# =====================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2002,2003 IBM Corporation
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# =====================================================================
# Test:
# LS::Authority::WSDL
# LS::Authority::WSDL::Simple
use Test::More qw(no_plan);
use strict;
use_ok( 'LS::Authority::WSDL' );
use_ok( 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Simple' );
sub readWSDL {
my $filename = shift;
my $data;
ok(open(WSDL, $filename), 'Open authority WSDL file');
local $/ = undef;
$data = <WSDL>;
return $data;
# WSDL File: t/authority02.wsdl
my $wsdlData = &readWSDL('t/authority02.wsdl');
ok($wsdlData, 'WSDL file: t/authority02.wsdl');
my $wsdl = LS::Authority::WSDL::Simple->from_xml($wsdlData);
isa_ok($wsdl, 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Simple');
my $metaLoc = $wsdl->getMetadataLocations('NCBIHTTP');
isa_ok($metaLoc, 'ARRAY', 'Verify we have a array ref of METADATA locations');
cmp_ok(scalar(@{ $metaLoc }), '==', '1', 'Verfiy that there is only ONE METADATA location');
my $specificLoc = $metaLoc->[0];
isa_ok($specificLoc, 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Location', 'Verify the METADATA location is the proper object');
cmp_ok($specificLoc->name(), 'eq', 'HTTPMetadata', 'Verify the name of the specific location');
cmp_ok($specificLoc->parentName(), 'eq', 'NCBIHTTP', 'Verify the parent service\'s name');
cmp_ok($specificLoc->method(), 'eq', 'GET', 'Verify the method ');
cmp_ok($specificLoc->url(), 'eq', 'http://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.lsid.biopathways.org:9090/authority/metadata/', 'Verify the URL');
cmp_ok($specificLoc->protocol(), 'eq', ${LS::Authority::WSDL::Constants::Protocols::HTTP}, 'Verify the protocol');
my $dataLoc = $wsdl->getDataLocations();
isa_ok($dataLoc, 'ARRAY', 'Verify we have a array ref of DATA locations');
cmp_ok(scalar(@{ $dataLoc }), '==', '1', 'Verfiy that there is only ONE DATA location');
$specificLoc = $dataLoc->[0];
isa_ok($specificLoc, 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Location', 'Verify the DATA location is the proper object');
cmp_ok($specificLoc->name(), 'eq', 'HTTPData', 'Verify the name of the specific location');
cmp_ok($specificLoc->parentName(), 'eq', 'NCBIHTTP', 'Verify the parent service\'s name');
cmp_ok($specificLoc->method(), 'eq', 'GET', 'Verify the method ');
cmp_ok($specificLoc->url(), 'eq', 'http://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.lsid.biopathways.org:9090/authority/data', 'Verify the URL');
cmp_ok($specificLoc->protocol(), 'eq', ${LS::Authority::WSDL::Constants::Protocols::HTTP}, 'Verify the protocol');