# z-machine i/o for perls with Perl/Tk.
use strict;
use Tk;
use Carp qw(cluck carp confess);
use constant X_BORDER => 2;
# if 0 (noncompliant) we buffer output in the upper window.
use constant FIXED_FAMILY => "Courier";
use constant DEFAULT_BLINK_DELAY => 1000;
#use constant TEXT_ANCHOR => "nw";
use constant TEXT_ANCHOR => "w";
@Games::Rezrov::ZIO_Tk::ISA = qw(
# again, a lot of statics for speed...
my ($w_main, $c, $status_line, $upper_lines);
my ($abs_x, $abs_row, $abs_col, $rows, @widgets);
my $initialized;
sub new {
my ($type, %options) = @_;
my $self = new Games::Rezrov::ZIO_Generic(%options);
bless $self, $type;
return $self;
sub set_version {
my ($self, $need_status, $init_sub) = @_;
# set up window
$w_main = MainWindow->new();
$w_main->bind('<Configure>' => [ $self => 'set_geometry' ]);
$w_main->bind('<Control-c>' => [ $self => 'cleanup' ]);
# $w_main->bind('<Tab>' => [ $self => 'i_am_too_dumb_to_figure_this_out' ]);
my $is_win32 = ($^O =~ /mswin32/i) ? 1 : 0;
if ($is_win32) {
$DEFAULT_VARIABLE_FAMILY = "times new roman";
} else {
my $options = $self->zio_options();
my $vff = lc($options->{"family"} || $DEFAULT_VARIABLE_FAMILY);
unless (grep {lc($_) eq $vff} $w_main->fontFamilies()) {
$self->fatal_error(sprintf "Invalid font family \"%s\"; available families are:\n %s\n", $vff, join "\n ", column_list([sort $w_main->fontFamilies()]));
$self->font_size($options->{"fontsize"} || $DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE);
my $f_variable = $self->set_text_style(Games::Rezrov::ZConst::STYLE_ROMAN);
my $f_fixed = $self->set_text_style(Games::Rezrov::ZConst::STYLE_FIXED);
# Determine the approximate font geometry
die "Couldn't init fixed font!" unless $f_fixed;
die "Couldn't init variable font!" unless $f_variable;
my $font_width = $w_main->fontMeasure($f_fixed, "X");
my $line_height = $self->biggest_metric($f_fixed, $f_variable, "-linespace");
# my $line_height = $w_main->fontMetrics($f_fixed, "-linespace");
$line_height += $options->{"fontspace"} if exists $options->{"fontspace"};
# $self->line_ascent($self->biggest_metric($f_fixed, $f_variable, "-ascent"));
# $self->line_descent($self->biggest_metric($f_fixed, $f_variable, "-descent"));
my $canvas_x = $options->{"x"} || int($w_main->screenwidth * 0.7);
my $canvas_y;
if ($options->{"y"}) {
$canvas_y = $options->{"y"};
} else {
my $y = int($w_main->screenheight * 0.6);
my $rows = int($y / $line_height);
$canvas_y = $rows * $line_height;
# round to a multiple of the line height
$c = $w_main->Canvas(
"-width" => $canvas_x,
"-height" => $canvas_y,
"-bg" => $self->default_bg(),
"-takefocus" => 1,
"-highlightthickness" => 0,
if ($need_status) {
$status_line = $w_main->Canvas(
"-borderwidth" => 0,
"-relief" => "flat",
"-width" => $canvas_x,
"-height" => $line_height,
"-bg" => $self->sbg(),
"-takefocus" => 0,
$status_line->pack("-anchor" => "n",
"-fill" => "x");
$Y_BORDER = $line_height / 2;
$abs_x = X_BORDER;
$abs_col = 0;
$abs_row = int($canvas_y / $line_height);
$c->pack("-anchor" => "s",
"-expand" => 1,
"-fill" => "both");
$w_main->after(0, $init_sub);
# delay required??
$initialized = 1;
return 1;
sub update {
# force screen refresh
sub fatal_error {
if ($initialized) {
} else {
die $_[1];
sub fixed_font_default {
# true or false: does this zio use a fixed-width font?
return 0;
sub manual_status_line {
# true or false: does this zio want to draw the status line itself?
return 1;
