This module must now only be installed with SA 2.63.
A check is done in the Makefile.PL to ensure the correct version.
Changes were made to core classes and these are distributed with
this package to ease installation.
For completeness I have included a complete diff between the
SA sources and the modifications included in the file diff-2.63.
Upgrading from versions prior to 0.11
If you are installing over a version prior to 0.11, you should
remove spamcopuri-update from your cron (if you set this up)
as well as delete it from your bin directory. This script
is no longer needed.
You can also remove the 'spamcop_uri' from your .spamassassin
directory typically found under your home directory.
Quick Install
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
cp rules/ /etc/mail/spamassassin
You may need to restart your spamd to pick up the new rules change,
if you run the daemon process.
You may see some output like this when running perl Makefile.PL:
# SAPATH /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3
# installsitelib /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3
This is safe to ignore and is only printed out to aid with potential
installation problems.
Painful Install
If you don't see the rules being hit, then you most likely have some
issue with @INC. Do a search for, and
You need to copy and over the files that SpamAssassin
originally installed.
You can find this out by typing:
perl -MMail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus -e 'print $INC{"Mail/SpamAssassin/"},"\n"'
which will print out something like:
In this case you just need to copy from this package
to /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/Mail/SpamAssassin
After placing the rules in a proper place, you should be all set.