is $vta->name, 'Vertica', 'Name should be "Vertica"';
my $client = 'vsql' . (App::Sqitch::ISWIN ? '.exe' : '');
is $vta->client, $client, 'client should default to vsql';
is $vta->registry, 'sqitch', 'registry default should be "sqitch"';
is $vta->uri, $uri, 'DB URI should be "db:vertica:"';
my $dest_uri = $uri->clone;
$dest_uri->dbname($ENV{VSQL_DATABASE} || $ENV{VSQL_USER} || $sqitch->sysuser);
is $vta->destination, $dest_uri->as_string,
'Destination should fall back on environment variables';
is $vta->registry_destination, $vta->destination,
'Registry destination should be the same as destination';
my @std_opts = (
'--set' => 'ON_ERROR_STOP=1',
'--set' => 'registry=sqitch',
is_deeply [$vta->vsql], [$client, '--username', $sqitch->sysuser, @std_opts],
'vsql command should be username and std opts-only';
isa_ok $vta = $CLASS->new(
sqitch => $sqitch,
target => $target,
), $CLASS;
ok $vta->set_variables(foo => 'baz', whu => 'hi there', yo => 'stellar'),
'Set some variables';
is_deeply [$vta->vsql], [
'--username', $sqitch->sysuser,
'--set' => 'foo=baz',
'--set' => 'whu=hi there',
'--set' => 'yo=stellar',
], 'Variables should be passed to vsql via --set';
# Test other configs for the target.
ENV: {
# Make sure we override system-set vars.
local $ENV{VSQL_USER};
my $target = App::Sqitch::Target->new(
sqitch => $sqitch,
uri => $uri->clone,
my $vta = $CLASS->new(sqitch => $sqitch, target => $target);
local $ENV{$env} = "\$ENV=whatever";
is $vta->target->name, "db:vertica:", "Target name should not read \$$env";
is $vta->registry_destination, $vta->destination,
'Registry target should be the same as destination';
is $vta->username, $ENV{VSQL_USER} || $sqitch->sysuser,
"Should have username when $env set";
is $vta->password, $ENV{VSQL_PASSWORD},
"Should have password when $env set";
is $vta->_dsn, 'dbi:ODBC:' . ($ENV{VSQL_DATABASE} ? "DSN=$ENV{VSQL_DATABASE}" : ''),
'DSN should have database name when $env set';
my $mocker = Test::MockModule->new('App::Sqitch');
$mocker->mock(sysuser => 'sysuser=whatever');
my $vta = $CLASS->new(sqitch => $sqitch, target => $target);
is $vta->target->name, 'db:vertica:',
'Target name should not fall back on sysuser';
is $vta->registry_destination, $vta->destination,
'Registry target should be the same as destination';
$vta = $CLASS->new(sqitch => $sqitch, username => 'hi', target => $target);
is $vta->target->name, 'db:vertica:', 'Target name should be the default';
is $vta->registry_destination, $vta->destination,
'Registry target should be the same as destination';