sub create_text {
# given a widget, create text w/specified properties.
# automatically adds the tag for the current font in effect.
my ($self, $widget, @args) = @_;
push @args, ("-font" => $self->current_font()) if $self->current_font();
# printf STDERR "ct in %s: %s\n", $widget, join ",",@args;
return $self->last_text_id($widget->create("text", @args));
sub write_string {
my ($self, $string, $x, $y) = @_;
$self->absolute_move($x, $y) if defined($x) and defined($y);
my $abs_y = $self->get_y();
# printf STDERR "ws: \"%s\" at %d,%d; font=%s\n", $string, $abs_col, $abs_row, $self->zfont();
my $is_f3;
if ($self->zfont() == 3) {
$self->fatal_error("long buf in write_string w/font 3 on") if length($string) > 1;
$is_f3 = 1;
foreach my $list (@widgets) {
# for each window...
my $line = $list->[$abs_row];
my $after = $abs_col + length($string);
for (my $col=$abs_col; $col < $after; $col++) {
# see if existing widgets exist at this location
if (exists $line->{$col}) {
# they do,
foreach (@{$line->{$col}}) {
# so toss them.
delete $line->{$col};
my $is_reverse = Games::Rezrov::StoryFile::font_mask() & Games::Rezrov::ZConst::STYLE_REVERSE;
my $id;
if ($is_f3) {
# printf STDERR "f3: %d (%s), at %d,%d\n", ord($string), $string, $abs_col, $abs_row;
print STDERR "reverse f3 char!\n" if $is_reverse;
if (my $vec_list = $Games::Rezrov::FontVectors::vecs{ord($string)}) {
# list of vectors describing how to paint this character.
# These are grid coordinates based on section 16 of the spec, to wit:
# 33(!): 76543210 34("): 76543210 35(#): 76543210
# 0 0 0 #
# 1 1 1 #
# 2 # 2 # 2 #
# 3 ## 3 ## 3 #
# 4####### 4####### 4 #
# 5 ## 5 ## 5 #
# 6 # 6 # 6 #
# 7 7 7#
my ($x1, $y1);
my $x_mult = $self->fixed_font_width() / 7;
# my $y_mult = $self->line_height() / 8;
my $y_mult = $self->line_height() / 7;
my $si;
foreach my $list (@{$vec_list}) {
next unless @{$list};
# a blank char
my @mapped;
my ($is_rect, $is_poly);
if ($list->[0] eq "R") {
$si = 1;
$is_rect = 1;
} elsif ($list->[0] eq "P") {
$si = 1;
$is_poly = 1;
} else {
$si = 0;
while ($si < @{$list}) {
($x1, $y1) = @{$list}[$si, $si+1];
$si += 2;
push @mapped, ($abs_x + ((8 - $x1) * $x_mult),
# $abs_y + ($y1 * $y_mult));
$abs_y + (($y1 - 4) * $y_mult));
# printf STDERR " at: %s\n", join ",",@mapped;
if ($is_rect) {
$id = $c->create("rectangle", @mapped,
"-fill" => $self->fg(),
"-outline" => undef,
} elsif ($is_poly) {
$id = $c->create("polygon", @mapped,
"-fill" => $self->fg(),
"-outline" => undef,
} else {
$id = $c->create("line", @mapped, "-fill" => $self->fg());
} else {
printf STDERR "Unhandled font 3 char %d (%s)\n", ord($string), $string;
$id = $self->create_text($c, $abs_x, $abs_y,
"-anchor" => TEXT_ANCHOR,
"-text" => "*",
"-fill" => $self->fg());
$abs_x += $self->fixed_font_width();
} else {
$id = $self->create_text($c, $abs_x, $abs_y,
"-anchor" => TEXT_ANCHOR,
"-text" => $string,
"-fill" => $is_reverse ? $self->bg() : $self->fg());
# printf STDERR "Creating %s at line %d\n", $string, $abs_row;
my $sw = $self->string_width($string);
$self->create_reverse($id, $sw + X_BORDER, $is_reverse) if $is_reverse or
$self->bg() ne $self->default_bg();
$abs_x += $sw;
