** Copyright (C) 1993 David E. Steward & Zbigniew Leyk, all rights reserved.
** Meschach Library
** This Meschach Library is provided "as is" without any express
** or implied warranty of any kind with respect to this software.
** In particular the authors shall not be liable for any direct,
** indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising
** in any way from use of the software.
** Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute this
** Meschach Library, provided:
** 1. All copies contain this copyright notice.
** 2. All modified copies shall carry a notice stating who
** made the last modification and the date of such modification.
** 3. No charge is made for this software or works derived from it.
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/* iter.h 14/09/93 */
Structures for iterative methods
#ifndef ITERHH
#define ITERHH
/* RCS id: $Id: iter.h,v 1.2 1994/03/08 05:48:27 des Exp $ */
#include "sparse.h"
/* basic structure for iterative methods */
/* type Fun_Ax for functions to get y = A*x */
#ifdef ANSI_C
typedef VEC *(*Fun_Ax)(void *,VEC *,VEC *);
typedef VEC *(*Fun_Ax)();
/* type ITER */
typedef struct Iter_data {
int shared_x; /* if TRUE then x is shared and it will not be free'd */
int shared_b; /* if TRUE then b is shared and it will not be free'd */
unsigned k; /* no. of direction (search) vectors; =0 - none */
int limit; /* upper bound on the no. of iter. steps */
int steps; /* no. of iter. steps done */
Real eps; /* accuracy required */
VEC *x; /* input: initial guess;
output: approximate solution */
VEC *b; /* right hand side of the equation A*x = b */
Fun_Ax Ax; /* function computing y = A*x */
void *A_par; /* parameters for Ax */
Fun_Ax ATx; /* function computing y = A^T*x;
T = transpose */
void *AT_par; /* parameters for ATx */
Fun_Ax Bx; /* function computing y = B*x; B - preconditioner */
void *B_par; /* parameters for Bx */
#ifdef ANSI_C
void (*info)(struct Iter_data *, double, VEC *,VEC *);
/* function giving some information for a user;
nres - a norm of a residual res */
int (*stop_crit)(struct Iter_data *, double, VEC *,VEC *);
/* stopping criterion:
nres - a norm of res;
res - residual;
if returned value == TRUE then stop;
if returned value == FALSE then continue; */
void (*info)();
int (*stop_crit)();
void (*info)();
/* function giving some information for a user */
int (*stop_crit)();
/* stopping criterion:
if returned value == TRUE then stop;
if returned value == FALSE then continue; */
#endif /* ANSI_C */
Real init_res; /* the norm of the initial residual */
#define INULL (ITER *)NULL
/* type Fun_info */
#ifdef ANSI_C
typedef void (*Fun_info)(ITER *, double, VEC *,VEC *);
typedef void (*Fun_info)();
/* type Fun_stp_crt */
#ifdef ANSI_C
typedef int (*Fun_stp_crt)(ITER *, double, VEC *,VEC *);
typedef int (*Fun_stp_crt)();
/* macros */
/* default values */
#define ITER_LIMIT_DEF 1000
#define ITER_EPS_DEF 1e-6
/* other macros */
/* set ip->Ax=fun and ip->A_par=fun_par */
#define iter_Ax(ip,fun,fun_par) \
