# OWL::Config
# Author: Martin Senger <martin.senger@gmail.com>
# For copyright and disclaimer see below.
# $Id: Config.pm,v 1.1 2009-08-25 14:30:50 ubuntu Exp $
package OWL::Config;
use strict;
# add versioning to this module
use vars qw /$VERSION/;
$VERSION = sprintf "%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.1 $ =~ /: (\d+)\.(\d+)/;
my %Config = (); # here are all configuration parameters
my %Unsuccess = (); # here are names (and reasons) of failed files
my %Success = (); # here are names of successfully read files
$DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = 'owl2perl-config.cfg';
# OO access; but there are no instance attributes - everything are
# class (shared) attributes
sub new {
my ($class, @args) = @_;
# create an object
my $self = bless {}, ref ($class) || $class;
# initialize the object
$self->import (@args);
# done
return $self;
# this allows to specify a configuration file in the use clause:
# use OWL::Config ( 'my.file', 'your.file', { cachedir => 'somewhere' } )
sub import {
shift->init ($DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE, @_);
# @configs can be mix of scalars (names of configuration files) or
# hash references (direct configuration parameters); can be called
# more times - everything is appended
sub init {
shift; # ignore invocant
my (@configs) = @_;
# add parameters AND resolve file names
foreach my $config (@configs) {
if (ref ($config) eq 'HASH') {
%Config = (%Config, %$config);
} else {
my $file = OWL::Config->_resolve_file ($config);
unless ($file) {
$Unsuccess{$config} = 'File not found.';
eval {
Config::Simple->import_from ($file, \%Config);
if ($@) {
$@ =~ s| /\S+Config/Simple.pm line \d+, <FH>||;
#print STDERR "Reading configuration file '$file' failed: $@";
$Unsuccess{$file} = $@;
} else {
$Success{$file} = 1;
# I do not like default.XXX (done by Config::Simple) - so
# replicate these keys without the prefix 'default'
foreach my $key (keys %Config) {
my ($realkey) = ($key =~ /^$Config::Simple::DEFAULTNS\.(.*)/);
if ($realkey && ! exists $Config{$realkey}) {
$Config{$realkey} = $Config{$key};
# Remove potential whitespaces from the keys (Config::Simple may
# leave theme there)
map { my $orig_key = $_;
s/\s//g and $Config{$_} = delete $Config{$orig_key} } keys %Config;
# try to locate given $filename, return its full path:
# a) as it is - if such file exists
# b) as $ENV{OWL_CFG_DIR}/$filename
# c) in one of the @INC directories
# d) return undef
sub _resolve_file {
shift; # ignore invocant
my ($filename) = @_;
return $filename if -f $filename;
my $realfilename;
$realfilename = File::Spec->catdir ($ENV{$ENV_CONFIG_DIR}, $filename);
return $realfilename if -f $realfilename;
$realfilename = undef;
$realfilename = File::Spec->catfile( File::Spec->catdir (File::HomeDir->my_home, "Perl-OWL2Perl"), $filename);
return $realfilename if -f $realfilename;
foreach my $prefix (@INC) {
$realfilename = File::Spec->catfile ($prefix, $filename);
return $realfilename if -f $realfilename;
return undef;
# return value of a configuration argument; or add a new argument
sub param {
# If called with no arguments, return all the
# possible keys
return keys %Config unless @_;
# if called with a single argument, return the value
# matching this key
return $Config{$_[0]} if @_ == 1;
# more arguments means adding...
# return $Config{$_[0]} = $_[1];
my $ret = $Config{$_[0]} = $_[1];
OWL::Config->import_names ('OWLCFG');
return $ret;
# remove one, more, or all configuration arguments
sub delete {
# if called with no arguments, delete all keys
%Config = () and return unless @_;
# if called with arguments, delete the matching keys
foreach my $key (@_) {
delete $Config{$key};
# return a stringified version of all configuration options; an
# optional argument is a name for variable into which it is
# stringified (I do not know how to express it better: simply speaking
# this argument is passed to the Data::Dumper->Dump as the variable
# name)
sub dump {
my $varname = @_ ? shift : 'CONFIG';
require Data::Dumper;
return Data::Dumper->Dump ( [\%Config], [$varname]);
# imports names into the caller's namespace as global variables;
# adapted from the same method in Config::Simple
sub import_names {
my $namespace = @_ ? shift : (caller)[0];
return if $namespace eq 'OWL::Config';
no strict 'refs';
no warnings; # avoid "Useless use of a variable..."
while ( my ($key, $value) = each %Config ) {
$key =~ s/\W/_/g;
${$namespace . '::' . uc($key)} = $value;
# return a list of configuration files successfully read (so far)
sub ok_files {
return sort keys %Success;
# return a hash of configuration files un-successfully read (so far) -
# with corresponding error messages
sub failed_files {
return %Unsuccess;