#!/usr/bin/env perl -Tw
use strict;
use Test::More tests => 6;
my $client;
my $project;
$client = Net::OneSky->new(api_key => 'key', api_secret => 'secret');
$project = $client->project(123);
# Valid params
ok( defined $project, 'it returns something');
ok( $project->isa('Net::OneSky::Project'), ' and it is a Net::OneSky::Project');
trap {
is($trap->leaveby, 'die', 'it dies without a project id');
ok($trap->die->{trace}->{message} =~ /undef/, ' with the correct error message');
trap {
is($trap->leaveby, 'die', 'it dies when the project id is non-numeric');
ok($trap->die->{trace}->{message} =~ /'Num'/, ' with the correct error message');