Inline::Java - Write Perl classes in Java.
Inline::Java lets you write Perl classes in Java.
use Inline Java => <<'END';
class JAxH {
public JAxH(String x){
System.out.println("Just Another " + x + " Hacker") ;
new JAxH('Inline') ;
When run, this complete program prints:
Just Another Inline Hacker
Inline::Java now provides a JNI extension that allows you to load the Java
virtual machine as shared object instead of running it as a separate process.
See README.JNI for more information on building the JNI extension.
- This module requires Inline version 0.44 or higher to be installed.
- It also requires a version of the Java SDK 1.2 or higher to be
installed. You can get the latest Java SDK from Sun Microsystems
to install the Java SDK properly.
To install Inline::Java do this:
% perl Makefile.PL J2SDK=/your/java/dir (see Note 1)
% make (see Note 2)
% make test (see Note 3, 4)
% make install
You have to 'make install' before you can run it successfully.
Note 1: Under Win95/98/Me, you may need to do 'cd ..' to get back to the
your original directory after the command has completed. Also, you may set
either the JAVA_HOME or the PERL_INLINE_JAVA_J2SDK environment variable to
/your/java/dir instead of using the J2SDK Makefile.PL parameter.
Note 2: Use nmake on Win32.
Note 3: If you have built the JNI extension and want the test suite to use
it, you will need to set the PERL_INLINE_JAVA_JNI environment variable to 1
BEFORE running 'make test'.
Note 4: When testing Inline::Java, it's always a good idea to run 'make test'
twice. The first time you test the building and loading of a module, the
second time you test loading of an already built module.
Inline::Java version 0.52 is a minor upgrade that includes:
- Fixed JNI on cygwin (many thanks to Eric Rybski for the patch)
- Improved installation. 'make java' is now performed automatically.
- Fixed problems with disappearing exceptions by localizing $@.
- Other minor bug fixes.
See CHANGES for a full change list.
= For more information on Inline::Java, see 'perldoc Inline::Java'.
= For information about Inline, see 'perldoc Inline'.
Inline::Java's mailing list is
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Please send questions and comments to Patrick LeBoutillier <>.
Copyright (c) 2001-2005, Patrick LeBoutillier. All Rights Reserved.