use strict;
use Test::More 0.88;
use JSON;
my $json = do {
my $file = File::Spec->catfile(qw(t META.json));
local $/;
open my $fh, '<:raw', $file or die "Cannot open $file: $!\n";
# Valid metadata.
for my $spec (
['unchanged' => sub { } ],
['maintainer string' => sub { shift->{maintainer} = 'David Wheeler <>' }],
(map {
my $l = $_;
["license $l" => sub { shift->{license} = $l }],
} qw(
['multiple licenses' => sub { shift->{license} = [qw(postgresql perl_5)] }],
['license hash' => sub { shift->{license} = { foo => '' } }],
['multilicense hash' => sub { shift->{license} = {
foo => '',
bar => '',
} }],
['provides docfile' => sub { shift->{provides}{pgtap}{docfile} = 'foo/bar.txt' }],
['provides no abstract' => sub { delete shift->{provides}{pgtap}{abstract} }],
['provides custom key' => sub { shift->{provides}{pgtap}{x_foo} = 1 }],
['no spec url' => sub { delete shift->{'meta-spec'}{url} }],
['meta-spec custom key' => sub { shift->{'meta-spec'}{x_foo} = 1 }],
['multibyte name' => sub { shift->{name} = 'yoŭknow'}],
['name with dash' => sub { shift->{name} = 'foo-bar' }],
['no generated_by' => sub { delete shift->{generated_by} }],
['one tag' => sub { shift->{tags} = 'foo' }],
['no tags' => sub { shift->{tags} = [] }],
['no index file' => sub { shift->{no_index}{file} = ['foo']} ],
['no index empty file' => sub { shift->{no_index}{file} = []} ],
['no index file string' => sub { shift->{no_index}{file} = 'foo'} ],
['no index directory' => sub { shift->{no_index}{directory} = ['foo']} ],
['no index empty directory' => sub { shift->{no_index}{directory} = []} ],
['no index directory string' => sub { shift->{no_index}{directory} = 'foo'} ],
['no index file and directory' => sub { shift->{no_index} = {
file => [qw(foo bar)],
directory => 'baz',
['no index custom key' => sub { shift->{no_index}{X_foo} = 1 }],
(map {
my $phase = $_;
map {
my $rel = $_;
"$phase $rel prereq",
sub { my $m = shift; $m->{prereqs}{$phase}{$rel} = { foo => '1.2.0' }},
} qw(requires recommends suggests conflicts);
} qw(configure runtime build test develop)),
(map {
my $op = $_;
"version range with $op operator",
sub { shift->{prereqs}{runtime}{requires}{PostgreSQL} = "$op 1.8.0"},
"version range with unspaced $op operator",
sub { shift->{prereqs}{runtime}{requires}{PostgreSQL} = "${op}1.8.0"},
} qw(== != < <= > >=)),
'prereq complex version range',
sub { shift->{prereqs}{runtime}{requires}{PostgreSQL} = '>= 1.2.0, != 1.5.0, < 2.0.0'},
'prereq complex unspaced version range',
sub { shift->{prereqs}{runtime}{requires}{PostgreSQL} = '>=1.2.0,!=1.5.0,<2.0.0'},
'prereq version 0',
sub { shift->{prereqs}{runtime}{requires}{PostgreSQL} = 0 },
'no release status',
sub { delete shift->{release_status} },
(map {
my $rel = $_;
"release status $rel",
sub { shift->{release_status} = $rel },
} qw(stable testing unstable)),
'no resources',
sub { delete shift->{resources} },
'homepage resource',
sub { shift->{resources}{homepage} = '' },
'bugtracker resource',
sub { shift->{resources}{bugtracker} = {
mailto => '',
} },
'bugtracker web',
sub { shift->{resources}{bugtracker} = {
} },
'bugtracker mailto',
sub { shift->{resources}{bugtracker} = {
mailto => '',
} },
'bugtracker custom',
sub { shift->{resources}{bugtracker} = {
x_foo => 'foo',
} },
'repository resource',
sub { shift->{resources}{repository} = {
type => 'git',
} },
'repository resource url',
sub { shift->{resources}{repository} = {
type => 'git',
} },
'repository resource web',
sub { shift->{resources}{repository} = {
type => 'git',
} },
'repository custom',
sub { shift->{resources}{repository} = {
x_foo => 'foo',
} },
) {
my ($desc, $sub) = @{ $spec };
my $dm = decode_json $json;
my $pmv = PGXN::Meta::Validator->new($dm);