# FIX ME; if using default fonts!
$abs_col += length($string);
sub create_reverse {
my ($self, $text_id, $width, $is_reverse) = @_;
# printf STDERR "reversing: %s\n", $c->itemcget($text_id, "-text");
unless (defined $text_id) {
$width = $self->get_width() - $abs_x;
$is_reverse = 0;
my $abs_y = $self->get_y();
my $top = $abs_y;
my $bottom = $abs_y + $self->line_height();
my $lh2 = $self->line_height() / 2;
$top = $abs_y - $lh2;
$bottom = $abs_y + $lh2;
my $id = $c->create("polygon",
$abs_x, $top,
$abs_x + $width, $top,
$abs_x + $width, $bottom,
$abs_x, $bottom,
"-fill" => $is_reverse ? $self->fg() : $self->bg(),
$c->lower($id, $text_id) if defined $text_id;
sub string_width {
# return width, in pixels, of the given string
my $cf = $_[0]->current_font();
if ($cf) {
return $w_main->fontMeasure($cf, $_[1]);
} else {
my $id = $c->create("text", 0,0, "-text" => $_[1]);
my ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = $c->bbox($id);
printf STDERR "eek! %d\n", $x2 - $x1;
return ($x2 - $x1);
sub newline {
# print STDERR "nl\n";
# carp "nl";
if ($_[0]->bg() ne $_[0]->default_bg()) {
# we're ending the line, and the current background color
# differs from the default. Fill out the rest of the line
# the the current background color.
print "newline fill\n";
my $line_height = $_[0]->line_height();
$abs_x = X_BORDER;
$abs_col = 0;
if ($abs_row >= $rows) {
# cursor is at bottom of screen; scroll needed
my ($id, $line, $ref);
for (my $win = 0; $win < @widgets; $win++) {
die "eek, unknown window $win" if
$win != Games::Rezrov::ZConst::LOWER_WIN and
$win != Games::Rezrov::ZConst::UPPER_WIN;
my $is_lower = $win == Games::Rezrov::ZConst::LOWER_WIN;
my $ref = $widgets[$win];
my @goner_rows;
for (my $line=0; $line < $#{$ref}; $line++) {
if ($is_lower) {
# lower window:
if ($line <= $upper_lines) {
# if a lower window line is "underneath" the upper window,
# delete its contents.
push @goner_rows, $ref->[$line];
} else {
# upper window:
# items created in the upper window do not scroll if they are
# within the current bounds of the upper window.
next if ($line < $upper_lines);
@goner_rows = $ref->[$line] if $line == $upper_lines;
$ref->[$line] = $ref->[$line + 1];
# scroll line references up one
foreach (values %{$ref->[$line]}) {
foreach (@{$_}) {
# scroll each widget on the line
$c->move($_, 0, - $line_height);
if (0 and $c->type($_) eq "text") {
printf "now line %d (upr=%d): %s\n",
$c->itemcget($_, "-text");
$ref->[$#{$ref}] = {};
# "blank" last line
# printf "goners: %d\n", scalar @goner_rows;
foreach (@goner_rows) {
# something still funny about this...why ever more than one?
# [bureaucracy]
foreach (values %{$_}) {
$c->delete($_) foreach @{$_};
# print "goner: $_\n", $c->delete($_) foreach @{$_};
$c->update() if Games::Rezrov::ZOptions::MAXIMUM_SCROLLING();
sub write_zchar {
# write an unbuffered character
if (STANDARD_COMPLIANT_BUT_EVEN_SLOWER or $_[0]->zfont == 3) {
# This is compliant with the spec but bogs down mighty quick.
# Spec says the upper window output must not be buffered;
# unfortunately this requires we create a widget for every
# character in the upper window :P
# printf STDERR "unbuffered wz: \"%s\"\n", chr($_[1]);
} else {
# not compliant with spec but much more efficient.
# the various other flush() calls in the package are required
# to make this work.
sub absolute_move {
# set absolute column, row position; independent of window!
my ($self, $col, $row) = @_;
# printf STDERR "am: %d,%d = %s,%s\n", $col, $row, $abs_x, $self->get_y();
$abs_x = X_BORDER + ($col * $self->fixed_font_width());
# $abs_x is needed because of variable-width font in lower window
# makes column-to-pixel translations inconvenient.
# absolute Y pixel position is calculated dynamically because the
# same line height is used for both fixed-width and variable fonts.
# when text items are created, with anchor "w" they are centered
# vertically at the given coordinates. So at row 0, text will
# be drawn from (- (font_height / 2)) to (font_height / 2).
# An earlier version just anchored text to the NW which was
# simpler. However, reversed text was centered funny if the font
# metrics were very different between fixed and variable fonts.
$abs_row = $row;
$abs_col = $col;
sub get_pixel_position {
return ($abs_x, $_[0]->get_y());
sub get_pixel_geometry {
return (get_width() - X_BORDER, get_height());
