use strict;
use constant HARDER => $ENV{RELEASE_TESTING} ? 10 : 1;
use constant POST_CLIENTS => HARDER*1;
use constant GET_CLIENTS => HARDER*1;
use constant GOOD_CLIENTS => HARDER*1;
use Test::More tests =>
use lib 't'; use Utils;
BEGIN { use_ok('Feersum') };
my ($socket,$port) = get_listen_socket();
ok $socket, "made listen socket";
ok $socket->fileno, "has a fileno";
my $evh = Feersum->new();
is exception { $evh->use_socket($socket) }, undef,;
$evh->request_handler(sub {
my $r = shift;
my $env = $r->env();
ok $env->{HTTP_X_GOOD_CLIENT}, "got a request from a good client";
$r->send_response(200, ["Content-Type" => "text/plain"], "thx.");
my $default = $evh->read_timeout;
is $default, 5.0, "default timeout is 5 seconds";
like exception { $evh->read_timeout(-1.0) },
qr/^must set a positive \(non-zero\) value for the timeout/,
"can't set a negative number";
is $evh->read_timeout, 5.0;
like exception { $evh->read_timeout(0) },
qr/^must set a positive \(non-zero\) value for the timeout/,
"can't set a negative number";
is $evh->read_timeout, 5.0;
like exception {
no warnings 'numeric';
$evh->read_timeout("this isn't a number");
}, qr/^must set a positive \(non-zero\) value for the timeout/,
"can't set a string as the timeout";
is $evh->read_timeout, 5.0;
is exception { $evh->read_timeout(6+1) }, undef, "IV is OK";
is $evh->read_timeout, 7.0, "new timeout set";
is exception { $evh->read_timeout("8.0") }, undef, "NV-as-string is OK";
is $evh->read_timeout, 8.0, "new timeout set";
is exception { $evh->read_timeout($default) }, undef, "NV is OK";
is $evh->read_timeout, $default, "reset to default";
my $cv = AE::cv;
sub timeout_get_client {
my $n = shift;
my $ot; $ot = AE::timer rand(1), 0, sub {
my $h; $h = simple_client GET => '/',
name => "(get $n)",
timeout => 10,
skip_head => 1,
sub {
my ($body,$headers) = @_;
is $headers->{Status}, 408, "(get $n) got timeout";
undef $h;
undef $ot;
sub timeout_post_client {
my $n = shift;
my $ot; $ot = AE::timer rand(1), 0, sub {
my $h; $h = simple_client POST => '/',
name => "(post $n)",
timeout => 10,
headers => {
# C-L with no body puts simple_client into stream mode
'Content-Length' => 8,
'Content-Type' => 'text/plain',
sub {
my ($body,$headers) = @_;
is $headers->{Status}, 408, "(post $n) got timeout";
undef $h;
$h->push_write("o "); # 2 out of claimed 8 bytes
my $t; $t = AE::timer rand(2.5),0,sub {
$h->push_write("hai"); # 3 more out of claimed 8 bytes
undef $t; # keep ref
undef $ot;
sub good_client {
my $n = "(good $_[0])";
my $ot; $ot = AE::timer rand(1),0,sub {
my $h; $h = simple_client POST => "/rad",
name => $n,
headers => {'X-Good-Client' => 1},
body => 'Here it is!',
sub {
my ($body,$headers) = @_;
is $headers->{Status}, 200, "$n got 200";
is $body, "thx.", "$n got body";
undef $h; # keep ref
undef $ot;
my $t; $t = AE::timer 20, 0, sub {
$cv->croak("TOO LONG");
timeout_get_client($_) for (1 .. GET_CLIENTS);
timeout_post_client($_) for (1 .. POST_CLIENTS);
good_client($_) for (1 .. GOOD_CLIENTS);
is exception { $cv->recv }, undef, "no client errors";
pass "all done";