Revision history for Perl extension Test-Compile
v2.2.2 2019-07-11
Fix cpan-test failures on mswin32
v2.2.1 2019-07-09
Ooops, the module still depends on UNIVERSAL::require
Oh, and the subprocess function now requires perl 5.10.0
v2.2.0 2019-07-08
RT-118530: Capture (and optionally suppress) all output from subcommands
RT-102817: Change the default value for 'verbose', from 1 to undef
RT-118419: pm and pl files are now both checked using 'perl -c'
Changes to POD: fixes to escaping, update for new functionality, simplify it
The module no longer depends on UNIVERSAL::require
v2.1.2 2019-07-03
More corrections to the POD
More tests, try specifying specific files to all_pX_files()
Use the correct method in all_pl_files_ok() (Noel Maddy)
v2.1.1 2019-07-01 (Evan Giles <>)
Correct the POD
v2.1.0 2019-06-29 (Evan Giles <>)
Update copyright
Add all_pm_files_ok() and all_pl_files_ok() methods to the internal class
v2.0.1 2019-06-18 (Evan Giles <>)
Export most of the old functions (CPAN-RT 129888)
v2.0_0 2019-06-18
Łukasz Hejnak <>
Replaced import() with Exporter usage.
Added all_files_ok to the procedural mode.
Added .git to list of directories ignored when looking for pm/pl files.
Added an else clause for pl_file_compiles so that it catches file not found errors.
Evan Giles <>
Remove 'exported_to' function
Remove cleanup steps from the Build.PL file
Bump version number for backwards incompatible changes (
v1.3.0 2015-09-24 (Evan Giles <>)
Announce the deprecation the procedural functions (long overdue)
v1.2.2 UNRELEASED (Evan Giles <>)
Remove the 'use 5.6.2' statements, they cause warnings.
Fix some spelling errors
Move the xt tests into the main test directory
Protect against strange PERL5LIB chars (CPAN-RT 104614)
v1.2.1 2014-12-09 (Evan Giles <>)
Fix (skip where appropriate) failing CPAN test
Avoid warnings for empty files in all_pl_files (Nigel Gregoire)
v1.2.0 2014-08-08 (Evan Giles <>)
Files without extension may not be perl (rt83917)
Small POD fix
v1.1.0 2014-07-18 (Evan Giles <>)
Allow use of Test::Compile in an object oriented manner
Promote the OO interface in the POD
Test::Compile::Internal is now verbose by default
Correct the dependancy information
v1.0.1 2014-03-20 (Evan Giles <>)
Fix stupid omission from the MANAIFEST (tests failed everywhere)
v1.0.0 2014-03-19 (Evan Giles <>)
Add diagnostics on compilation failure (Micheal G. Schwern)
require, don't use (Micheal G. Schwern)
Test for truth, not an integer. (Micheal G. Schwern)
Small POD fix (Micheal G. Schwern)
OS X is not a crazy OS from a redirection POV (Micheal G. Schwern)
0.24 2013 02 22 (Evan Giles <>)
Update POD to explain more problems with Test::Compile
0.23 2013.01.23 (Evan Giles <>)
Update Copyright for 2013
CPAN-RT #82887, Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni <>
Correct handling of PERL5LIB
fix regexp to detect taint mode
0.22 2012.10.31 (Evan Giles <>)
Set verbose on for the Test::Compile library (rt80187)
0.21 2012.09.05 (Evan Giles <>)
Finally test that the verbose method actaully works.
Update the POD - mostly to simplify it.
Remove redundant code, yet more tests.
Test::Compile::Internal is no longer 'beta'.
