use strict;
use Test::More tests => 32;
use utf8;
use lib 't'; use Utils;
BEGIN { use_ok('Feersum') };
my ($socket,$port) = get_listen_socket();
ok $socket, "made listen socket";
ok $socket->fileno, "has a fileno";
my $evh = Feersum->new();
is exception {
}, undef, 'assigned socket';
my $cb;
my $g = guard { pass "cv recycled"; };
$cb = sub { $g = $g; fail "old callback" };
is exception {
}, undef, "can assign code block";
undef $cb;
pass "after undef cb";
$cb = sub {
pass "called back!";
my $r = shift;
isa_ok $r, 'Feersum::Connection', 'got an object!';
# use Devel::Peek();
# Devel::Peek::Dump($r);
my $env = $r->env();
ok $env, "got env";
is $env->{HTTP_USER_AGENT}, 'FeersumSimpleClient/1.0', 'got a ua!';
my $utf8 = exists $env->{HTTP_X_UNICODE_PLEASE};
eval {
$r->send_response("200 OK", [
'Content-Type' => 'text/plain'.($utf8 ? '; charset=UTF-8' : ''),
'Connection' => 'close',
'X-Client' => 1234,
'Content-Length' => 666, # should be ignored
], $utf8 ? 'Bāz!' : 'Baz!');
}; warn $@ if $@;
pass "done request handler";
is exception {
}, undef, "can assign another code block";
my $cv = AE::cv;
my $w = simple_client GET => '/?qqqqq',
name => 'ascii',
timeout => 3,
sub {
my ($body, $hdr) = @_;
is $hdr->{Status}, 200, "client 1 got 200";
like $hdr->{'x-client'}, qr/^\d+$/, 'got a custom x-client header';
is $hdr->{'content-length'}, 4, 'content-length was overwritten by the engine';
is $hdr->{'content-type'}, 'text/plain';
is $body, 'Baz!', 'plain old body';
my $w2 = simple_client GET => "/?zzzzz",
name => 'unicode',
headers => { 'X-Unicode-Please' => 1 },
timeout => 3,
sub {
my ($body, $hdr) = @_;
is $hdr->{Status}, 200, "client 2 got 200";
like $hdr->{'x-client'}, qr/^\d+$/, 'got a custom x-client header';
is $hdr->{'content-length'}, 5, 'content-length was overwritten by the engine';
is $hdr->{'content-type'}, 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8';
like $hdr->{'date'}, qr/^(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun), \d{2} (Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) \d{4} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} GMT$/, 'got date header';
is Encode::decode_utf8($body), 'Bāz!', 'unicode body!';
pass "all done";