package PDL::IO::STL;
use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.001';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw( rstl wstl );
our %EXPORT_TAGS = (Func=>[@EXPORT_OK]);
our @ISA = ('PDL::Exporter');
use PDL::IO::Misc; # for little/big-endian
=head1 NAME
PDL::IO::STL - read/write 3D stereolithography files
use PDL;
use PDL::IO::STL;
($vertices, $faceidx, $colours) = rstl('owl.stl'); # read an STL file
wstl('file.stl', $vertices, $faceidx, $colours); # write an STL file
Normal-vector information is currently ignored.
The "attribute byte count", used sometimes to store colour information,
is currently ignored.
This module is based on L<CAD::Format::STL>, but with C<binmode> on
opened filehandles and little-endian (i.e. network) order forced on the
binary format.
=head2 rstl
=for ref
Read an STL file (ASCII or binary), returning vertices and face-indices.
=for example
($vertices, $faceidx, $colours) = rstl('owl.stl'); # read an STL file
sub rstl { PDL->rstl(@_); }
sub PDL::rstl {
my $class = shift;
barf 'Usage: $x = rstl($file) -or- $x = PDL->rstl($file)' if @_ < 1 || @_ > 2;
my $file = shift;
# allow filehandle
unless((ref($file) || '') eq 'GLOB') {
open(my $fh, '<', $file) or
barf "cannot open '$file' for reading $!";
binmode $fh;
$file = $fh;
barf('must have seekable filehandle') if !seek($file, 0,0);
my $mode = _detect($file);
seek($file, 0, 0) or barf "cannot reset filehandle";
my $func = $mode eq 'ascii' ? \&_read_ascii : \&_read_binary;
sub _detect {
my $fh = shift;
my $location = tell $fh;
my $buf; read($fh, $buf, 5) or barf $@;
seek($fh, $location, 0), return 'ascii' if $buf eq 'solid';
seek($fh, $location + 80, 0);
my $count = eval {
my $buf; read($fh, $buf, 4) or barf $@;
unpack('L<', $buf);
$@ and seek($fh, $location, 0), return 'ascii'; # if we hit eof, not binary
$count or barf "detection failed - no facets?";
my $size = (stat($fh))[7];
barf "failed to stat '$fh'" if !defined $size;
# calculate the expected file size
my $expect =
+ 80 # header
+ 4 # count
+ $count * (
+ 4 # normal, pt,pt,pt (vectors)
* 3 # values per vector
* 4 # bytes per value
+ 2 # the trailing 'short'
return ($size - $location >= $expect) ? 'binary' : 'ascii';
my $p_re = qr/([^ ]+)\s+([^ ]+)\s+([^ ]+)$/;
sub _read_ascii {
my ($fh) = @_;
my $getline = sub {
while(my $line = <$fh>) {
$line =~ s/\s*$//; # allow any eol
length($line) or next;
my (@tri, $part);
while(my $line = $getline->()) {
if($line =~ m/^\s*solid\s*(.*)/) {
$part = $1;
elsif($line =~ m/^\s*endsolid\s*(.*)/) {
my $name = $1;
if (length $name) { # only catch if wrong; if absent, fine
barf "invalid 'endsolid' entry with no current part" if !defined $part;
barf "end of part '$name' should have been '$part'" if $name ne $part;
$part = undef;
barf "what? ($line)" if !defined $part;
my @n = ($line =~ m/^\s*facet\s+normal\s+$p_re/) or
barf "how did that happen? ($line)";
my $next = $getline->();
unless($next and ($next =~ m/^\s*outer\s+loop$/)) {
barf "facet doesn't start with 'outer loop' ($next)";
my @this_tri;
while(my $line = $getline->()) {
($line =~ m/^\s*endloop$/) and last;
if($line =~ m/^\s*vertex\s+$p_re/) {
push(@this_tri, [$1, $2, $3]);
barf "need three vertices per facet (not @{[ 0+@this_tri ]})" if @this_tri != 3;
