#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Regexp::Ethiopic::Amharic qw(:utils :forms overload);
use strict;
use utf8;
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8"); # works fine w/o this on linux
$_ = "ሀለሐመሠረሰ";
print "Staring with $_...\n\n";
print "1) Set all [=ሀ=] to the ራብዕ form:\n";
# print " ", qw(s/([=ሀ=])/setForm($1,$ራብዕ)/eg;), "\n";
print " s/([=ሀ=])/setForm(\$1,\$ራብዕ)/eg;\n";
print " => $_\n\n";
print "2) Set all [=ሰ=] to the ሳብዕ form:\n";
# print " ", qw(s/([=ሰ=])/setForm($1,$ሳብዕ)/eg;), "\n";
print " s/([=ሰ=])/setForm(\$1,\$ሳብዕ)/eg;)\n";
print " => $_\n\n";
print "3) Set all ግዕዝ forms to the ኃምስ form:\n";
# print " ", qw(s/([:ግዕዝ:])/setForm($1,$ኃምስ)/eg;), "\n";
print " s/([:ግዕዝ:])/setForm(\$1,\$ኃምስ)/eg;\n";
print " => $_\n\n";
print " Note: This last substitution was equivalent to:\n";
# print " ", qw(s/([#1#])/setForm($1,$ኃምስ)/eg;), "\n\n";
print " s/([#1#])/setForm(\$1,\$ኃምስ)/eg;\n\n";
print "4) Substitute a [#ጸ#] for a [#ሰ#] in the form found for the [#ሰ#]:\n";
# print " ", qw(s/([#ሰ#])/subForm('ጸ',$1)/eg;), "\n";
print " s/([#ሰ#])/subForm('ጸ',\$1)/eg;\n";
print " => $_\n\n";
print "5) Report all forms:\n";
# print " ", qw(s/(.)/print " $1 is of form ", getForm($1),"\n"; $1/eg), "\n";
print " s/(.)/print \" \$1 is of form \", getForm(\$1),\"\\n\"; \$1/eg\n";
s/(.)/print " $1 is of form ", getForm($1),"\n"; $1/eg;
print "\n";
print "6) Back to where we started (except for the ጸ of course):\n";
# print " ", qw(s/(.)/setForm($1,$ግዕዝ)/eg;), "\n";
print " s/(.)/setForm(\$1,\$ግዕዝ)/eg;\n";
print " => $_\n\n";
print "7) Format አበገደ as አቡጊዳ:\n";
print " print formatForms ( \"%1%2%3%4\", \"አበገደ\" );\n";
print " => ", formatForms ( "%1%2%3%4", "አበገደ" ), "\n";
=head1 NAME
utils.pl - 7 Demonstrations of the Exported ":utils" Functions.
Simple demonstrations of the functions exported under the ":utils"
pragma of the L<Regexp::Ethiopic> and L<Regexp::Ethiopic::Amharic>
packages. Some examples are a little contrived just to keep the
example simple. Check the L<Regexp::Ethiopic> package for documentation.
=head1 AUTHOR
Daniel Yacob, L<dyacob@cpan.org|mailto:dyacob@cpan.org>