sub get_position {
# with no arguments, return absolute X and Y coordinates (column/row).
# With an argument, return a sub that will restore the current cursor
# position.
my ($self, $sub) = @_;
# my ($x, $y, $r, $c) = ($abs_x, $abs_y, $abs_row, $abs_col);
my ($x, $r, $c) = ($abs_x, $abs_row, $abs_col);
if ($sub) {
return sub {
# print STDERR "restoring x=$x y=$y, ar=$r, ac=$c\n";
$abs_x = $x;
# $abs_y = $y;
$abs_row = $r;
$abs_col = $c;
} else {
# printf STDERR "get_position: x=$abs_col y=$abs_row\n";
return ($abs_col, $abs_row);
# return (int($abs_x / $self->fixed_font_width()),
# int($abs_y / $self->line_height()));
sub status_hook {
# we're drawing the status line manually.
# might be possible to move this back to story:
# - measure string widths to position?
# - redraw when columns change?
my ($self, $location, $right_chunk) = @_;
my $y = $status_line->height() / 2;
my $id = $self->create_text($status_line,
"-anchor" => "w",
"-text" => $location,
"-fill" => $self->sfg());
$id = $self->create_text($status_line,
200, $y,
"-anchor" => "e",
"-text" => $right_chunk,
"-fill" => $self->sfg());
my ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = $status_line->bbox($id);
$status_line->move($id, $c->width() - X_BORDER - $x2, 0);
# right-justify the text
sub cursor_on {
my ($self, $x) = @_;
# printf STDERR "cursor_on at (%d, %d), line %d\n", $x, $abs_y, $abs_row;
sub draw_cursor {
my ($self) = @_;
my $x = $self->cursor_x();
return unless $x;
# make sure we remove old cursor
if ($self->cursor_status()) {
# if "blinking" only draw if on
# my $top = $abs_y;
# my $bottom = $abs_y + $self->line_height();
my $lh2 = $self->line_height() / 2;
my $abs_y = $self->get_y();
my $top = $abs_y - $lh2;
my $bottom = $abs_y + $lh2;
my $cx = $self->fixed_font_width() * 0.7;
my $id = $c->create("polygon",
$x, $top,
$x + $cx, $top,
$x + $cx, $bottom,
$x, $bottom,
"-fill" => $self->cc());
# print "drawing cursor at $x w=$cx t=$top b=$bottom\n";
sub cursor_off {
$c->delete($_[0]->cursor_id()) if $_[0]->cursor_id();
sub get_input {
my ($self, $max, $single_char, %options) = @_;
my $buffer = "";
my $last_id;
if ($self->listening) {
$buffer = $self->recognize_line();
return $buffer;
if ($options{"-preloaded"}) {
# preloaded text in the buffer, but already displayed by the game; ugh.
# from sect15.html#read --
# "Just a tremendous pain in my butt"
# -- Andrew Plotkin
# "the most unfortunate feature of the Z-machine design"
# -- Stefan Jokisch
my $pre = $options{"-preloaded"};
my $last = $self->last_text_id();
my $last_text = $c->itemcget($last, "-text");
if ($last_text =~ /$pre$/) {
$last_text =~ s/$pre$//;
$c->itemconfigure($last, "-text" => $last_text);
my $width = $self->string_width($pre);
$last_id = $self->create_text($c,
$abs_x - $width,
# $abs_y,
"-anchor" => TEXT_ANCHOR,
"-text" => $pre,
"-fill" => $self->fg(),
$buffer = $pre;
# start the cursor *after* the preloaded input...
$abs_x -= $width;
# ...and redraw the line from *before* it
} else {
print STDERR "miserable preload failure in get_input...\n";
} else {
my $done = 0;
my $callback = sub {
my $key;
my $supplied;
if (ref $_[0]) {
if ($_[1]) {
# supplied
$supplied = 1;
$key = $_[1];
} else {
$key = ord($w_main->XEvent()->A());
} else {
# manually passed; documentation for XEvent methods???
$key = $_[0];
$supplied = 1;
$w_main->break() if $key == 9;
