# OWL::Data::String
# Author: Edward Kawas <edward.kawas@gmail.com>,
# Martin Senger <martin.senger@gmail.com>
# For copyright and disclaimer see below.
# $Id: String.pm,v 1.3 2010-01-07 21:46:39 ubuntu Exp $
use base ("OWL::Data::Object");
use strict;
# add versioning to this module
use vars qw /$VERSION/;
$VERSION = sprintf "%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.3 $ =~ /: (\d+)\.(\d+)/;
=head1 NAME
OWL::Data::String - A primitive data type for strings
use OWL::Data::String;
# create a String with initial value of 'eddie'
my $data = OWL::Data::String->new (value => 'eddie');
my $data = OWL::Data::String->new ('eddie');
# later change the value of this data object
$data->value ('tulak');
print $data->value();
An object representing a String, an owl primitive data type.
=head1 AUTHORS
Edward Kawas (edward.kawas [at] gmail [dot] com)
Martin Senger (martin.senger [at] gmail [dot] com)
# A list of allowed attribute names. See OWL::Base for details.
Details are in L<OWL::Base>. Here just a list of them (additionally
to the attributes from the parent classes)
=item B<value>
A value of this datatype. Must be an integer.
my %_allowed = (
value => { type => OWL::Base->STRING },
sub _accessible {
my ( $self, $attr ) = @_;
exists $_allowed{$attr} or $self->SUPER::_accessible($attr);
sub _attr_prop {
my ( $self, $attr_name, $prop_name ) = @_;
my $attr = $_allowed{$attr_name};
return ref($attr) ? $attr->{$prop_name} : $attr if $attr;
return $self->SUPER::_attr_prop( $attr_name, $prop_name );
# init
sub init {
my ($self) = shift;