# Make things as strict as possible.
profile-strictness = quiet
severity = 1
verbose = %f: %m at line %l, column %c. %e. (Severity: %s, %p)\n
# Tags are good enough for me.
# No Emacs around here.
# Need to write CodeLayout::RequireUTF8
# Perl::Tidy wouldn't know a properly formatted conditional expression
# if one stomped all over Perl::Tidy.pm. (Not to say that P::T isn't
# useful.)
# Don't require POD for tests.
functions = open close
allow_all_brackets = 1
allow_all_brackets = 1
# Magic numbers BAD. (It doesn't hurt that I wrote this policy.)
severity = 4
# For some reason, this chokes on v-strings within a version constructor
# and I don't have time to chase this down.
# setup vim: set filetype=conf tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab :
# setup vim: set shiftwidth=4 shiftround textwidth=78 nowrap autoindent :
# setup vim: set foldmethod=indent foldlevel=0 :