# simple fix for weird tab key handler crash.
# Duh. Thanks, Oliver.
if ($key == Games::Rezrov::ZConst::ASCII_CR or
$key == Games::Rezrov::ZConst::ASCII_LF) {
$done = 1;
if ($single_char) {
$buffer = chr(Games::Rezrov::ZConst::Z_NEWLINE);
} else {
} elsif ($key == Games::Rezrov::ZConst::ASCII_DEL or
$key == Games::Rezrov::ZConst::ASCII_BS) {
if ($single_char) {
$done = 1;
$buffer = chr(Games::Rezrov::ZConst::Z_DELETE);
} else {
$buffer = substr($buffer, 0, length($buffer) - 1) if length $buffer;
} elsif ($supplied or ($key >= 32 and $key <= 126)) {
$buffer .= chr($key);
} else {
printf STDERR "unhandled key code %d (%s)\n", $key, chr($key) if $key;
# $buffer .= $key;
# $buffer .= chr($key);
if ($single_char) {
$done = 1;
} else {
my $cwin = $self->current_window();
if ($last_id) {
$last_id = $self->create_text($c,
"-anchor" => TEXT_ANCHOR,
"-text" => $buffer,
"-fill" => $self->fg());
my ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = $c->bbox($last_id);
# FIX ME: get_width(), etc.
while ($done == 0) {
# to cut down on CPU time a little (does this help?)
$self->bind_keys_to(sub {});
return $buffer;
sub bind_keys_to {
my ($self, $callback) = @_;
$w_main->bind("<Any-KeyPress>" => $callback);
$w_main->bind("<Any-Down>" => [ $callback => Games::Rezrov::ZConst::Z_DOWN ]);
$w_main->bind("<Any-Up>" => [ $callback => Games::Rezrov::ZConst::Z_UP ]);
$w_main->bind("<Any-Left>" => [ $callback => Games::Rezrov::ZConst::Z_LEFT ]);
$w_main->bind("<Any-Right>" => [ $callback => Games::Rezrov::ZConst::Z_RIGHT ]);
sub clear_to_eol {
foreach my $list (@widgets) {
# for each window's widgets...
while (my ($column, $ids) = each %{$list->[$abs_row]}) {
# find the widgets in the line to be cleared...
if ($column >= $abs_col) {
$c->delete($_) foreach (@{$ids});
# and toss them.
delete $list->[$abs_row]->{$column};
sub set_background_color {
$c->configure("-bg" => $_[0]->bg());
sub clear_screen {
# clear the entire screen
@widgets = ();
sub widget_setup {
for (my $win=0; $win < 2; $win++) {
$widgets[$win] = [] unless defined $widgets[$win];
my $ref = $widgets[$win];
for (my $row = 0; $row <= $rows; $row++) {
$ref->[$row] = {} unless defined $ref->[$row];
sub set_text_style {
# arg is the font mask currently in effect; higher-level code
# manages this
my ($self, $mask) = @_;
if ($self->dumb_fonts()) {
return $self->current_font("");
} else {
my $family = ($mask & Games::Rezrov::ZConst::STYLE_FIXED) ?
FIXED_FAMILY : $self->variable_font_family();
my $weight = ($mask & Games::Rezrov::ZConst::STYLE_BOLD) ? "bold" : "normal";
my $slant = ($mask & Games::Rezrov::ZConst::STYLE_ITALIC) ? "italic" : "roman";
my $key = $family . "_" . $weight . "_" . $slant;
my $fc = $self->font_cache();
my $font;
unless ($font = $fc->{$key}) {
# print "new font\n";
$font = $w_main->fontCreate("-family" => $family,
"-weight" => $weight,
"-slant" => $slant,
"-size" => $self->font_size());
$fc->{$key} = $font;
# printf "%d: %s/%s/%s = %s\n", $mask, $family, $weight, $slant, $font;
return $font;
sub groks_font_3 {
return 1;
sub can_change_title {
return 1;
sub can_use_color {
return 1;
sub set_game_title {
sub cleanup {
# don't just rely on DESTROY, doesn't work for interrupts
$w_main->destroy() if $w_main;
# cleaner; see Tk::exit.pod. Without, often coredumps.
# but if we do this, will we miss a die() message elsewhere?
# November 2003: Tk-804.025_beta6 segfaults on exit, WTF?
# Didn't use to!
sub validate_family {
my ($self, $family) = @_;
my %families = map {lc($_) => 1} $w_main->fontFamilies();
if (exists ($families{lc($family)})) {
return $family;
} else {
die sprintf "%s is not a valid font family on your system. Valid families are: %s\n", $family, join ", ", sort keys %families;
sub blink_init {
my ($self, $cancel) = @_;
$w_main->afterCancel($self->blink_id()) if $self->blink_id();
# called whenever cursor is turned on by the app; leave cursor
# alone for X milliseconds, then blink periodically
unless ($cancel) {
my $blink_delay = exists $self->zio_options()->{"blink"} ?
