# Make sure we do everything by the book
# Set modules to inherit from
# Set version information
use strict;
@LCC::Documents::DBI::ISA = qw(LCC::Documents);
$LCC::Documents::DBI::VERSION = '0.01';
# Return true value for use
# The following methods are class methods
# IN: 1 class of object
# 2 instantiated LCC object
# 3 DBI statement handle
# 4 method => value pairs to be executed
# OUT: 1 instantiated LCC::Documents::xxx object
sub _new {
# Obtain the class
# Obtain the LCC object
# Obtain the source (a ref to a database handle, table name list)
my $class = shift;
my $lcc = shift;
my $source = shift;
# Add error if the source is not a statement handle
$lcc->_add_error( "$source is not a DBI statement handle" )
unless ref($source) eq 'DBI::st';
# Create the object in the right way
# Save the source specification
# Return the object
my $self = $class->SUPER::_new( $lcc,@_ );
$self->{'source'} = $source;
return $self;
} #_new
# The following methods change the object
# IN: 1 instantiated object
# OUT: 1 id of the next document
# 2 mtime of the next document
# 3 (optional) length of the next document
# 4 (optional) md5 of the next document
# 5 (optional) mimetype of the next document
# 6 (optional) subtype of the next document
sub next_document { shift->{'source'}->fetchrow_array } #next_document
# The following subroutines deal with standard Perl features
=head1 NAME
LCC::Documents::DBI - Document information stored in a database
use DBI;
my $dbh = DBI->connect( ... );
my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT id,mtime... FROM table" );
use LCC;
$lcc = LCC->new( | {method => value} );
$lcc->Documents( $sth, | {method => value} ); # figures out it's DBI
$lcc->Documents( 'DBI', $sth, | {method => value} ); # forces DBI
The Documents object of the Perl support for LCC that should be used when
document update information exists as a DBI statement handle. Do not create
directly, but through the Documents method of the LCC object.
The statement handle is supposed to contain the following elements:
1 id of a document
2 mtime of that document
3 (optional) length of that document
4 (optional) md5 of that document
5 (optional) mimetype of that document
6 (optional) subtype of that document
=head1 METHODS
There are no methods specific to this module. Also see the methods available
in the LCC::Documents module.
=head1 AUTHOR
Elizabeth Mattijsen, <liz@dijkmat.nl>.
Please report bugs to <perlbugs@dijkmat.nl>.
Copyright (c) 2002 Elizabeth Mattijsen <liz@dijkmat.nl>. All rights
reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 SEE ALSO
http://lococa.sourceforge.net, the LCC.pm and the other LCC::xxx modules.