my $end = $getline->();
($end and ($end =~ m/^\s*endfacet/)) or
barf "bad endfacet $line";
push @tri, \@this_tri;
barf "part '$part' was left open" if defined $part;
_as_ndarray(pdl PDL::float(), \@tri);
sub _as_ndarray {
my ($pdl) = @_;
my $uniqv = $pdl->uniqvec;
($uniqv, $pdl->vsearchvec($uniqv), undef);
sub _read_binary {
my ($fh) = @_;
barf "bigfloat" unless(length(pack("f", 1)) == 4);
# TODO try to read part name from header (up to \0)
seek($fh, 80, 0);
my $buf; read($fh, $buf, 4) or warn "EOF?"; my $triangles = unpack('L<', $buf);
my $bytes = 50 * $triangles; # norm+3vertices * 3float + short with length of extra
my $bytespdl = zeroes PDL::byte(), 50, $triangles;
my $bytesread = read($fh, ${$bytespdl->get_dataref}, $bytes);
barf "Tried to read $bytes but only got $bytesread" if $bytesread != $bytes;
my $floatpdl = zeroes PDL::float(), 3, 4, $triangles;
${$floatpdl->get_dataref} = ${$bytespdl->slice('0:47')->get_dataref};
$floatpdl->type->bswap->($floatpdl) if isbigendian();
# TODO check that the unit normal is within a thousandth of a radian
# (0.001 rad is ~0.06deg)
=head2 wstl
=for ref
Simple PDL FITS writer
=for example
wstl 'file.stl', $vertices, $faceidx;
wstl 'file.stl', $vertices, $faceidx, \%OPTIONS;
wstl $fh, $vertices, $faceidx, \%OPTIONS;
Passing a file-handle is supported, so multiple parts can be written to
an ASCII file with several calls.
C<wstl> accepts several options that may be passed in as a hash ref
if desired:
=over 3
=item mode (default='binary')
Whether to write out the file as ASCII or binary.
=item name (default='part')
The part name to use.
our $wstl_options = PDL::Options->new( { mode=>'binary', name=>'part' } );
my %valid_mode = map +($_=>1), qw(ascii binary);
sub wstl { PDL->wstl(@_); }
sub PDL::wstl {
barf 'Usage: wstl($file,$vertices,$faceidx,[$colours],[{options}])' if @_<3 || @_>5;
my (undef, $file, $v, $f, $c) = @_;
my $u_opt = ifhref($_[-1]);
my $opt = $wstl_options->options($u_opt);
my $mode = $opt->{mode};
barf "invalid write mode '$mode'" if !$valid_mode{$mode};
# allow filehandle
unless((ref($file) || '') eq 'GLOB') {
open(my $fh, '>', $file) or
barf "cannot open '$file' for writing $!";
binmode $fh;
$file = $fh;
my $func = $mode eq 'ascii' ? \&_write_ascii : \&_write_binary;
$func->($file, $v, $f, $c, $opt->{name});
sub _write_binary {
my ($fh, $v, $f, $c, $name) = @_;
print $fh $name, "\0" x (80 - do {use bytes; length($name)});
print $fh pack 'L<', $f->dim(1);
foreach my $facet (@{ $v->dice_axis(1, $f->flat)->splitdim(1,3)->unpdl }) {
print $fh map {map pack('f<', $_), @$_} [0,0,0], @$facet;
print $fh "\0" x 2;
sub _write_ascii {
my ($fh, $v, $f, $c, $name) = @_;
my $spaces = '';
my $print = sub {print $fh $spaces . join(' ', @_) . "\n"};
$print->('solid', $name);
$spaces = ' 'x2;
foreach my $facet (@{ $v->dice_axis(1, $f->flat)->splitdim(1,3)->unpdl }) {
my ($n, @pts) = ([0,0,0], @$facet);
$print->('facet normal', @$n);
$spaces = ' 'x4;
$print->('outer loop');
$spaces = ' 'x6;
(@pts == 3) or barf "invalid facet";
foreach my $pt (@pts) {
$print->('vertex', @$pt);
$spaces = ' 'x4;
$spaces = ' 'x2;
$spaces = '';
$print->('endsolid', $name);
=head1 AUTHOR
Ed J, based on Eric Wilhelm's code in L<CAD::Format::STL>.