(ip->Ax=(Fun_Ax)(fun),ip->A_par=(void *)(fun_par),0)
#define iter_ATx(ip,fun,fun_par) \
(ip->ATx=(Fun_Ax)(fun),ip->AT_par=(void *)(fun_par),0)
#define iter_Bx(ip,fun,fun_par) \
(ip->Bx=(Fun_Ax)(fun),ip->B_par=(void *)(fun_par),0)
/* save free macro */
#define ITER_FREE(ip) (iter_free(ip), (ip)=(ITER *)NULL)
/* prototypes from iter0.c */
#ifdef ANSI_C
/* standard information */
void iter_std_info(ITER *ip,double nres,VEC *res,VEC *Bres);
/* standard stopping criterion */
int iter_std_stop_crit(ITER *ip, double nres, VEC *res,VEC *Bres);
/* get, resize and free ITER variable */
ITER *iter_get(int lenb, int lenx);
ITER *iter_resize(ITER *ip,int lenb,int lenx);
int iter_free(ITER *ip);
void iter_dump(FILE *fp,ITER *ip);
/* copy ip1 to ip2 copying also elements of x and b */
ITER *iter_copy(ITER *ip1, ITER *ip2);
/* copy ip1 to ip2 without copying elements of x and b */
ITER *iter_copy2(ITER *ip1,ITER *ip2);
/* functions for generating sparse matrices with random elements */
SPMAT *iter_gen_sym(int n, int nrow);
SPMAT *iter_gen_nonsym(int m,int n,int nrow,double diag);
SPMAT *iter_gen_nonsym_posdef(int n,int nrow);
void iter_std_info();
int iter_std_stop_crit();
ITER *iter_get();
int iter_free();
ITER *iter_resize();
void iter_dump();
ITER *iter_copy();
ITER *iter_copy2();
SPMAT *iter_gen_sym();
SPMAT *iter_gen_nonsym();
SPMAT *iter_gen_nonsym_posdef();
/* prototypes from iter.c */
/* different iterative procedures */
#ifdef ANSI_C
VEC *iter_cg(ITER *ip);
VEC *iter_cg1(ITER *ip);
VEC *iter_spcg(SPMAT *A,SPMAT *LLT,VEC *b,double eps,VEC *x,int limit,
int *steps);
VEC *iter_cgs(ITER *ip,VEC *r0);
VEC *iter_spcgs(SPMAT *A,SPMAT *B,VEC *b,VEC *r0,double eps,VEC *x,
int limit, int *steps);
VEC *iter_lsqr(ITER *ip);
VEC *iter_splsqr(SPMAT *A,VEC *b,double tol,VEC *x,
int limit,int *steps);
VEC *iter_gmres(ITER *ip);
VEC *iter_spgmres(SPMAT *A,SPMAT *B,VEC *b,double tol,VEC *x,int k,
int limit, int *steps);
MAT *iter_arnoldi_iref(ITER *ip,Real *h,MAT *Q,MAT *H);
MAT *iter_arnoldi(ITER *ip,Real *h,MAT *Q,MAT *H);
MAT *iter_sparnoldi(SPMAT *A,VEC *x0,int k,Real *h,MAT *Q,MAT *H);
VEC *iter_mgcr(ITER *ip);
VEC *iter_spmgcr(SPMAT *A,SPMAT *B,VEC *b,double tol,VEC *x,int k,
int limit, int *steps);
void iter_lanczos(ITER *ip,VEC *a,VEC *b,Real *beta2,MAT *Q);
void iter_splanczos(SPMAT *A,int m,VEC *x0,VEC *a,VEC *b,Real *beta2,
MAT *Q);
VEC *iter_lanczos2(ITER *ip,VEC *evals,VEC *err_est);
VEC *iter_splanczos2(SPMAT *A,int m,VEC *x0,VEC *evals,VEC *err_est);
VEC *iter_cgne(ITER *ip);
VEC *iter_spcgne(SPMAT *A,SPMAT *B,VEC *b,double eps,VEC *x,
int limit,int *steps);
VEC *iter_cg();
VEC *iter_cg1();
VEC *iter_spcg();
VEC *iter_cgs();
VEC *iter_spcgs();
VEC *iter_lsqr();
VEC *iter_splsqr();
VEC *iter_gmres();
VEC *iter_spgmres();
MAT *iter_arnoldi_iref();
MAT *iter_arnoldi();
MAT *iter_sparnoldi();
VEC *iter_mgcr();
VEC *iter_spmgcr();
void iter_lanczos();
void iter_splanczos();
VEC *iter_lanczos2();
VEC *iter_splanczos2();
VEC *iter_cgne();
VEC *iter_spcgne();
#endif /* ITERHH */