ok $pmv->is_valid, "Should be valid with $desc"
or diag "ERRORS:\n" . join "\n", $pmv->errors;
for my $spec (
'no name',
sub { delete shift->{name} },
"Required field /name: missing [Spec v1.0.0]",
'no version',
sub { delete shift->{version} },
"Required field /version: missing [Spec v1.0.0]",
'no abstract',
sub { delete shift->{abstract} },
"Required field /abstract: missing [Spec v1.0.0]",
'no maintainer',
sub { delete shift->{maintainer} },
"Required field /maintainer: missing [Spec v1.0.0]",
'no license',
sub { delete shift->{license} },
"Required field /license: missing [Spec v1.0.0]",
'no meta-spec',
sub { delete shift->{'meta-spec'} },
"Required field /meta-spec: missing [Spec v1.0.0]",
'no provides',
sub { delete shift->{provides} },
"Required field /provides: missing [Spec v1.0.0]",
'bad version',
sub { shift->{version} = '1.0' },
'Field /version: "1.0" is not a valid semantic version [Spec v1.0.0]',
'deprecated version',
sub { shift->{version} = '1.0.0v1' },
'Field /version: "1.0.0v1" is not a valid semantic version [Spec v1.0.0]',
'version zero',
sub { shift->{version} = '0' },
'Field /version: "0" is not a valid semantic version [Spec v1.0.0]',
'provides version 0',
sub { shift->{provides}{pgtap}{version} = '0' },
'Field /provides/pgtap/version: "0" is not a valid semantic version [Spec v1.0.0]',
'bad provides version',
sub { shift->{provides}{pgtap}{version} = 'hi' },
'Field /provides/pgtap/version: "hi" is not a valid semantic version [Spec v1.0.0]',
'bad prereq version',
sub { shift->{prereqs}{runtime}{requires}{plpgsql} = '1.2b1' },
'Field /prereqs/runtime/requires/plpgsql: "1.2b1" is not a valid semantic version [Spec v1.0.0]',
'invalid key',
sub { shift->{foo} = 1 },
'Field /foo: Unknown key; custom keys must begin with "x_" or "X_" [Spec v1.0.0]',
'invalid license',
sub { shift->{license} = 'gobbledygook' },
'Field /license: "gobbledygook" is an unknown license [Spec v1.0.0]',
'invalid licenses',
sub { shift->{license} = [ 'bsd', 'gobbledygook' ] },
'Field /license[1]: "gobbledygook" is an unknown license [Spec v1.0.0]',
'invalid license URL',
sub { shift->{license} = { 'foo' => 'not a URL' } },
'Field /license/foo: "not a URL" is not a valid URL [Spec v1.0.0]',
'second invalid license URL',
sub { shift->{license} = { 'foo' => '', bar => 'not a URL' } },
'Field /license/bar: "not a URL" is not a valid URL [Spec v1.0.0]',
'no provides file',
sub { delete shift->{provides}{pgtap}{file} },
'Required field /provides/pgtap/file: missing [Spec v1.0.0]',
'no provides version',
sub { delete shift->{provides}{pgtap}{version} },
'Required field /provides/pgtap/version: missing [Spec v1.0.0]',
'invalid provides version',
sub { shift->{provides}{pgtap}{version} = '1.0' },
'Field /provides/pgtap/version: "1.0" is not a valid semantic version [Spec v1.0.0]',
'provides array',
sub { shift->{provides} = ['pgtap', '0.24.0' ]},
'Field /provides: Should be a map structure [Spec v1.0.0]',
'undefined provides file',
sub { shift->{provides}{pgtap}{file} = undef },
'Required field /provides/pgtap/file: missing [Spec v1.0.0]',
'undefined provides abstract',
sub { shift->{provides}{pgtap}{abstract} = undef },
'Field /provides/pgtap/abstract: No value [Spec v1.0.0]',
'undefined provides version',
sub { shift->{provides}{pgtap}{version} = undef },
'Required field /provides/pgtap/version: missing [Spec v1.0.0]',
'undefined provides docfile',
sub { shift->{provides}{pgtap}{docfile} = undef },
'Field /provides/pgtap/docfile: No value [Spec v1.0.0]',
'bad provides custom key',
sub { shift->{provides}{pgtap}{woot} = 'hi' },
'Field /provides/pgtap/woot: Unknown key; custom keys must begin with "x_" or "X_" [Spec v1.0.0]',
'alt spec version',
