use strict;
plan skip_all => 'bigmem tests skipped to avoid OOM fails';
} else {
plan skip_all => 'bigmem tests skipped to avoid OOM fails';
# plan tests => 2;
use PDL;
# Tests for PDL::Core
# NOTE: pdl and PDL->new can't really be tested since the corresponding
# perl data may be 10-100x bigger than the end pdl element sizes.
# A lot of these PDL::Core tests simply check that these routines don't
# break for large pdls as a sanity check. Ideally, more thorough tests
# could be done but code inspection/review might be more efficient.
# nelem
# dims
# shape
my $bigbyte = ones( byte, 5*1024*1024*1024+17 );
ok( $bigbyte->shape->sclr == $bigbyte->nelem, "shape handles indx dims > 4GiB");
$bigbyte = ones(byte, 2**30, 4);
my $aaa = $bigbyte->slice("3:-10");
my $bbb = $aaa->slice(":,3");
ok( $bbb->sum == $bbb->nelem, "slices of slices of giant PDLs seem to work right");
# ndims
# getndims
# dim
# getdim
# get_dataref
# upd_data
# copy
# unwind
# make_physical
# dummy
# clump
# broadcast_define
# broadcast
# diagonal
# broadcast[123I]
# sever
# info
# mslice
# inplace, is_inplace, set_inplace, new_or_inplace
# new_from_specification
# zeros
# ones
# reshape
# squeeze
# flat
# convert
# byte|short|ushort|long|indx|longlong|float|double
# set, at, sclr
# cat, dog
# set_autopthread_targ, get_autopthread_targ, get_autopthread_actual, set_autopthread_size, get_autopthread_size
done_testing(); # tests done