#!/usr/bin/perl -w
## This script offers a web interface to the conjug and unconj programs.
## You must have write access to a directory containing web-executable
## scripts.
## You must have installed the Lingua::PT::Conjugate and
## Lingua::PT::UnConjugate modules (i.e. done 'make install' in this
## directory).
## Copy this file to the desired directory.
## Set this variable to the URL that reaches the script.
## If you only have a local (not site-wide) installation of the Lingua::PT
## modules, add to the @INC variable the directory in which the modules
## are installed : uncomment the line below and replace the directory by
## an appropriate value.
## push(@INC, "/home/etienne/prog/perl/myinstall/lib/site_perl";
## 4 : That should be it!
## AUTHOR : Etienne Grossmann <etienne@isr.ist.utl.pt>
## This script is part of the Lingua::PT package. It is distributed in the
## hope that it will be useful but comes with no warranty of any kind.
## Don't hesitate to send me feedback, comments, patches, suggestions etc.
use Lingua::PT::UnConjugate qw( unconj list_entries );
use Lingua::PT::Conjugate qw( conjug );
print(join "\n",
"Content-type: text/html",
"<title>Portuguese Verb Conjugation &amp; Recognition</title>",
"<meta name=\"keywords\" ",
"content=\"Portuguese Portugues verb verbo conjugation recognition\" />",
"<meta name=\"description\" content=\"Conjugate and recognize Portuguese verbs\" />",
"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"",
"href=\"http://omni.isr.ist.utl.pt/~etienne/etienne.css\" />",
%FORM = getform();
$FORM{verbname} = "" unless exists $FORM{verbname};
$FORM{action} = "conjug" unless exists $FORM{action};
if (! $FORM{verbname}) {
print "<H2>You haven't specified any verb, or there's a bug somewhere .... </H2>";
} elsif ($FORM{action} eq "unconj") {
$theverb = $FORM{verbname} ;
$theverb =~ /\s*(\S+)\s*/ ;
$theverb = $1 ;
$ans = unconj( $theverb ) ;
@res = list_entries( "l", $ans ) ;
if( @res )
$v = '' ;
foreach (@res)
$v .= "<TR><TD ALIGN=CENTER><BIG>" ;
$v .= join "</BIG></TD><TD ALIGN=CENTER><BIG>", @$_ ;
$v .= "</BIG></TD></TR>" ;
$v = join "\n", "<BIG>",
"<P>The word <B>$theverb</B> is recognized as :",
"<TR><TD ALIGN=CENTER><BIG>Infinitive</BIG></TD>",
} else { # Second try, with accents
$ans = unconj("-a", $theverb ) ;
@res = list_entries( "l", $ans ) ;
if( @res )
$v = '' ;
foreach $x (@res) {
my ($i,$t,$p) = @$x ;
$x->[3] = conjug("s",$i,$t,$p) ;
$v .= "<TR><TD ALIGN=CENTER><BIG>" ;
$v .= join "</BIG></TD><TD ALIGN=CENTER><BIG>", @$x ;
$v .= "</BIG></TD></TR>" ;
$v = join "\n",
"<P>The word <B>$theverb</B> is not recognized as-is. However, it looks",
"like :",
"<TR><TD ALIGN=CENTER><BIG>Infinitive</BIG></TD>",
"<TD ALIGN=CENTER><BIG>Correct Form</BIG></TD></TR>",
"This software comes with NO GUARANTY. </B> ",
} else {
$v = join "\n",
"Sorry, $FORM{verbname} is not recognized. This could be due to a bug",
print "<html>",
"<h3> Output of unconj : </h3>\n",
"$v <BR>\n",
"<p> Problems? Found an error in the program?\n",
"<A HREF=\"mailto:etienne\@isr.ist.utl.pt\">send me a mail.</a>\n";
} else { # Default action : Conjugate
$theverb = $FORM{verbname} ;
$theverb =~ /\s*(\S+)\s*/ ;
$theverb = $1 ;
@opts = ("ol") ;
# Specify if you want iso accents
push @opts, "-i" if $FORM{isoacc} ;
$v = conjug (@opts , $theverb) ;
if( $v =~ /\S/ ){
# At beginning of row, put tense in bold and alternate row colors
my $i = -1;
sub rowcol () {$i++ % 2 ? 'bgcolor="#efefff"' : "" }
$v =~ s{^(.*)?\s*,}{"<TR " . rowcol() . "><TD> <B>$1</B> </TD><TD> "}emg;
# End of row
$v =~ s!$!</TR></TD>\n!mg ;
# Separate table cells
$v =~ s{\s*,\s*}{ </TD><TD> }g ;
# Put the persons
$tmp = join("</B></TD><TD><B>",
"<\TR><TR><TD COLSPAN=7></TD><\TR>",
"\n<TR bgcolor=\"#dfdfff\"><TD><B>", "eu", "tu", "ela/ele",
"nós", "vós", "eles/elas",
"</B><\TR><TR><TD COLSPAN=7></TD><\TR>");
$tmp =~ s/ó/'o/g if $FORM{isoacc} ; # '
$v =~ s{(.*?\<\/TR\>)}{ $1 $tmp }m ;
$v = "<center><TABLE rules=\"none\" cellpadding=\"3\">$v</TABLE></center>";
} else {
$v = "Sorry, $FORM{verbname} does not look like a verb ... \n" ;
print "<html>",
"<h3> Output of conjug : </h3>\n",
"$v <BR>\n",
"<p> Problems? Found an error in the program?\n",
"<A HREF=\"mailto:etienne\@isr.ist.utl.pt\">send me a mail.</a>\n";
print <<EOFHTML;
sub printform {
my ($cconj,$cunconj) = $FORM{action} eq "unconj" ?
("", 'checked="checked"') : ('checked="checked"', "") ;
print <<EOFHTML;
<h1>Portuguese Verb Conjugation and Recognition Form</h1>
<form method="post" action="$thisurl" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
Accents can be entered as "'e" for "é", "~a" for "ã", "\c" for "ç" etc.<br>
<p class="myform"><br>
Enter a new query
<input type="text" name="verbname" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" />
Action :
<input type="radio" name="action" value="conj" $cconj />Conjugate
<input type="radio" name="action" value="unconj" $cunconj />Recognize
<input type="checkbox" name="isoacc" unchecked>
Don't output accentuated (ISO-8959-1) characters<br>
<p>Author : <A HREF="mailto:etienne\@isr.ist.utl.pt">Etienne Grossmann</A>
(contact me for any kind of feedback).</p>
# '
# Straight out of everycht.pl v.3.61 (w/ slight changes),
# thanks, Matt Hahnfeld
#| Sub getform - reads form data |#
sub getform {
my $buffer = "";
# Post method
if (exists ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'}) && $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "POST") {
read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
# Using GET Method
} elsif (exists $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}) {
$buffer = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
my @pairs=split(/&/,$buffer);
foreach my $pair (@pairs)
my ($name, $value) = split(/=/,$pair);
## my ($name=$a[0];
## my $value=$a[1];
$value =~ s/\+/ /g;
$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$value =~ s/~!/ ~!/g;
$value =~ s/\</\&lt\;/g; # html tag removal (remove these lines to enable HTML tags in messages)
$value =~ s/\>/\&gt\;/g; # html tag removal (remove these lines to enable HTML tags in messages)
$value =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
push (@data,$name,$value);
my %form=@data;