# Make sure we do everything by the book
# Set modules to inherit from
# Set version information
use strict;
@LCC::Documents::filesystem::ISA = qw(LCC::Documents);
$LCC::Documents::filesystem::VERSION = '0.01';
# Use the external modules that we need
use File::Find ();
# Attempt to load Digest::MD5 module if not already loaded
# Initialize MD5 object
eval 'use Digest::MD5 ()' unless defined( $Digest::MD5::VERSION );
my $md5 = defined( $Digest::MD5::VERSION ) ? Digest::MD5->new : '';
# Create the default mimetype conversion
my %default_mimetype = (
doc => 'application/msword',
htm => 'text/html',
html => 'text/html',
pdf => 'application/pdf',
php => 'text/html',
phtml => 'text/html',
shtml => 'text/html',
text => 'text/plain',
txt => 'text/plain',
xls => 'application/excel',
xml => 'text/xml',
xsl => 'text/xml',
# Create the default wanted files (of which we know the mimetype)
my $default_wanted = join( '|',sort keys %default_mimetype );
# Return true value for use
# The following methods are class methods
# IN: 1 class of object
# 2 instantiated LCC object
# 3 directory specification (default: current)
# 4 method => value pairs to be executed
# OUT: 1 instantiated LCC::Documents::xxx object
sub _new {
# Obtain the class
# Obtain the LCC object
# Obtain the source (a directory)
# Add trailing slash if there is none yet
my $class = shift;
my $LCC = shift;
my $source = shift || '.';
$source .= '/' unless $source =~ m#/$#;
# Add error if the source is not a directory
# Add error if the directory can not be read
$LCC->_add_error( "'$source' is not a directory" ) unless -d $source;
$LCC->_add_error( "'$source' cannot be read" ) unless -r _;
# Create the object in the right way
# Save the source specification
# Obtain the wanted subroutine reference, default if we don't have one already
my $self = $class->SUPER::_new( $LCC,@_ );
$self->{'source'} = $source;
my $wanted = $self->{'wanted'} || \&_default_wanted;
# Initialize the list of files
# Initialize the reference to the options hash
# Set the File::Find "wanted" subroutine reference
# Look for all of the files from the indicated directory
my @list;
my $options = $self->{'file_find_options'} || {};
$options->{'wanted'} = sub {
push( @list,$File::Find::name ) if $wanted->( $File::Find::name );
File::Find::find( $options,$source );
# Save the list in the object
# Return the object
$self->{'_list'} = \@list;
return $self;
} #_new
# The following methods change the object
# IN: 1 instantiated object
# 2 (optional) new reference to hash with File::Find options
# OUT: 1 new/current reference to hash with File::Find options
sub file_find_options {
shift->_variable( 'file_find_options',@_ )
} #file_find_options
# IN: 1 instantiated object
# 2 (optional) new subroutine reference for mimetype routine
# OUT: 1 current/old subroutine reference for mimetype routine
sub mimetype { shift->_variable( 'mimetype',@_ ) } #mimetype
sub next_document {
# Obtain the object
# Obtain the index
# Return now if index is out of range
my $self = shift;
my $index = $self->{'_list_index'} || 0;
return unless exists $self->{'_list'}->[$index];
# Obtain the filename, incrementing index on the fly
# Obtain the size and modification time of the file
# Convert modification time to timestamp
my $filename = $self->{'_list'}->[$self->{'_list_index'}++];
my ($size,$mtime) = (stat($filename))[7,9];
$mtime = _timestamp( $mtime );
# Initialize the MD5 digest of the file
# If we have support for MD5
# If successful in opening the file
# Read the file and calculate the digest
my $hexdigest = '';
if ($md5) {
if (my $handle = IO::File->new( $filename,'<' )) {
$hexdigest = $md5->addfile( $handle )->hexdigest;
# Obtain the mimetype
# Obtain the subtype
# Adapt the filename to make it an id
# Return what is needed
my $mimetype = &{$self->{'mimetype'} || \&_default_mimetype}( $filename );
my $subtype = &{$self->{'subtype'} || \&_default_subtype}( $filename );
$filename =~ s#^$self->{'source'}##;
return ($filename,$mtime,$size,$hexdigest,$mimetype,$subtype);
} #next_document
# IN: 1 instantiated object
# 2 servername to be used (default: `hostname`)
sub server {
# Obtain the object
# Obtain the hostname, make sure it's clean
my $self = shift;
chomp( my $server = shift || `hostname` );