sub { shift->{'meta-spec'}{version} = '2.0.0' },
"Unknown META specification, cannot validate. [Spec v2.0.0]",
'no spec version',
sub { delete shift->{'meta-spec'}{version}; },
'Required field /meta-spec/version: missing [Spec v1.0.0]',
'bad spec URL',
sub { shift->{'meta-spec'}{url} = 'not a url' },
'Field /meta-spec/url: "not a url" is not a valid URL [Spec v1.0.0]',
'name with newline',
sub { shift->{name} = "foo\nbar" },
qq{Field /name: "foo\nbar" is not a valid term [Spec v1.0.0]},
'name with return',
sub { shift->{name} = "foo\rbar" },
qq{Field /name: "foo\rbar" is not a valid term [Spec v1.0.0]},
'name with slash',
sub { shift->{name} = "foo/bar" },
'Field /name: "foo/bar" is not a valid term [Spec v1.0.0]',
'name with backslash',
sub { shift->{name} = "foo\\bar" },
'Field /name: "foo\\bar" is not a valid term [Spec v1.0.0]',
'name with space',
sub { shift->{name} = "foo bar" },
'Field /name: "foo bar" is not a valid term [Spec v1.0.0]',
'short name',
sub { shift->{name} = "f" },
'Field /name: term must be at least 2 characters [Spec v1.0.0]',
'undefined description',
sub { shift->{description} = undef },
'Field /description: No value [Spec v1.0.0]',
'undefined generated_by',
sub { shift->{generated_by} = undef },
'Field /generated_by: No value [Spec v1.0.0]',
'undef tag',
sub { shift->{tags} = undef },
'Field /tags: Should be a list structure [Spec v1.0.0]',
'empty tag',
sub { shift->{tags} = '' },
'Field /tags: "" is not a valid tag [Spec v1.0.0]',
'empty tag item',
sub { shift->{tags} = ['', 'foo'] },
'Field /tags[0]: "" is not a valid tag [Spec v1.0.0]',
'undef tag item',
sub { shift->{tags} = ['foo', undef] },
'Field /tags[1]: value is not defined [Spec v1.0.0]',
'long tag',
sub { shift->{tags} = 'x' x 257 },
'Field /tags: tag must be no more than 256 characters [Spec v1.0.0]',
'no_index empty file string',
sub { shift->{no_index}{file} = '' },
'Field /no_index/file: No value [Spec v1.0.0]',
'no_index undef file string',
sub { shift->{no_index}{file} = undef },
'Field /no_index/file: Should be a list structure [Spec v1.0.0]',
'no_index empty file array string',
sub { shift->{no_index}{file} = [''] },
'Field /no_index/file[0]: No value [Spec v1.0.0]',
'no_index undef file array string',
sub { shift->{no_index}{file} = [undef] },
'Field /no_index/file[0]: No value [Spec v1.0.0]',
'no_index empty directory string',
sub { shift->{no_index}{directory} = '' },
'Field /no_index/directory: No value [Spec v1.0.0]',
'no_index undef directory string',
sub { shift->{no_index}{directory} = undef },
'Field /no_index/directory: Should be a list structure [Spec v1.0.0]',
'no_index empty directory array string',
sub { shift->{no_index}{directory} = [''] },
'Field /no_index/directory[0]: No value [Spec v1.0.0]',
'no_index undef directory array string',
sub { shift->{no_index}{directory} = [undef] },
'Field /no_index/directory[0]: No value [Spec v1.0.0]',
'no_index bad key',
sub { shift->{no_index}{foo} = ['hi'] },
'Field /no_index/foo: Unknown key; custom keys must begin with "x_" or "X_" [Spec v1.0.0]',
'prereq undef version',
sub { shift->{prereqs}{runtime}{requires}{PostgreSQL} = undef },
'Field /prereqs/runtime/requires/PostgreSQL: No value [Spec v1.0.0]',
'prereq invalid version',
sub { shift->{prereqs}{runtime}{requires}{PostgreSQL} = '1.0' },
'Field /prereqs/runtime/requires/PostgreSQL: "1.0" is not a valid semantic version [Spec v1.0.0]',
'prereq invalid version op',
sub { shift->{prereqs}{runtime}{requires}{PostgreSQL} = '= 1.0.0' },
'Field /prereqs/runtime/requires/PostgreSQL: "=" is not a valid version range operator [Spec v1.0.0]',
'prereq wtf version op',
sub { shift->{prereqs}{runtime}{requires}{PostgreSQL} = '*** 1.0.0' },
