Files in this directory are a subset, slightly modified, of the Small
Scientific Library by Kenneth Geisshirt. They may be distributed and
modified under the same terms as PDL itself.
From Thu Jan 13 14:40:30 2005
Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2005 22:40:30 +0100
From: Kenneth Geisshirt <>
Subject: Re: Small Scientific Library use within Perl/PDL?
Craig DeForest wrote:
> I notice that, while you have made SSL available for download, there is no
> indication that it is free software. Are you willing to distribute SSL under
> the Perl Artistic License (or some other free software license)?
That's my mistake: SSLib is free software. I'll create a new tar ball
this weekend (including a license). I'll probably use the MIT X License
since it's the less restricted license I know.
If you decide to use some of my routines in PDL I'll be very happy. And
if you need any help please let me know.
SSLib is a very simple library - not that the routines are simple but
the API is on a basic level and the application programmer must be very
aware of how to call routines and use the data structure.
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