#$Id: Serializer.pm,v 1.2 2008/08/25 15:21:01 kawas Exp $
use vars qw /$VERSION/;
$VERSION = sprintf "%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.2 $ =~ /: (\d+)\.(\d+)/;
# this module serializes SOAP messages to ensure
# compatibility with other soap clients (Java)
# All that you have to do to make this your serializer,
# is to uncomment, from MOBY-Central.pl, the line:
# $x->serializer(MOBY::SOAP::Serializer->new);
# and all soap messages will pass through this serializer.
# MAKE SURE TO 'use MOBY::SOAP::Serializer;'
# This ensures that mobycentral is compatible with
# SOAP-lite version >= .6
@MOBY::SOAP::Serializer::ISA = 'SOAP::Serializer';
sub xmlize {
my $self = shift;
my ( $name, $attrs, $values, $id ) = @{ +shift };
$attrs ||= {};
return $self->SUPER::xmlize( [ $name, $attrs, $values, $id ] );
sub envelope {
# delete $_[0]{_namespaces}->{'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/'}
# if $_[0];
# only 'transform' soap responses
UNIVERSAL::isa( $_[3] => 'SOAP::Data' )
? do {
# when we set to string, we dont have to encode
$_[3]->type( 'string' => $_[3]->value() );
: do {
do {
# for dumps, they are of type string[]: set components accordingly
$_[3]->[0] = SOAP::Data->type( 'string' => $_[3]->[0] )
if $_[3]->[0];
$_[3]->[1] = SOAP::Data->type( 'string' => $_[3]->[1] )
if $_[3]->[1];
$_[3]->[2] = SOAP::Data->type( 'string' => $_[3]->[2] )
if $_[3]->[2];
$_[3]->[3] = SOAP::Data->type( 'string' => $_[3]->[3] )
if $_[3]->[3];
$_[3]->[4] = SOAP::Data->type( 'string' => $_[3]->[4] )
if $_[3]->[4];
} if ( ref( $_[3] ) eq 'ARRAY' );
do {
# below encodes data -> set type to string and we dont have to
# set to string to avoid encoding
$_[3] = SOAP::Data->type( 'string' => $_[3] );
} unless ( ref( $_[3] ) eq 'ARRAY' );
} if $_[1] =~ /^(?:method|response)$/;
$_[2] = (
UNIVERSAL::isa( $_[2] => 'SOAP::Data' )
? $_[2]
: SOAP::Data->name( $_[2] )->attr( { xmlns => $uri } )
if $_[1] =~ /^(?:method|response)$/;