0.20 2012.08.08 (Evan Giles <>)
Tests should also work outside unix (rt78810)
0.19 2012.08.03 (Evan Giles <>)
Utilise Test::Compile::Internal to get better test coverage
0.18 2012.07.16 (Evan Giles <>)
Fix a warning that leaks out (rt78363)
0.17 2012.02.25 (Evan Giles <>)
Another few tests for taint logic
0.16_1 2012.02.23 (Evan Giles <>)
Reapply patches from Nicholas Bamber (rt55837 & rt72557)
0.16 2012.02.21 (Evan Giles <>)
Skip tests if there are not files to test (rt69297)
Handle taint mode correctly (rt55837)
Add 'blib/lib' to the search path for scripts (rt72557)
0.15 Fri 2012.02.03 20:33:55 NZST (Evan Giles <>)
Fork, and run compile tests in the child process (rt73290 & rt73291)
0.14 Tue 2012.01.10 20:03:24 NZST (Evan Giles <>)
Convert to Module::Build
Improved test for pl_file_ok()
Better test coverage (which files do we process, failed to compile, etc)
Remove duplicate code
0.13 Tue 2010.03.02 15:57:02 CET (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
require Test::More 0.88 so done_testing works without no_plan (thanks
0.12 Thu 2010.02.11 15:16:22 CET (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
updated skeleton files
recommend, not require, Devel::CheckOS - only needed for VMS anyway
0.11 Tue 2009.12.08 12:19:25 CET (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
made author tests more robust
0.10 Thu 2009.10.08 22:29:11 CEST (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
re-release with fixed inc::Module::Install::ReadmeMarkdownFromPod
0.09 Wed 2009.10.07 00:57:14 CEST (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
Always report name of .pl files (thanks xsawyerx).
pm_file_ok() can now handle Windows paths (thanks clonezone).
fixed version number used in documentation (thanks JKUTEJ).
Changed dist style and Changes back to standard. People didn't like it -
the nail that sticks out gets hammered down.
Added standard test files; this will also help with CPANTS.
0.08 Thu, 29 May 2008 12:08:32 -0000 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
set the version to 0.08
we now check for Devel::CheckOS with UNIVERSAL::require so we don't
use() it so Devel::CheckOS won't be included when using Test::Compile as
part of Module::Install::StandardTests
.shipit: fixed svk.tagpattern
0.07 Thu, 06 Dec 2007 19:24:25 -0000 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
set the version to 0.07
fixed bug in pl_file_ok() where a SKIP block was used when Test->skip()
should have been used
added t/04_pl_file_ok-vms.t to verify that
updated MANIFEST
added t/04_pl_file_ok-vms.t
0.06 Thu, 06 Dec 2007 13:16:02 -0000 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
Converted Changes file to YAML style
.shipit: added Twitter step
Makefile.PL: added auto_install() and process_templates()
lib/*: converted to template
updated MANIFEST
updated t/perlcriticrc
added capability to test scripts as well (thanks Sagar R. Shah)
added t/03_pl_file_ok.t
added t/scripts
0.05 Sun, 21 Oct 2007 13:40:23 +0200 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
no longer uses standard tests, since they require Test::Compile
themselves. Instead, copied the standard tests's pod and pod coverage
test files into this distribution. Thanks Andreas Koenig for catching
that circular dependency.
0.04 Thu, 18 Oct 2007 10:09:39 +0200 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
fixed version requirement of Test::More
0.03 Wed, 03 Oct 2007 22:31:43 +0200 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
made things cleaner by using UNIVERSAL::require on the suspected module
The documentation now uses Test::More->builder->BAIL_OUT() in order to
stop the testsuite from running if a compilation fails. Also, the
documentation now urges that Test::Compile be mandatory (like
Test::Exception often is) instead of optional (like Test::Pod often is).
Thanks to Rob Kinyon for the suggestion.
bumped version numbers to '0.03'
0.02 Wed, 03 Oct 2007 18:30:17 +0200 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
made things cleaner by using UNIVERSAL::require on the suspected module
name instead of do() on the file name, which introduced potential bugs
by running at run time what would otherwise happen at compile time
bumped version numbers to '0.02'
0.01 Sat, 22 Sep 2007 23:35:34 +0200 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
original version