# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl 1.t'
# !!!!STOP!!!!
# This test file is for the MOBY::Central module.
# As a regular Perl user, you probably intend to use MOBY::Client::Central,
# which is discouragingly similarly named, and has many similarly named methods,
# but quite different functionality.
# This code runs on the server side, responding to incoming requests,
# and constructing XML messages that communicate the results of those requests.
# Note added by Frank Gibbons.
# Tests should, as far as possible, avoid the use of literals.
# If you register a service with authURI => mysite.com,
# and you want to test a retrieved description of the service, don't test that the service returns authURI eq "mysite.com",
# test so that it returns the same value as you used to register it in the first place.
# change 'tests => 1' to 'tests => last_test_to_print';
#use SOAP::Lite +trace;
use Test::More 'no_plan';
use strict;
#Is the client-code even installed?
my $missing_modules = <<CLIENT_ONLY;
It appears you are missing one or more modules required to host
your own MOBY Central registry (these are primarily required
for connecting to a database).
Most likely, you are interested in building a client-side application,
in which case this doesn't matter, and you should ignore this test.
Other tests should still pass - if not, you need to resolve them.
On the other hand, if you want to build your own local MOBY Central registry,
you should install the missing modules, and re-run the tests.
$ENV{MOBY_CENTRAL_CONFIG} = "./t/mobycentral.config";
# Test that modules required ONLY for local MOBY Central are installed.
require_ok( "DBI" ) or diag($missing_modules);
require_ok( "DBD::mysql" ) or diag($missing_modules);
use_ok('MOBY::Central') or diag("Did you get 'MOBY::Central'? I can' find it.")
END {};
############ ENFORCE REGISTRY API ###############
# First, mandatory methods for all registries.
# Notice: new() is NOT defined here, since it is deprecated.
my @API = qw/Registration
registerObjectClass _registerObjectPayload
deregisterObjectClass _deregisterObjectPayload
registerServiceType _registerServiceTypePayload
deregisterServiceType _deregisterServiceTypePayload
retrieveNamespaces _registerNamespacePayload
deregisterNamespace _deregisterNamespacePayload
registerService _registerServicePayload
_getServiceInstanceRDF _registerArticles
deregisterService _deregisterServicePayload
findService _findServicePayload
_extractObjectTypes registerServiceWSDL
_searchForServicesWithArticle _searchForSimple _searchForCollection
retrieveService _retrieveServicePayload
retrieveResourceURLs retrieveServiceProviders retrieveServiceNames
retrieveServiceTypes retrieveRelationshipTypes retrieveObjectNames
retrieveObjectDefinition retrieveNamespaces
retrieveObject _retrieveObjectPayload
Relationships DUMP_MySQL _ISAPayload/;
can_ok("MOBY::Central", @API)
or diag("MOBY::Central failed to implement full API");
################## MOBY Registration Tests #################
################## OBJECT REGISTRATION #############
# Test 3 inherits from two isas - should fail
my %Obj = ( objectType => "Rubbish",
description => "a human-readable description of the object",
contactEmail => 'your@email.address',
authURI => "test.suite.com",
Relationships => {
ISA => [
['Object', 'article1'],
['Object', 'articleName2']],
HASA => [
['Object', 'articleName3']]