'Field /prereqs/runtime/requires/PostgreSQL: "***" is not a valid version range operator [Spec v1.0.0]',
'prereq verersion leading comma',
sub { shift->{prereqs}{runtime}{requires}{PostgreSQL} = ',1.0.0' },
'Field /prereqs/runtime/requires/PostgreSQL: "" is not a valid semantic version [Spec v1.0.0]',
'invalid prereq phase',
sub { shift->{prereqs}{howdy}{requires}{PostgreSQL} = '1.0.0' },
'Field /prereqs/howdy: Unknown preqreq phase; must be one of configure, build, test, runtime, develop [Spec v1.0.0]'
'invalid prereq phase',
sub { shift->{prereqs}{runtime}{wanking}{PostgreSQL} = '1.0.0' },
'Field /prereqs/runtime/wanking: Unknown preqreq relationship; must be one of requires, recommends, suggests, conflicts [Spec v1.0.0]',
'non-map prereq',
sub { shift->{prereqs}{runtime}{requires} = [ PostgreSQL => '1.0.0' ] },
'Field /prereqs/runtime/requires: Should be a map structure [Spec v1.0.0]',
'non-term prereq',
sub { shift->{prereqs}{runtime}{requires}{'foo/bar'} = '1.0.0' },
'Field /prereqs/runtime/requires/foo/bar: "foo/bar" is not a valid term [Spec v1.0.0]',
'invalid release status',
sub { shift->{release_status} = 'rockin' },
'Field /release_status: "rockin" is not a valid release status; must be one of stable, testing, unstable [Spec v1.0.0]'
'undef release status',
sub { shift->{release_status} = undef },
'Field /release_status: "" is not a valid release status; must be one of stable, testing, unstable [Spec v1.0.0]',
'homepage resource undef',
sub { shift->{resources}{homepage} = undef },
'Field /resources/homepage: No value [Spec v1.0.0]',
'homepage resource non-url',
sub { shift->{resources}{homepage} = 'hi' },
'Field /resources/homepage: "hi" is not a valid URL [Spec v1.0.0]',
'bugtracker resource undef',
sub { shift->{resources}{bugtracker} = undef },
'Field /resources/bugtracker: Should be a map structure [Spec v1.0.0]',
'bugtracker resource array',
sub { shift->{resources}{bugtracker} = ['hi'] },
'Field /resources/bugtracker: Should be a map structure [Spec v1.0.0]',
'bugtracker empty invalid key',
sub { shift->{resources}{bugtracker} = { foo => 1 } },
'Field /resources/bugtracker/foo: Unknown key; custom keys must begin with "x_" or "X_" [Spec v1.0.0]',
'bugtracker invalid URL',
sub { shift->{resources}{bugtracker} = { web => 'hi' } },
'Field /resources/bugtracker/web: "hi" is not a valid URL [Spec v1.0.0]',
'bugtracker invalid email',
sub { shift->{resources}{bugtracker} = { mailto => 'hi' } },
'Field /resources/bugtracker/mailto: "hi" is not a valid email address [Spec v1.0.0]',
'repository resource undef',
sub { shift->{resources}{repository} = undef },
'Field /resources/repository: Should be a map structure [Spec v1.0.0]',
'repository resource array',
sub { shift->{resources}{repository} = ['hi'] },
'Field /resources/repository: Should be a map structure [Spec v1.0.0]',
'repository empty invalid key',
sub { shift->{resources}{repository} = { foo => 1 } },
'Field /resources/repository/foo: Unknown key; custom keys must begin with "x_" or "X_" [Spec v1.0.0]',
'repository invalid URL',
sub { shift->{resources}{repository} = { url => 'hi' } },
'Field /resources/repository/url: "hi" is not a valid URL [Spec v1.0.0]',
'repository invalid web URL',
sub { shift->{resources}{repository} = { web => 'hi' } },
'Field /resources/repository/web: "hi" is not a valid URL [Spec v1.0.0]',
'repository invalid type',
sub { shift->{resources}{repository} = { type => 'Foo' } },
'Field /resources/repository/type: "Foo" is not a lowercase string [Spec v1.0.0]'
) {
my ($desc, $sub, $err) = @{ $spec };
my $dm = decode_json $json;
my $pmv = PGXN::Meta::Validator->new($dm);
ok !$pmv->is_valid, "Should be invalid with $desc";
is [$pmv->errors]->[0], $err, "Should get error for $desc";