# Make sure config settings override defaults.
'engine.vertica.client' => '/path/to/vsql',
'engine.vertica.target' => 'db:vertica://localhost/try',
'engine.vertica.registry' => 'meta',
$std_opts[-1] = 'registry=meta';
$target = App::Sqitch::Target->new( sqitch => $sqitch );
ok $vta = $CLASS->new(sqitch => $sqitch, target => $target),
'Create another vertica';
is $vta->client, '/path/to/vsql', 'client should be as configured';
is $vta->uri->as_string, 'db:vertica://localhost/try',
'uri should be as configured';
is $vta->registry, 'meta', 'registry should be as configured';
is_deeply [$vta->vsql], [
'--username', $sqitch->sysuser,
'--dbname', 'try',
'--host', 'localhost',
], 'vsql command should be configured from URI config';
# Test _run(), _capture(), _spool(), and _prob()
can_ok $vta, qw(_run _capture _spool _probe);
my $mock_sqitch = Test::MockModule->new('App::Sqitch');
my (@run, $exp_pass);
$mock_sqitch->mock(run => sub {
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 2;
@run = @_;
if (defined $exp_pass) {
is $ENV{VSQL_PASSWORD}, $exp_pass, qq{VSQL_PASSWORD should be "$exp_pass"};
} else {
ok !exists $ENV{VSQL_PASSWORD}, 'VSQL_PASSWORD should not exist';
my @capture;
$mock_sqitch->mock(capture => sub {
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 2;
@capture = @_;
if (defined $exp_pass) {
is $ENV{VSQL_PASSWORD}, $exp_pass, qq{VSQL_PASSWORD should be "$exp_pass"};
} else {
ok !exists $ENV{VSQL_PASSWORD}, 'VSQL_PASSWORD should not exist';
my @spool;
$mock_sqitch->mock(spool => sub {
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 2;
@spool = @_;
if (defined $exp_pass) {
is $ENV{VSQL_PASSWORD}, $exp_pass, qq{VSQL_PASSWORD should be "$exp_pass"};
} else {
ok !exists $ENV{VSQL_PASSWORD}, 'VSQL_PASSWORD should not exist';
my @probe;
$mock_sqitch->mock(probe => sub {
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 2;
@probe = @_;
if (defined $exp_pass) {
is $ENV{VSQL_PASSWORD}, $exp_pass, qq{VSQL_PASSWORD should be "$exp_pass"};
} else {
ok !exists $ENV{VSQL_PASSWORD}, 'VSQL_PASSWORD should not exist';
$exp_pass = 's3cr3t';
ok $vta->_run(qw(foo bar baz)), 'Call _run';
is_deeply \@run, [$vta->vsql, qw(foo bar baz)],
'Command should be passed to run()';
ok $vta->_spool('FH'), 'Call _spool';
is_deeply \@spool, ['FH', $vta->vsql],
'Command should be passed to spool()';
ok $vta->_capture(qw(foo bar baz)), 'Call _capture';
is_deeply \@capture, [$vta->vsql, qw(foo bar baz)],
'Command should be passed to capture()';
ok $vta->_probe(qw(hi there)), 'Call _probe';
is_deeply \@probe, [$vta->vsql, qw(hi there)],
'Should have expected arguments to _probe';
# Without password.
$target = App::Sqitch::Target->new( sqitch => $sqitch );
ok $vta = $CLASS->new(sqitch => $sqitch, target => $target),
'Create a vertica with sqitch with no pw';
$exp_pass = undef;
ok $vta->_run(qw(foo bar baz)), 'Call _run again';
is_deeply \@run, [$vta->vsql, qw(foo bar baz)],
'Command should be passed to run() again';
ok $vta->_spool('FH'), 'Call _spool again';
is_deeply \@spool, ['FH', $vta->vsql],
'Command should be passed to spool() again';
ok $vta->_capture(qw(foo bar baz)), 'Call _capture again';
is_deeply \@capture, [$vta->vsql, qw(foo bar baz)],
'Command should be passed to capture() again';
ok $vta->_probe(qw(go there)), 'Call _probe again';
is_deeply \@probe, [$vta->vsql, qw(go there)],
'Should again have expected arguments to _probe';
# Test file and handle running.
ok $vta->run_file('foo/bar.sql'), 'Run foo/bar.sql';
is_deeply \@run, [$vta->vsql, '--file', 'foo/bar.sql'],
'File should be passed to run()';
ok $vta->run_handle('FH'), 'Spool a "file handle"';
is_deeply \@spool, ['FH', $vta->vsql],
'Handle should be passed to spool()';
# Verify should go to capture unless verosity is > 1.
ok $vta->run_verify('foo/bar.sql'), 'Verify foo/bar.sql';
is_deeply \@capture, [$vta->vsql, '--file', 'foo/bar.sql'],
'Verify file should be passed to capture()';
$mock_sqitch->mock(verbosity => 2);
ok $vta->run_verify('foo/bar.sql'), 'Verify foo/bar.sql again';
is_deeply \@run, [$vta->vsql, '--file', 'foo/bar.sql'],
'Verifile file should be passed to run() for high verbosity';