$self->zio_options()->{"blink"} : DEFAULT_BLINK_DELAY;
if ($blink_delay) {
$self->blink_id($w_main->repeat($blink_delay, [ $self => 'cursor_blinker' ]));
sub cursor_blinker {
my ($self) = @_;
# needs work: if cursor is printed by the app, we should
# leave it on for awhile...
sub split_window {
$upper_lines = $_[1];
# print STDERR "ul: $upper_lines\n";
sub get_height {
return $c->height() == 1 ? $c->reqheight() : $c->height();
sub get_width {
return $c->width() == 1 ? $c->reqwidth() : $c->width();
sub set_geometry {
# figure out rows/columns
my $self = shift;
my ($cx, $cy) = $self->get_pixel_geometry();
my $lh = $self->line_height();
my $old_y = $self->get_y();
my $old_rows = $rows;
$rows = int($cy / $lh);
my $columns = int($cx / $self->fixed_font_width());
# printf STDERR "set_geometry: cx:%d cy:%d lh:%d geometry: %dx%d\n", $cx, $cy, $self->line_height(), $columns, $rows;
# print STDERR "rows: $rows\n";
# if window is now smaller than where cursor was last, scroll the window up and then correct the cursor row
if ($abs_row >= $rows) {
my ($save_col, $save_x) = ($abs_col, $abs_x);
$self->newline for $rows .. $old_rows - 1;
($abs_col, $abs_x, $abs_row) = ($save_col, $save_x, $rows - 1);
sub biggest_metric {
my ($self, $f1, $f2, $metric) = @_;
my $v1 = $w_main->fontMetrics($f1, $metric);
my $v2 = $w_main->fontMetrics($f2, $metric);
# print "$metric $v1 $v2\n";
return $v1 > $v2 ? $v1 : $v2;
sub set_font {
# printf STDERR "set_font: %s win=%s\n", $_[1], $_[0]->current_window();
return $_[0]->zfont($_[1]);
sub track_widget {
# push @{$widgets[$cwin][$abs_row]->{$abs_col}}, $_[1];
push @{$widgets[$_[0]->current_window()][$abs_row]->{$abs_col}}, $_[1];
# an array is required for each location, as layered widgets are
# used to achieve "inverse video" effect
sub column_list {
# print a list in "column" format
my ($list, %options) = @_;
my $longest = 0;
foreach (@{$list}) {
my $len = length($_);
$longest = $len if $len > $longest;
$longest += 2;
my $columns = 75 / $longest;
my $format = ("%-" . $longest . "s") x $columns;
my @results;
my @list = @{$list};
while (@list) {
push @results, sprintf $format, splice(@list,0,$columns);
return @results;
sub get_y {
# translate current row into a pixel position
return $Y_BORDER + ($abs_row * $_[0]->line_height());
sub i_am_too_dumb_to_figure_this_out {
# 9/2004:
# Pressing the "Tab" key wreaks havoc...once pressed, program
# seems to think every subsequent keypress is also a tab key!
# Maybe some queue needs to be flushed? I dunno.
# Anyway, we could:
# - instead of binding "Any-KeyPress" we could bind all the individual
# keys EXCEPT the tab key. I think this would work, but there are
# an awful lot of symbols to bind and I'm sure I'll forget some.
# - unbind the tab key. Can't get this to work (undef, " ").
# - bind the tab key to a null sub. Works temporarily, but
# somehow subsequent Any-Keypress binds seem to override it!
# - cop out (this subroutine)
my $msg = "I hate the tab key in Tk";
if (1) {
*Tk::Error = sub {};
# trash the error handler to keep this quiet.
die $msg;
# unless we die() the tab event seems to cause the (queueing?) lockup.
} else {
# aborted attempt to save/restore the original Tk handler.
# seems to work once, but tab key then causes lockups.
unless ($Games::Rezrov::ZIO_Tk::ORIG_TK_HANDLER) {
$Games::Rezrov::ZIO_Tk::ORIG_TK_HANDLER = \&Tk::Error;
my $restore_sub = sub {
no warnings;
*Tk::Error = $Games::Rezrov::ZIO_Tk::ORIG_TK_HANDLER;
$w_main->bind("<Bogus>" => sub {});
# test whether original handler is restored
$w_main->after(100, $restore_sub);
*Tk::Error = sub {};
die $msg;