$Id: Changes,v 1.14 2010-05-20 17:29:09 ubuntu Exp $
Got rid of the DBD-mySQL dependency
some biopax entities where not being processes properly
because their base uri had >1 # appended to them.
Added owl:unionOf to what is parsed out of OWL and
inserted in our class map.
fix: hasValue range wasnt being set properly when > 1
rdf:types exist.
Restrictions using hasValue now extracted and added to
class restrictions.
parsing of non empty text content wasnt handled properly
for different serializations of text.
When URIs are encountered that are slightly incorrect, we
attempt to correct them and not just use them as is, as this
is usually incorrect (and is better than throwing an
exception). Example, the URI rdf:about="##bar"
is changed to #bar.
fixed how Module::Conditional::Load was being called
because the way we were doing it broke all of a sudden
added a select_parser method so that you can specify
the sax parser to use (defaulted in the past to pureperl
which is way too slow)
added dependency for XML::LibXML (since we use their SAX
parser now by default);
added a verbose param to Ontology/OWL/Lite.pm that triggers
a call to debug() in init()
added a 'do_impl' param to Ontology/OWL/Lite.pm that triggers
the ->implementations() part of Lite.pm. Look at owllite2perl.pl
for how to set the parameter.
DBD::mysql is now a dependency iff mysql is accessible on
the users machine.
added a check in issue_query that checks to see whether
the $query was parsed correctly into a ODO::Query::RDQL
in ODO::Graph::Storage::Memory.
added more text for warning of missing properties.
bug fix: subClassOf was being added as a restriction and
not to inheritance
when parsing owl files, import statements are parsed out,
but not traversed. They are returned to the user though.
NOTE: if you use prior versions of ODO::Parser::XML, your
code may break as statements and imports are returned after
calling parse. owllite2perl illustrates this.
owllite2perl needs to be updated to produce actual modules, etc.
This will hopefully be accomplished next release. In SADI::SADI,
a code generator that is based on this module exists. However,
it uses RDF::Core to serialize the RDF.
Fixed the RDF code generator. It now produces valid Perl code.
Went through ODO::Ontology::RDFS code and fixed how it processed
statements. Basically, I made sure that ISA/inheritance dont contain
any undef keys/values. Then i updated the templates so that my updates
to ODO::Ontology::RDFS.pm were taken into account.
Updated the test scripts to take into account that parse
now returns statements and imports
updated the example scripts to take into account the above.
updated the makefile to add DBD-mysql (eventhough, the db
side of ODO/Pluto doesnt work).
added VERSION info for each file that reflects the cvs revision to aide
in diff'ing the files.
Added missing methods that were referred to in Lite.pm
Updated the OWL SAX parser so that entities prefixed by #
now have theh base xmlns appended to it
The owl2perl example script still doesnt work 100%, but
a script in SADI (sadi-generate-datatypes) does something
similar to this script and uses ODO to do it.
Cleaned up the Makefile.PL script (uses Module::Install now)
Added trivial tests for empty test suites
Added ODO::DBI::Connector tests
Removed database specific database drivers
Factored out ODO::Ontology::Vocabulary to just ODO::Vocabulary
ODO::Node constructor bug fixes
Added Jena node parser tests
Added Jena system graph tests
Added Jena objects DB/Settings.{n3|pm}, Graph/Settings.{n3|pm}
Began update of OWL::Lite code generator to new API
Removed dependence on Class::ISA
Added initial N3 parser in ODO::Parser::N3; it needs expanded test case coverage
Added support for manipulating graphs stored by Jena
ODO::Ontology and ODO::Ontology::RDFS refactored
ODO::Ontology::RDFS code generation bugs fixed
ODO/RDFS.pm added; contains Perl code generated from RDFS Schema
Initial release under the EPL