# Test DateTime formatting and other database stuff.
ok my $ts2char = $CLASS->can('_ts2char_format'), "$CLASS->can('_ts2char_format')";
is sprintf($ts2char->(), 'foo'),
q{to_char(foo AT TIME ZONE 'UTC', '"year":YYYY:"month":MM:"day":DD:"hour":HH24:"minute":MI:"second":SS:"time_zone":"UTC"')},
'_ts2char_format should work';
ok my $dtfunc = $CLASS->can('_dt'), "$CLASS->can('_dt')";
isa_ok my $dt = $dtfunc->(
), 'App::Sqitch::DateTime', 'Return value of _dt()';
is $dt->year, 2012, 'DateTime year should be set';
is $dt->month, 7, 'DateTime month should be set';
is $dt->day, 5, 'DateTime day should be set';
is $dt->hour, 15, 'DateTime hour should be set';
is $dt->minute, 7, 'DateTime minute should be set';
is $dt->second, 1, 'DateTime second should be set';
is $dt->time_zone->name, 'UTC', 'DateTime TZ should be set';
is $vta->_listagg_format, undef, 'Should have no listagg format';
# Test table error methods.
DBI: {
local *DBI::state;
ok !$vta->_no_table_error, 'Should have no table error';
ok !$vta->_no_column_error, 'Should have no column error';
$DBI::state = '42V01';
ok $vta->_no_table_error, 'Should now have table error';
ok !$vta->_no_column_error, 'Still should have no column error';
$DBI::state = '42703';
ok !$vta->_no_table_error, 'Should again have no table error';
ok $vta->_no_column_error, 'Should now have no column error';
# Test current state error handling.
CS: {
my $mock_engine = Test::MockModule->new($CLASS);
$mock_engine->mock(_select_state => sub { die 'OW' });
throws_ok { $vta->current_state } qr/OW/,
"current_state should propagate an error when it's not a column error";
# Test _cid error handling.
CID: {
my $mock_engine = Test::MockModule->new($CLASS);
$mock_engine->mock(dbh => sub { die 'OH NO' });
throws_ok { $vta->_cid } qr/OH NO/,
"_cid should propagate an error when it's not a table or column error";
# Can we do live tests?
my $dbh;
return unless $dbh;
$dbh->{Driver}->visit_child_handles(sub {
my $h = shift;
$h->disconnect if $h->{Type} eq 'db' && $h->{Active} && $h ne $dbh;
$dbh->{RaiseError} = 0;
$dbh->{PrintError} = 1;
$dbh->do($_) for (
'DROP SCHEMA __sqitchtest CASCADE',
$uri = URI->new(
# Try to connect.
my $err;
for my $i (1..30) {
$err = try {
$dbh = DBI->connect($uri->dbi_dsn, $uri->user, $uri->password, {
PrintError => 0,
RaiseError => 0,
AutoCommit => 1,
HandleError => $vta->error_handler,
} catch {
# Sleep if it failed but Vertica is still starting up.
# SQL-57V03: `failed: FATAL 4149: Node startup/recovery in progress. Not yet ready to accept connections`
# SQL-08001: `failed: [Vertica][DSI] An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the error message for key 'VConnectFailed' and component ID 101: Could not open error message files`
last unless $err && (($DBI::state || '') eq '57V03' || $err->message =~ /VConnectFailed/);
sleep 1 if $i < 30;
class => $CLASS,
version_query => 'SELECT version()',
target_params => [ uri => $uri ],
alt_target_params => [ uri => $uri, registry => '__sqitchtest' ],
skip_unless => sub {
my $self = shift;
die $err if $err;
# Make sure we have vsql and can connect to the database.
my $version = $self->sqitch->capture( $self->client, '--version' );
say "# Detected $version";
$self->_capture('--command' => 'SELECT version()');
engine_err_regex => qr/\bERROR \d+:/,
init_error => __x(
'Sqitch schema "{schema}" already exists',
schema => '__sqitchtest',
test_dbh => sub {
my $dbh = shift;
# Make sure the sqitch schema is the first in the search path.
is $dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT current_schema')->[0],
'__sqitchtest', 'The Sqitch schema should be the current schema';