BEGIN { # Magic Perl CORE pragma
if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib';
warn <<EOD if -t STDERR; # warn only if someone is watching
During testing some warnings may appear, specifically from undefined values
being used in AutoLoader. These seem to be a side-effect of the magic that
Thread::Needs is performing. For now, the errors seem harmless but can
unfortunately not be fixed (yet). Suggestions for a fix will be appreciated.
use strict;
use Test::More tests => 15;
BEGIN { use_ok( 'threads' ) }
ok( !scalar(Thread::Needs->import( qw(Storable) )), 'check import without' );
can_ok( 'Thread::Needs',qw(
) );
# should fail because Storable not loaded
my $thread = threads->new( sub { eval {Storable::freeze( \@_ )}; $@ } );
isa_ok( $thread,'threads', 'check object type' );
my $result = $thread->join;
like( $result,qr/^Undefined subroutine &Storable::freeze called at/,
'check result of eval' );
# should fail because Storable removed from thread memory
$thread = threads->new( sub { eval {Storable::freeze( \@_ )}; $@ } );
isa_ok( $thread,'threads', 'check object type' );
$result = $thread->join;
like( $result,qr/^Undefined subroutine &Storable::freeze called at/,
'check result of eval' );
my @notyet = Thread::Needs->import( qw(Storable) );
ok( (@notyet == 1 and $notyet[0] eq 'Storable'), 'check import with' );
# Fails because something Storable needs is not available
$thread = threads->new( sub { eval {Storable::freeze( \@_ )}; $@ } );
isa_ok( $thread,'threads', 'check object type' );
$result = $thread->join;
unlike( $result,qr/^Undefined subroutine &Storable::freeze called at/,
'check result of eval' );
my @any = Thread::Needs->unimport( @notyet );
cmp_ok( scalar(@any),'==',0, 'check unimport with' );
# should fail because Storable removed from thread memory
$thread = threads->new( sub { eval {Storable::freeze( \@_ )}; $@ } );
isa_ok( $thread,'threads', 'check object type' );
$result = $thread->join;
like( $result,qr/^Undefined subroutine &Storable::freeze called at/,
'check result of eval' );