** Copyright (C) 1993 David E. Steward & Zbigniew Leyk, all rights reserved.
** Meschach Library
** This Meschach Library is provided "as is" without any express
** or implied warranty of any kind with respect to this software.
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Files for matrix computations
Householder transformation file. Contains routines for calculating
householder transformations, applying them to vectors and matrices
by both row & column.
/* hsehldr.c 1.3 10/8/87 */
static char rcsid[] = "$Id: hsehldr.c,v 1.2 1994/01/13 05:36:29 des Exp $";
#include <stdio.h>
#include "matrix.h"
#include "matrix2.h"
#include <math.h>
/* hhvec -- calulates Householder vector to eliminate all entries after the
i0 entry of the vector vec. It is returned as out. May be in-situ */
VEC *hhvec(vec,i0,beta,out,newval)
VEC *vec,*out;
u_int i0;
Real *beta,*newval;
Real norm;
out = _v_copy(vec,out,i0);
norm = sqrt(_in_prod(out,out,i0));
if ( norm <= 0.0 )
*beta = 0.0;
return (out);
*beta = 1.0/(norm * (norm+fabs(out->ve[i0])));
if ( out->ve[i0] > 0.0 )
*newval = -norm;
*newval = norm;
out->ve[i0] -= *newval;
return (out);
/* hhtrvec -- apply Householder transformation to vector -- may be in-situ */
VEC *hhtrvec(hh,beta,i0,in,out)
VEC *hh,*in,*out; /* hh = Householder vector */
u_int i0;
double beta;
Real scale;
/* u_int i; */
if ( hh==(VEC *)NULL || in==(VEC *)NULL )
if ( in->dim != hh->dim )
if ( i0 > in->dim )
scale = beta*_in_prod(hh,in,i0);
out = v_copy(in,out);
for ( i=i0; i<in->dim; i++ )
out->ve[i] = in->ve[i] - scale*hh->ve[i];
return (out);
/* hhtrrows -- transform a matrix by a Householder vector by rows
starting at row i0 from column j0 -- in-situ */
MAT *hhtrrows(M,i0,j0,hh,beta)
u_int i0, j0;
VEC *hh;
double beta;
Real ip, scale;
int i /*, j */;
if ( M==(MAT *)NULL || hh==(VEC *)NULL )
if ( M->n != hh->dim )
if ( i0 > M->m || j0 > M->n )
if ( beta == 0.0 ) return (M);
/* for each row ... */
for ( i = i0; i < M->m; i++ )
{ /* compute inner product */
ip = __ip__(&(M->me[i][j0]),&(hh->ve[j0]),(int)(M->n-j0));
ip = 0.0;
for ( j = j0; j < M->n; j++ )
ip += M->me[i][j]*hh->ve[j];
scale = beta*ip;
if ( scale == 0.0 )
/* do operation */
for ( j = j0; j < M->n; j++ )
M->me[i][j] -= scale*hh->ve[j];
return (M);
/* hhtrcols -- transform a matrix by a Householder vector by columns
starting at row i0 from column j0 -- in-situ */
MAT *hhtrcols(M,i0,j0,hh,beta)
u_int i0, j0;
VEC *hh;
double beta;
/* Real ip, scale; */
int i /*, k */;
static VEC *w = VNULL;
if ( M==(MAT *)NULL || hh==(VEC *)NULL )
if ( M->m != hh->dim )
if ( i0 > M->m || j0 > M->n )
if ( beta == 0.0 ) return (M);
w = v_resize(w,M->n);
for ( i = i0; i < M->m; i++ )
if ( hh->ve[i] != 0.0 )
for ( i = i0; i < M->m; i++ )
if ( hh->ve[i] != 0.0 )
return (M);