use strict;
eval { require Capture::Tiny };
plan skip_all => 'Capture::Tiny not found' if $@;
my $expected_stderr = '';
# first capture the output of a program that does *not* call eq_pdl()
# this is to work around warnings that might be emitted by other modules (e.g.,
# File::Map on some platforms complaining about the :all tag)
my $rc;
my( $stdout, $stderr ) = Capture::Tiny::capture( sub {
my @cmd = ( $^X, '-Ilib', '-MTest::PDL=eq_pdl', '-e1' );
$rc = system @cmd;
} );
cmp_ok $rc, '==', 0, 'system() succeeded';
is $stdout, '', 'no output on stdout';
$expected_stderr = $stderr;
# test that eq_pdl() doesn't produce any output so it can safely be used in non-test code
my $rc;
my( $stdout, $stderr ) = Capture::Tiny::capture( sub {
my @cmd = ( $^X, '-Ilib', '-MTest::PDL=eq_pdl', '-e', 'scalar eq_pdl(3,4)' );
$rc = system @cmd;
} );
cmp_ok $rc, '==', 0, 'system() succeeded';
is $stdout, '', 'eq_pdl() does not produce output on stdout';
is $stderr, $expected_stderr, 'eq_pdl() does not produce output on stderr';
# test that eq_pdl() doesn't produce any output in list context so it can safely be used in non-test code
my $rc;
my( $stdout, $stderr ) = Capture::Tiny::capture( sub {
my @cmd = ( $^X, '-Ilib', '-MTest::PDL=eq_pdl', '-e', '(eq_pdl(3,4))' );
$rc = system @cmd;
} );
cmp_ok $rc, '==', 0, 'system() succeeded';
is $stdout, '', 'eq_pdl() does not produce output on stdout in list context';
is $stderr, $expected_stderr, 'eq_pdl() does not produce output on stderr in list context';