# Set default browse_url subroutine
# Set default conceptual_url subroutine
# Set fetch_url subroutine
$self->browse_url( $self->_browse_url );
$self->conceptual_url( $self->_conceptual_url );
$self->fetch_url( sub {"http://$server/$_[0]"} );
} #server
# IN: 1 instantiated object
# 2 (optional) new subroutine reference for subtype routine
# OUT: 1 current/old subroutine reference for subtype routine
sub subtype { shift->_variable( 'subtype',@_ ) } #subtype
# IN: 1 instantiated object
# 2 (optional) new subroutine reference for wanted routine
# OUT: 1 current/old subroutine reference for wanted routine
sub wanted { shift->_variable( 'wanted',@_ ) } #wanted
# The following subroutines deal with standard Perl features
# Internal subroutines
# IN: 1 filename
# OUT: 1 mimetype to be associated with name or empty string
sub _default_mimetype {
# Obtain the extension
# Check for lowercase version's mimetype and return that if possible
shift =~ m#\.(\w+)$#;
$default_mimetype{lc($1)} || '';
} #_default_mimetype
# IN: 1 filename
# OUT: 1 subtype associated with filename
sub _default_subtype {''} #_default_subtype
# IN: 1 filename
# OUT: 1 flag: whether filename should be included
sub _default_wanted { $_[0] =~ m#\.(?:$default_wanted)$#io } #_default_wanted
sub _timestamp {
# Obtain constituent parts of time value
# Convert to timestamp and return
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = gmtime( shift );
sprintf( '%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d',1900+$year,1+$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec );
} #_timestamp
=head1 NAME
LCC::Documents::filesystem - Documents stored on a filesystem
use LCC;
$lcc = LCC->new( | {method => value} );
$lcc->Documents( '/dir', | {method => value} ); # figures out it's filesystem
$lcc->Documents( 'filesystem','/dir', | {method => value} ); # force filesystem
The Documents object of the Perl support for LCC that should be used when
documents are stored as files on a filesystem. Do not create directly, but
through the Documents method of the LCC object.
Uses the File::Find module to create a list of files.
=head1 METHODS
Apart from the methods documented here, see the methods available in the
LCC::Documents module.
=head2 file_find_options
$lcc->Documents( '/dir', {file_find_options => {bydepth => 1}} );
Specify (and/or return) the reference to the hash that is passed as the
first parameter to File::Find::find. For more information, check the
documentation of the File::Find module.
=head2 mimetype
$lcc->Documents( '/dir', {mimetype => \&mymimetype} );
Specify (and/or return) the reference of the subroutine that will be called
to find out the MIME-type of each file that is being checked. Is expected to
accept a single parameter, the absolute filename of the file being checked.
Is expected to return the MIME-type to be associated with the file, or undef.
A default "mimetype" routine will be assumed that will return the correct
MIME-type for all of the filetypes that are accepted by the default L<wanted>
=head2 subtype
$lcc->Documents( '/dir', {subtype => \&mysubtype} );
Specify (and/or return) the reference of the subroutine that will be called
to find out the subtype of each file that is being checked. Is expected to
accept a single parameter, the absolute filename of the file being checked.
Is expected to return the subtype to be associated with the file, or undef.
A default "subtype" routine will be assumed that will always return an empty
=head2 wanted
$lcc->Documents( '/dir', {wanted => \&mywanted} );
Specify (and/or return) the reference of the subroutine that will be called
for B<each> file encountered. Is expected to accept a single parameter, the
absolute filename of the file being checked. Is also expected to return a
true value if the file should be included in the check.
A default "wanted" subroutine will be assumed if this method is never called.
This subroutine checks whether the file as any of the following extensions:
and returns true (to indicate the file should be included in the check) if
the extension matches.
=head1 AUTHOR
Elizabeth Mattijsen, <liz@dijkmat.nl>.
Please report bugs to <perlbugs@dijkmat.nl>.
Copyright (c) 2002 Elizabeth Mattijsen <liz@dijkmat.nl>. All rights
reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 SEE ALSO
http://lococa.sourceforge.net, the LCC.pm and the other LCC::xxx modules.